Re: Texas Maid Project (Pics.)
Sure. I'll get a pic if ya want, and ask the dude what he wants for it.<br /><br />Yours is really in a little better shape if you plan to build one or the other. This one is stripped down to the bare Aluminum-- somebody sold it for scrap ya know.<br /><br />But in years past, I've gotten boats for $50-100 bucks, done a halfway decent restoration on them-- new floor & transom wood, then done a fast Freddie paint job, and sold 'em for around a thousand. <br /><br /><br />If you're needing to scrounge a engine, I'll sell ya a '77 stack 4 Merc. 50 horse for $400. It has 100.00 lbs. of comprseeion in all 4 cylinders and I rebuilt both carbs & fuel pumps last year. The lower unit is fine except for the (re-welded)fin under the prop was broken off when I got it. I drilled 1/8" holes In the gear & shaft to put in a roll pin lock it in 'Forward'--long story but it seemed necessary at the time. But it can be drilled back out too to give fwd/neut/rev back. <br /><br />For a 50, it runs great. And even comes with a trailer and a running 'D' class, 11 foot long, knee rider, cab over, and totally foamed solid Aluminum hydroplane I built back in '96 or so. The perfect condition re-cupped & re-pitched Hole Shot Stainless (16") prop is a extra $100. With me in it at 250pounds, its over propped and only gets up to about 4900rpm (WOT is 5,500 for the eng)and 40mph, but its real safe and a hoot to drive even if ya don't pull the engine for something else. <br /><br />Oh, I looked around for a windshield. That's going to be a problem if you don't just fabricate one yourself. On other boats sights, everyone and their dog is looking for them too.<br /><br />Ed.