Everyone BETTER be packin these days! And a .22 won't do you much good. I Cary my 'nam issue 1911...with 3 magazines. Wife carries a 9mm Sig special build with two double stack mags. Don't mess with her....she can shoot! Watch your back everyone!!...,stay safe.
my comment was in jest and do not disagree with what you've said; however, just because the 2nd Amendment gives us the right, it doesn't give everyone the ability. And many may lack the responsibility, good judgement etc that comes with a gun.
Furthermore, "arms" does not define caliber, manufacturer, or much anything else - my understanding is that's left up to the individual. I've told a few opposed to the 2nd A, "if we have war here, I guess you'll be the ones throwing rocks!!"
but then I remember near forty years ago while living in the dinkytown of Bayou Vista, LA while working offshore for Texaco, Gulf, Chevron etc (1981). The local gas station was a social spot and I was hanging out one day when this very young boy comes in. He has twelve rabbits hanging from the belt holding up his pants!!
Armed with a pocket full of rocks, he was helping to feed his family and legendary around these parts.