Texas Maid or Lone Star???

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Ron Everson

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 18, 2003
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Thought I would add a few more pics of our former TM. It had a 1959 Johnson 50 hp Super Seahorse, which I renovated and got quite a few years of fun out of. That old V4 would really push that boat. After it overheated and seized up, I replaced it with a 58 horse Evinrude (1960ish?). It was kind of a dog, but it never quit. Didn't have seats to begin with, but built some boxes and mounted plastic swivel seats on them. We added the rag top with side windows and back panel for storms, and used it a lot to stay dry. The floor (plywood) was mounted directly on the aluminum cross-members, so removal and replacement was simple. Replaced the rotten wood in the transom, since it would flex back and forth when the motor was engaged. The boat would occasionally pop a rivet in rough water, and electrical tape over the hole would last the season. It just wasn't big enough, and we sold it a few years after we bought our 21' Reinell. The picture of it with the large cruiser anchored in the background was the occasion where a child on a passing boat (good-sized cruiser) pointed to ours and said "look, mommy, a baby boat!"


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Ron Everson

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 18, 2003
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Missed this pic of the back.


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Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

I have no idea, the guy I bought it from said it was a 1958, the owner before him said it was a 1956 and the owner before him said it was a lot older and thought it was a 1952 or something. I have 1 more past owner to talk to, hopefully they will know. As far as the power, no one knows.

This is a smoke screen. The boats followed the auto industry as I said earlier;;;;;;;I was there. The auto industry didn't get into fins (other than Cadillac) till 1957. Boats followed. There were no fins before 1957 on anything other than Cadillac. Okaye? Take it or leave it. Where were you in 1957? Were you here yet?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Card - I think your POs have hazy memories. I don't think your TM is as old as 1952. At 14 ft. you may have an Osprey. Check against your measurements here - all the dimensions by model for 1957-1963 TMs.

This is a smoke screen. The boats followed the auto industry as I said earlier;;;;;;;I was there. The auto industry didn't get into fins (other than Cadillac) till 1957. Boats followed. There were no fins before 1957 on anything other than Cadillac. Okaye? Take it or leave it. Where were you in 1957? Were you here yet?

Other than Caddy? Studebakers had fins in 54. Fords had fins (sticking out the sides) starting in 49, 55 Chevies had fins, Dodges started in 55 and lots of others. I was there, young, but I as there.


Jan 9, 2012
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

No, I was not around back then, I was born in 1970. I definitely know now it is a Texas Maid. But most of the older boats with the same fins were flat along the top of the fin or the rear most upper point of the fins stuck out past the stern a bit.

My fins are not flat on top, the go up to a point and at the rear most upper point of the fins are flush with the stern. Meaning that when you view the boat from the side, the rear of the fins line up to the same angle as the stern and does not point out past the stern... If that makes since.

I did see a picture of a 1958 Texas Maid Falcon that appears to be more like my boat than any other TM in both size and shape, including the fins, but the one I seen had the fins that looked like they pointed out further than the stern, it was hard to tell from the pic.

My TM has to be either a Falcon or Osprey. I wish there were other places on the hull where I can find some type of serial numbers or something other than the missing VIN plate on the dash. Even the HP and weight rating plate on the stern was lost when th wood was replaced back through the years from the previous owners.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

regardless of the year, make and model, keep those fins and show 'em off. You'll be the coolest guy on the lake, and it's a proven fact that fins and/or racing stripes make any vehicle go faster........probably :) Cheers! Can't wait to see what you do with her.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Love your Texas Maid. It does look more like the Falcon than the Osprey, but it's definitely one or the other. I have a '59 Osprey that I've been restoring (I had to put the project on hold for awhile due to going through the 'Big D' :(, but hope to get back to it soon).

59maid 3.jpg59maid 6.jpgsodablast11.jpgIMG-20110708-00111.jpgIMG00283-20110422-1617.jpg

Mine has a back bench seat and a cover over the engine well. Other than that, I don't think there's much difference between the two. I have quite a few pics and some literature on the Ospreys and a few pics of the Falcons. Let me know if you need any info. Btw, there should be a serial number stamped on the stern just under the handle on the right side. At least that's where mine is.

Anyway, congrats on the new project. These are really fun little boats. And, I agree with kfa4303, the fins are wicked cool :cool: and they definitely make you go faster :D


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Dang Johnny, that is a SWEEET boat!!!! I love the raw aluminum look and the vintage Lark and fins are perfect! Sorry to hear about the Big D, but that's a chick magnet, if ever there was one!

btw....did you get your screen name from the old Reggae song? If not check this out. It's a song all about you! LOL!


Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

I did pick my screen name up from the old Slicker's song! Awesome that you knew that. You're one of the few that have ever picked up on it. :cool:

Anyway, thanks for compliments on the boat. I still have a ways to go, but hopefully I can get back into it soon. Just started getting some motivation back. :) I plan to paint the topside and gunwhales bright red to match the red accent on the Lark (I have the paint and self etching primer, just have to wait for warmer weather), and plan to leave the sides 'natural' and just keep them polished out.

The Lark is also a '59 (wanted to keep it consistent) and it's the perfect size for my boat. I also picked up a 1959 Tee-Nee trailer that I'm hoping to finish by summer (like I don't have enough projects, ha ha).

Funny what you say about it being a chick magnet. I swear everytime I put her in, there's a $40-50k boat next to me at the boat ramp and everybody wants to ask me about my $400 tinny. Classic.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Oh yeah, the red paint will be sweet too. It's good for another 10-20 mph on the top end all by itself, especially if you add some go-fast stripes :) Old tinnies rule! Any one (well not me), but any one else can go buy a $50k fiberglass, d-bag cruiser, but the tin fin runabout is one of a kind, and looks like it's straight out of the Jetsons. It's the same reason a hot rod will always be cooler than the latest vette some guy bought off the showroom floor. Glad you're gettin' some looks at the ramp too. Girls are good like that sometimes. They'll go with the quirky, funny lookin' guy(boat), if he's got personality, rather than the big meathead jock ($50k cruiser). Keep on skankin'. Keep us posted.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

I would love to see them. Can you e-mail them to me at
no_spam @ thehomedrs.com

Sent you an email. Let me know if it doesn't come through or if you have trouble with any of the links or pics.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

kfa4303, red paint will definitely add 20mph at WOT :D I don't know about racing stipes, though. The lakes up here in Colorado aren't near big enough to handle that kind of speed. Ha ha

I couldn't agree more with your assessment re: "d-bag cruisers" and hot rods. I'm currently restoring a '64 Chevy stepside to tow her to the lake with, just to make sure I fall into the latter and not be confused with the former. :cool:


Anyway, sorry cardhost. Not trying to hijack your thread. Looking forward to seeing some pics of your progress.


Jan 9, 2012
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Testing 1 2 3

There we go. I hate that, you type out a long post and hit the post reply button and nothing was saved or posted.

Well, I don't feel like typing it all out again so I will make it short...

The project is on hold until I get th hull bead blasted down to bare metal and all the original chrome cleats, trim and lights are re-chromed. Hopefully it will be within the next month or 2.

I am now beginning to think that the Osprey is not my boat because every year have seen so far has flat topped fins and the fins stick out past the stern at a sharper angle (see pics). Mine are at the same angle as the stern and flush with it.

Before - 5.jpg - Red and White - 2.jpg - Yellow and White - 1.jpg

See what I mean. And the only Falcon I found is identicle to the Osprey so I actually thing that the Falcon I found was actually an Osprey... UGG!

Another question, can you chrome aluminum? The trim along the inner boat rail has a flat 3/4" aluminum trim that is going to look crappy once I remove the paint. (see pic below)

I do not want to re-paint it because the paint will just flake or peel off later on as you see in most of the restored boats after about a year.

Before - 9.jpg

If not, what can I do with it or can I replace it?


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

I'm not sure about chroming aluminum. I want to say no, but I don't have a good reason :) On the other hand you could just polish up the aluminum trim you have. You can get it to a near mirror finish with enough elbow grease. It's time consuming, but if you sand it with progressively finer grit papers, then finish off with a good aluminum mag wheel polish it'll shine like an Airstream trailer, but it is a lot of work.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

I second the polish on alum. dont think you can chrome alum, and it will cost a small fortune regardless of what the metal is. I think you will be shocked at the cost to re-chrome anything. Much more cost effective to just buy new. I'm doing the same on all my alum trim for my 61 Lone Star. If you dig around there are some products that will let you dip any material (part) and give it the chrome look you want. Others may be able to provide first hand results and product names. Polished alum. and chrome are really close, but I bet alum will require constant up-keep.


May 26, 2009
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Hey, Cardhost,

I have the exact same boat, if yours is a 14 footer. Same color and all, except my splash rail is white, and the powder blue is a stripe, about 2" wide and tapers at both ends, about 6" above the rail. Windshield is even the same.

Anyway, I bought mine from the original owner, it was sold to him in Amarillo, TX. Originally came with an Evenrude 40, which he upgraded to a Chrysler 55 hp in 1972. (if that is an upgrade???) Anyway he used his boat as a fish and ski boat, the larger motor was put on because his kids got bigger.

My boat is currently registered as a 14' Texas Maid, Osprey Model, and as I said, the motor is currently registered as a 1972 Chrysler 55 hp. (We have to register both seperately in TX.)

About the only major difference is that mine has a rear bench seat, if yours came with one, there will be a pair of holes on the inside trim rail right about where you have the 'bow holders' for the cover that was on it. Those 2 or 3 holes were for the backrest bracket of the bench seat.

2 words of caution: Gluvit your seams and rivits. TM used a pliable sealant in the seams, as they rivited them together. That stuff lost it's flexibility 20+ years ago.
The second is, if you still have you original drain plug, do everything not to lose it. You'll never find another.

I like mine, it's a great little runabout boat. Even with the 55hp on it, I can fish all weekend, or ski 1 day on a single tank of gas. Probabaly still have some gas left.



Jan 9, 2012
Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???

Thanks Doo-Daa, but my fins are only about 4 inches higher than the rail. And the top of the fins are almost pointed, not flat. That's my problem, all the other boats I have seen are flat on top of the fins or the fins are taller than mine.

This boat did have a bench in the back and either a bench or a split back bench seat in the front. In the past, someone cut the brackets off where they were riveted to the side rails and you can still see them.

Can you attach some pictures or send me a link where I can see pictures of your boat, I would live to see it. And yes, I have th original drain plug.

I am STILL waiting on all my parts to come back from the chrome shop. Some were so pitted that they had to fill and re-shape using copper before being able to chrome them. I installed new wheel hubs on the trailer, but having problems finding a wheel to fit.

The original hubs are larger toward the back (kind'a cone shaped) so when we tighten the wheel lugs, the wheel is about an 1/8" off the back plate on 1 side of the wheel and right on the plate on the other side of the wheel, making the wheels wobble when spinning.

I guess I am going to add some type of 1/16" or 1/8" spacer behind the wheel on all the studs because I can not find new hubs to fit the axle and I don't want to buy a new axle.
Jul 24, 2015
Wow! Good looking boat Cardhost! I'm in the middle of restoring mine, but I don't know if I will be rechroming...Personally, I liked the pitted look ha here's a few pics - as far as polishing goes it is most definitely time consuming but worth while. I've been calling mine a McCulloch for far too long! I had no badging except where the key ignition on the dash. Today the former owner found his mother's fathers' registration slip from the 60's and when I typed it up on google I found this thread. I know it maybe never looked at, but here's mine! Hoping to hear the end of the story with your boat - I bet she looks good! received_10154646900529466.jpeg received_10154646901384466.jpeg 20160312_155612.jpg


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Too bad cardhost won't see your post. Why is that? Because he disappeared a few days after making the prior post.

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