Re: Secret trout bait
I used to enjoy going after the "just stocked" trout in our local lakes and streams, but it lost the excitement when I could consistantly catch 20 - 30 in a couple of hours. It also didn't take me long to know that the stocked trout just do not taste the same, the meat is much softer and not as flavorful as the nice, firm, pink meat of a native, or stocked but made it for a year or so, trout.
I don't fish stocked places for a least 3 weeks after the stocking ... I like having the place to myself and working for the more native and not so dumb fish.
I also have some secret weapons, but it depends on the type of trout that I am focusing on at the time. Rainbow are the easiest with salmon eggs, or corn, or cheese, or night crawlers. For brooks and browns you need to be a little more finess oriented. I like a special minnow rig where I use a double hook and run line down the mouth and out the anus, attaching the hook at this time and pulling it back up through the minnow till it has a little kink in it. You MUST have a double swivel for this setup because what makes it so deadly is the minnow spins like crazy with the kink in it. The spinning minnow drives the brookies and browns CRAZY (most rainbow don't give it a second look).