Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Originally posted by I'm_a_learning:<br /> Bassrunner, your link is not working
It's working now. James i'm taking it out tomorrow morning, was going today woke up it was poring and when it quit the wind started blowing real bad. I'll take the camera and show you the bikinis, bye the way with aluminum you just dust it off and go to the lake not have to rebuild it. :D

self taut

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 25, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

yea that was a good rain this morning werent it?ill have to go and get all that water out of my hull here in a bit. the drain hole will empty most of it though.wish this rain would hold off a bit.i've got 10 days off of work and want to get some done on that boat.wind stoped blowing here if you hurry you might get an evening run.take your fishing pole too.got a feeling about fishing today.if i didnt have other junk to take care of today would be out myself.but be warned the drunks have already started their weekend holiday binge.seen 3 pulled over last night.how do i know they were drunk.well if you had seen the way they were pulled off the side of the road you wouldnt ask.enjoy your weekend Dave. and ifin i dont chat with ya sooner enjoy the 4th and keep er safe.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Shot craps again now it idles but thats about all, it only runs about 8 or 10 mph wide open, geeze now i guess i'll have to tear the carbs down again for the umteenth time, man this is getting old. you guys have a good weekend guess ill just be working on my boat.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Well finally, all it was is a kinked fuel line behind the silencer (the little short one that feeds the top and bottom carb) it will fly now but tach is acting up, but thanks to Kenny in the lone star state i found out the pitch on the prop is 21 not 19, going to change props and try for a little more hole shot (again thanks Kenny) going to take it out and see what it will do. Getting closer all the time. :cool: