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- Oct 11, 2008
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Here goes. Im a new boat owner just recently purchasing a 1974, 16' Skeeter Hawk Tri Hual bass boat. When I bought it the owner let me know about a soft spot in the floor with a 6 inch hole. I looked at it and decided I would be able to take care of what ever maintainence it needed. Well after digging into it a bit and removing the old delapitated carpet it seems it requires a total floor replacement. Now this is where I get confused. From what I have read and what I am looking at it seems like all there is to this is a piece of 3/4" ply that was either layed free or glued to the stringers, or what I think are the stringers(more on this in a minute). Then fiberglassed over. Im thinking Im going to have to cut out the old floor and probubly replace the stringers but what Im not sure of, the stringers look like fiberglass and from what I can see the resin has broken down and left the glass mushy and plyable. Is there wood there or was skeeter wierd and made solid glass stringers? Another question I have is the main deck sits about 9" lower than the casting deck on the bow. This is pretty much layed down on the hual of the boat with the live well and the rod box sitting up on the floor rather than being recessed like mondern bass boats. Heres my question, does the deck plywood sit beneath the live well and rod box or is it cut to fit around them? Secondly does the deck ply go under my csating deck or is that seperated from the main deck? Im curious to know becuase this will tell me how much work I have ahead of me and how much my wife is going to hate me all winter long.
I knwo I have a lot of work ahead of me but any help will be great thanks.
Boater Rookie
Boater Rookie