Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Finally when and got the 1959 16' Texas Maid today and boy is the hull in good shape wish I could say the same for the transom and floor, I started the teardown and cleanup today I'll take some pics tomorrow and post them for any of you aluminum boat finatics. :cool: web page

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Those were great little boats.<br /><br />There's one here in a scrapyard that's in decent shape for one to re-build. The guy'd probaby take a hundred bucks or so for it. He gets Alum. boats every so often, and tries to sell them 'as-is' instead of just sending them to the smelter. If I wasn't in the middle of building this Al. Hydroplane, it'd be one I'd like to get & turn into a good fishing boat myself with about a 50-75 hp engine on it.<br /><br />When its done, I think you'll be happy with it. When I was a kid, they were very popular, and you'd see them all over the place around here.<br /><br />If it was me, I'd sure put a few inches of water in it to be sure the hull didn't leak under the floor before I got the decking nailed down.<br /><br /><br />Good luck with it.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

I have pulled the floor and flotation out, leveled the boat and filled it with water to about 4" above the stringers and let it set 5 hours and nothing on the outside except a little condensation on the hull, no leaks at all, i have checked the hull off the trailer and no scrapes or repairs anywhere, the floor was original as is the transom which i am in the process of replacing now, kind of a pain getting all the rivits out without damageing the hull, going to replace the rivits with stainless screws and self locking nuts. Do you have any idea if a 59 had a rear bench seat, the front is a bench but can see no place where it was mounted, in 60 they came out with back to back seats but i can't find anything on 58 or 59 as far as original configuraition? Also i am looking for a windshild and frame this one didn't have one on it.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

I can't remember seeing a rear bench seat in them. Lots of fiberglass boats had them for the extra reinforcement so the hull could resist a twist better. But I don't rmember many Al. boats having them. If you work the boat much, fishing or sking; you'd probably not like it, as the bench seat gets in the way of using the last few feet of boat. I've had a couple in fiberglass hulls, but never liked them.<br /><br />The way the supports run in it, you can pretty much configure it any way ya want and not worry about leaving out any bracing. <br /><br />When its done, I think you'll really like it. They were great boats.<br /><br />I don't know about the windshield. That might take a little digging, but they have to be around. Or shouldn't be that hard to fabricate if you still have the frame & hardware. There used to be all sorts of info on heating and warping/shaping plexiglass sheets in years back. If you live near a large city, getting a sheet of it shouldn't be hard. I think I paid about $75 for the last 4'x8' sheet of 1/4" I got to make cabin windows out of.<br /><br />Good luck.<br /><br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Well Ed the problem is I don't have the frame or hardware i'm going to need it all. Buy the way i have a few pics. on my web page if you want to take a look, got the floor, seat, and transom out. Here it is. web page


Nov 24, 2001
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

What is the round loudspeakerlooking thingys on the sides of it ? :D

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Dane,<br />Those are little porthole/windows. They are the way to always spot a Texas Maid and tell it from anything else.<br /><br />Bass R. those are good pics. That thing is in real decent shape. You've actually got a lot to work with. On those light little boats, we always took the steering wheel off and flipped them over onto a few 5 gallon buckets to paint the bottom. It'll come out like the factory did it. <br /><br />With a 50-70 horse OB on it, it will take some heavy weather too, and float over 10' waves like a styrofoam cup.<br /><br />I'll try to dig around and see what sort of windshields are available. If nothing else, you could get the base brackets from a boat graveyard, or make them from 1/8 to 3/16ths Aluminum flat stock, and build it yourself, maybe even without a top frame on it if it isn't too tall.<br /> <br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Winger Ed. did the one in the scrapyard have one on it or did you notice, i've been looking around here and can't find another one, I did find a 18' Tahiti with a 85hp Johnson on it with a bad lower unit in abaline for $600 but the guy that has it hasn't got back to me yet. If you have a digital camera could you take a pic of the one in the scrap yard I might be interested in it, don't go way out of you way. Thanks.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Sure. I'll get a pic if ya want, and ask the dude what he wants for it.<br /><br />Yours is really in a little better shape if you plan to build one or the other. This one is stripped down to the bare Aluminum-- somebody sold it for scrap ya know.<br /><br />But in years past, I've gotten boats for $50-100 bucks, done a halfway decent restoration on them-- new floor & transom wood, then done a fast Freddie paint job, and sold 'em for around a thousand. <br /><br /><br />If you're needing to scrounge a engine, I'll sell ya a '77 stack 4 Merc. 50 horse for $400. It has 100.00 lbs. of comprseeion in all 4 cylinders and I rebuilt both carbs & fuel pumps last year. The lower unit is fine except for the (re-welded)fin under the prop was broken off when I got it. I drilled 1/8" holes In the gear & shaft to put in a roll pin lock it in 'Forward'--long story but it seemed necessary at the time. But it can be drilled back out too to give fwd/neut/rev back. <br /><br />For a 50, it runs great. And even comes with a trailer and a running 'D' class, 11 foot long, knee rider, cab over, and totally foamed solid Aluminum hydroplane I built back in '96 or so. The perfect condition re-cupped & re-pitched Hole Shot Stainless (16") prop is a extra $100. With me in it at 250pounds, its over propped and only gets up to about 4900rpm (WOT is 5,500 for the eng)and 40mph, but its real safe and a hoot to drive even if ya don't pull the engine for something else. <br /><br />Oh, I looked around for a windshield. That's going to be a problem if you don't just fabricate one yourself. On other boats sights, everyone and their dog is looking for them too.<br /><br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Thanks winger, I was just looking for parts for this one but if it's stripped don't worry about the pics. I might be interested in the hydro shoot a pic or two and send it to me i'm retired and on disability so i need something to do and l love boats, i used to build hydros out of 2 or 3 sheets of plywood and hang a 75 flying scott on them so you don't have to explain the shift lock, the main thing i need for the texas maid is a windshield i may have to buy the 18' tahiti in Austin to get the frame off of it, i have a 85 Johnson to hang on it, the cabover sounds like a hoot even for a old fart like me. dcroc84375@aol.com

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

OK. Be prepared for a long download in your mailbox.<br />I'll send 3 pics I took last Summer, but I haven't shrunk them down or nothing.<br /><br />This is a honest 'D'. It's built from the Clark Craft plans of the 'Ben Hur' circa 1958; but in Aluminum so the termites won't get it. I've learned that its one of 3 built in Aluminum over the years. One by a Frog,,,, ahhhhh, French dude back in the 60's, and a fella living in Florida also about the same time who raced them, and did real well going through the wooden boats in their class like Capt. Nemo did in the Original 'Nautilus'.<br /><br />And then there is this one:<br />Its about 120 pounds to heavy to seriously race due to all the foam--its poured solid. But its sure fun to go out for a hour or two and run around in. <br /><br />The hull will safely handle any motor under about 300 pounds and 100-odd hp. The 50 on it weighs the same as most 70hp 3 cyl. OBs. I just got a deal on it back in the 90s from a boat dealer who overhauled it, the the customer never picked it up & paid for the work. I think I paid $600 for the engine on a trashed out bass boat & trailer back then.<br /><br />I built the boat, modified the trailer, and hung the eng. on it. Then had lots of fun running about 100 gallons of gas through it since '96.<br /><br />Now that I'm building a (expanded) 'F' class hydro, at 16' with a Merc 2.4 (150hp) waiting to go on it....... I don't see myself using the 'D' much anymore.<br /><br />Ed.<br /><br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Ed put something like hydro or such in the subject line so i'll be sure not to delete it by accident, i've got two 70hp Johnsons, one is a 1974 the other is i think a 1986 the 1974 model will outperform the 86 hands down don't understand that but i guess it's like they say older is better, well better get to work on the trailer have got to move the outside bunks so the Texas Maid will go on it without setting on the edge of the boards, it was designed for a late model bass boat and is welded on, Bummer, get out the gas axe and drill :D

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Ed did you sent the pics ? I never did recieve them. thanks.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Originally posted by Bass Runner:<br /> Ed did you sent the pics ? I never did recieve them. thanks.
I did Sun. night I think. Nothing came back, so I figured the address was correct. I'll sure try them again....<br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

I rechecked the e-mail address on the previous post and it is right, dcroc84375@aol.com ,what are you putting in the subject line so i will know which one it is, i get a ton of junk mail that all goes to the spam folder, all but the people on my address book. Thanks again Dave.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Winger Ed if you will put your E-mail address on here i will send you a E-mail then you can just repley with the pictures, if you don't want to post your E-mail i will understand. Thanks

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Originally posted by Bass Runner:<br /> Winger Ed if you will put your E-mail address on here i will send you a E-mail then you can just repley with the pictures, if you don't want to post your E-mail i will understand. Thanks
No problem. I didn't spend 8 years in the Marine Corps learning how to be afraid of anything that comes over phone lines.<br /><br />I've been busier than a cat in the sandbox the last week or so,, that's got me a little behind the curve on keeping up with my mail. Plus, I cleaned out my mail box a few minutes before I saw that you didn't get the pictures. Address, email, everything was cleaned out 10 minutes before I saw the post from yesterday.<br /><br />I intended to put up several pictures of the homebuilt hydro-- the new & the old one on a 'snapshot' site, & link it, but just ran out of time.<br /><br />Send a email to " henderson526@ev1.net ". I'll get 'em to ya.<br /><br />(All small letters, and the number '1')<br /><br />Ed.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Hey Ed I sent you a E-mail so all you have to do is keep it untill you get the picures together then just reply and attach them.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Well got the transom in and the floor after a week drying the flotation out, mounted the motor and now it's starting to look like a boat again will post more pics. tomorrow night after i get the seats in and start installing the tanks.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)

Well got the permanate mount tank and seats in all the wiring done and a seat box built over the tank, ready for the carpet and a good wax job then it's load the beer and head for the lake. Wahoo :D The Maid