Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"


Dec 19, 2001
Does anyone else here own one of the new Suzuki 4 strokes? Labor day weekend(Aug 30) I broke the camshaft in my new(1yr old) 70hp Suzuki. It broke in the slot at the end of the cam which drives the oil pump. The dealer can not explain why it happened. As of Dec. 20th I am still without my boat and motor. Suzuki so far has refused to replace the entire outboard and are unable to get replacement parts before Jan 2002. A complete powerhead is not even available. That would be a total of 5 months, yes 5 months if the parts even show up in Jan. Has anyone else had this specific problem with their Suzuki or with availability of parts? Has anyone else had problems similiar to this with Suzuki Co? I even have the 6 year warranty. I strongly recommend looking at other brands if considering a new 4 stroke!! :( :(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2000
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Did they not offer you a loaner motor?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I may be over paranoid here, but to me, it sounds like your dealer is holding-on to your motor just long enough to run the rest of the warantee out,while it sits in the shop.<br />If it were mine,I'd contact local media..They love to chase these things down,under cute names like "the Troubeshooter", "Channel10 on your side"...<br />But when all else fails, try the Better buisness Beuroe (sorry,I can't spell it,but you get my meaning).


Dec 19, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Suzuki Dave & 12 footer, They did not offer me a loaner. I live 130 miles one way from the nearest dealer. I have contacted Suzuki Co. in Brea,CA by phone at least 5 times, written 2 (two page letters)to them, filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and recently hired an attorney from Seattle,WA. I certainly hope the dealer isnt planning on holding my boat until the warranty runs out, cause I have about 4 1/2 years left. At this rate though I may not even have the parts by then. I purchased the boat 7/8/00 and the motor failed 8/30/01. Suzuki customer service in CA tells me the same thing the dealer is telling me. No new engine, no powerheads available and individual parts are on a several month backorder. Im telling you this is the worst nightmare I've ever been involved in! Any suggestions short of one that could land me in prison?? :mad:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 29, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

just pick up the phone and call your state attorney general and let them know whats going on


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I can sympathyze with you. I convinced my father to buy a Honda-what a MISTAKE. He was without the use of his engine (five hours total running time and two months old) for eight months. And his nightmare started in March. He missed the ENTIRE season. They told him that they only get parts shipments from Japan twice a year and he fell into one of those windows. That statement came directly from a Honda (corporate) representative, not the dealer.<br /><br />Also, be aware that the last three years of your warranty are not backed by Suzuki. It is backed by an insurance company owned by General Electric.<br /><br />Wish you well. That engine was also sold by OMC dealers.


Dec 19, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I think it's time we convince some lawmakers that we need our warranty laws rewritten. "If a product cannot be repaired in a timely manner, say 35 days then it must be replaced". My Suzuki dealer has a new 70hp sitting in his show room and has had for months. But, Suzuki will not do the right thing and tell the dealer to replace my outboard. Four months and counting now without my boat and motor.


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I'm not so sure getting the government involved will fix the issue. Forums like these help. Do we really want the same folks that run the Dept. of Motor Vehicles telling someone how to fix our outboards. I can just see it now: Take a number, get to the counter and have some surly clerk tell us we didn't bring the right paperwork-Re peat, repeat, repeat.<br />Manufacturers listen to NO SALES. They pass regulations costs on to the consumer-read us..


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I don't like to say this but I do not think you have any recourse except that of legal action. If you go that route, make sure you go for only reasonable costs.<br />"downtime" and "loss of satisfaction" is hard to prove. <br /><br />I would go for replacement along with associated installation costs, court costs, etc. Also, ask a court to set a deadline for resolution.<br /><br />If that does not get someone of their mark, you can chalk the whole thing up to experience and wait.<br /><br />Keep us posted.


Dec 19, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

DJohns, I don't want the government telling the dealer "how to repair" my motor either. But, I still think there should be a mandatory deadline for repair. This would FORCE manufactures to stock parts. I was told for 4 months that there is not 1 spare camshaft and or oil pump in the US. I am begining to wonder if Suzuki Marine is getting ready to get out of the outboard market in the US. Any thoughts??


Oct 3, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Hi Steelie:<br /><br />Had a very similiar problem a few years back with a VCR. Had been back for repair 12 times in one year to the local dealer. I was not impressed, and since I had been in a sevice oriented business at the time, I was not going to give up easily.<br /> I shipped the VCR to Japan, right straight to JVC!! I expressed all my concerns in a constructive way........and guess what.....they fixed it N/C ($300.00 touch)<br /><br />I don't recommend you ship the motor to Japan, but I certainly would write and phone them on the issue. I honestly believe that the Japanese Companies take customer relations more seriously than your local dealer would ever dream of.(you might be surprised at the dealers responce when you tell him your intent) You could be walking out with a full refund.....<br /><br />just my .01 cent worth :)


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

I don't think Suzuki is going to leave. When you look at their statements, they are the LARGEST manuafacturer (total corporation) in the business. As a coporation they are bigger than: Honda, Mercury/Brunswick Yamaha, and Bombardier.<br /><br />They have really struggled getting a foothold in this (US) market. Sometimes I can see why. Very few dealers take them on as a primary line, it's always considered to be the "sell if I don't have anything else" brand.<br /><br />I think they have great products. It's just the spotty nature of available service that scared me off of purchasing my second one.<br /><br />If there was a dealer here as good as the one I moved away from, I would have another one.


Sep 4, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

This kind of treatment is unacceptable by any standard. What do you do when neither the dealer or the manufacturer will take responsibility. I was all set to buy a DFI 70,but this concerns me and may change my mind.Good luck,let us know how it works out.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Steelie <br /> To me it sounds like Suzuki is trying to shaft you. I don't think that it is the dealer that is giving you the problems it seems to be SUZUKI giving you and your dealer the run around. <br /> Now this post tells me alot about suzuki if they can't stand behind there product why should we as customers stand behind them.<br />I'll be shure now if someone wants to know my opion on Suzuki outboards. I will remember this post and what they hear might not be good.<br /><br />If you are going to make the product and sell it you should back that product.<br /><br />GOOD LUCK!<br />NICK


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Hi again, Steelie. I posted a reply to your troubles on another forum, but I need to say more.<br /><br />I have a DF70 that I bought last Spring. It has been perfect, but your experience and that of others on that other forum have me scared.<br /><br />I was on the verge of ordering a DF140 for my other boat. That idea is on hold.<br /><br />I wonder if a service performance guarantee contract to supplement the MFG warranty would solve the problem. It would simply be a contract, signed by the dealer, guaranteeing a replacement or loaner engine if mine couldn't be repaired in a reasonable period of. . . say, a week. Penalties for failure to perform would be cash fines, per day.<br /><br />Many high tech, hi bux products come with such guarantees against down-time.<br /><br />Until we consumers find a way to be comfortable with the potential downtime from a rare failure, I will be cautious about buying another 4 stroke.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 11, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

It seems to me that your dealer could "chargeback" the cost of a loaner to Suzuki for the repair period. "Authorized service centers" for other products are able to do t... I don't see why the dealer couldn't do this for you.<br /><br />They could keep you happy during the interim, and make Suzuki pay for not supplying the parts that the dealers need. If they have to call it an exhorbitant "labor" chargeback, or whatever, they need to take care of you.<br /><br />Rex S.


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

The dealer is not willing to lend a loaner because he knows he will not be reimbursed for it. Manufacturers are very explicit about their not being responsible for incidental expenses and down time.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 11, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

In that case, I really feel for Steelie, as well as for the dealers that have to put up with that kind of BS from a manufacturer (just my opinion)


Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

Some manufacturers are experimenting with provisions-mostly lux car manufacturers. If you think about it, it could really be pandora's box.<br /><br />People will take advantage of anything-ruining it for those really in need, like our e-friend with this problem.


Dec 19, 2001
Re: Suzuki Outboard "Warranty Nightmare"

JB Cornwell, Excellent point regarding the contract to repair by deadline or pay. If I were a guide or fishing commercially I wouldnt even consider a Suzuki. If I had been a guide (etc). I would have lost my business by now. I can't imagine a company the size of Suzuki not having a warehouse full of parts ready for shipment. A company shouldnt even be allowed to sell a product as expensive as an outboard until they can prove they have parts readily available.