I can see why someone wanted it badly, they were great motors.Me I bought a scotty depthmaster electric downrigger today and while having a tea in front of my house witnessed a motorcycle accident.Car pull out illegally and biker tried to avoid broadsiding the car and did but the bike bucked him off and they both slid down the road for a few hundred feet.I was first on the scene and I thought he might of been a gonner at first but he started to move and he was in a very odd position.Got him comfortable with the help of a neighbor who just happened to be a nurse.Cops and fire and ems were there in 10 max.Another nurse stopped to help also.Bike was not to bad and I heard from the fellas son from the hospital that he had broken ribs x4 ,broken collar bone ,broken shoulder blade and cut hand and mouth.Recovering nicely.I got the cops to put his bike in my driveway till when ever somebody could pick it up.