
Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
If your bored watch the remake of Cosmos, very interesting.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
yes it is, but that's some what I'm referring to. Some of it sounds like exaggerated speculation
If I had the math skills of some of those guys my brain would KABOOM.
State a hypothisis/ask a question -Why does this Happen?

Now try and figure it out.

Watch Einstein and Eddington, another interesting show.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
If I had the math skills of some of those guys my brain would KABOOM.
State a hypothisis/ask a question -Why does this Happen?

Now try and figure it out.

Watch Einstein and Eddington, another interesting show.
if I have another thought, my brain will MOOBAK!! lol and one plus one equals three; if one is man and the other one woman!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
don't get me wrong, I can do that all by myself!! :lol: I thoroughly enjoy those shows; they fire my imagination! Such humility........ I'm not sure that people get it?
They say that there are four levels of awareness; e.g., a rock is made up of certain elements and minerals, doesn't move etc on its own but does give off a very small vibration that can be measured with instruments.

A plant is made up of those same minerals/elements as the rock; yet it grows in size, reproduces, and does that photosynthesis thing.
Animals are a whole nother level - reproduce, often building homes/communities, care for their young, communicate sometimes displaying emotion, etc. Made from the same as the rock and plants.

Humans, as we all know, run the gambit and consist of the same elements/minerals as the rest.

The stuff that's in you and I can be found in stars... and everything else throughout the Universe.

My boat is named Already Gone for a few reasons; one being that one line in the song that goes, "when you look up in the sky at night, You can see the stars and still not see the Light.... that's right"


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
don't get me wrong, I can do that all by myself!! :lol: I thoroughly enjoy those shows; they fire my imagination! Such humility........ I'm not sure that people get it?
They say that there are four levels of awareness; e.g., a rock is made up of certain elements and minerals, doesn't move etc on its own but does give off a very small vibration that can be measured with instruments.

A plant is made up of those same minerals/elements as the rock; yet it grows in size, reproduces, and does that photosynthesis thing.
Animals are a whole nother level - reproduce, often building homes/communities, care for their young, communicate sometimes displaying emotion, etc. Made from the same as the rock and plants.

Humans, as we all know, run the gambit and consist of the same elements/minerals as the rest.

The stuff that's in you and I can be found in stars... and everything else throughout the Universe.

My boat is named Already Gone for a few reasons; one being that one line in the song that goes, "when you look up in the sky at night, You can see the stars and still not see the Light.... that's right"

Well if we are going to get deep into thought, how about the human brain trying to understand that you can gaze into the night sky and between all those stars there is nothing...forever. How can we as a finite species, with absolute boundaries concerning everything we deal with, ever contemplate forever with no end? OR even better, what if there is an end to the known universe? What would there be as an edge? Okay...I'm out of here...............


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Well if we are going to get deep into thought, how about the human brain trying to understand that you can gaze into the night sky and between all those stars there is nothing...forever. How can we as a finite species, with absolute boundaries concerning everything we deal with, ever contemplate forever with no end? OR even better, what if there is an end to the known universe? What would there be as an edge? Okay...I'm out of here...............
deep thought? I tried that once and found out I was in over my head!! :lol: Maybe I've spent too much time under my welding hood? lol Only have two brain cells left because they aren't right, often have trouble contemplating Diet or regular Pepsi, have resigned to being "enthusiastically apathetic" in order to stop dealing with..., and to quote Jim Morrison - "the future's uncertain and the end is always near" LOL

Given our limitations, I think that there will be an "end" to what we know about the Universe; but even that is speculation. I'm better off just focusing on what's right in front of me - there's enough empty space between my ears!!! :rofl:


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Well if we are going to get deep into thought, how about the human brain trying to understand that you can gaze into the night sky and between all those stars there is nothing...forever. How can we as a finite species, with absolute boundaries concerning everything we deal with, ever contemplate forever with no end? OR even better, what if there is an end to the known universe? What would there be as an edge? Okay...I'm out of here...............

That's the thing, we can't. We just need to trust it to be true, that space doesn't have an end. It goes on and on and on.............. In the grand scheme of things we're just peons..... A mere speck, not 'Speck....Lol


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015

How can you be sure there is nothing in an empty space? Maybe there is something but it is too bar away to see or too small.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
That's the thing, we can't. We just need to trust it to be true, that space doesn't have an end. It goes on and on and on.............. In the grand scheme of things we're just peons..... A mere speck, not 'Speck....Lol

Are you calling me a peon? If you are, you are probably correct!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011

How can you be sure there is nothing in an empty space? Maybe there is something but it is too bar away to see or too small.

StarTed, I have no real idea one way or the other. But that is what we are told from those that are supposed to be in the know. :noidea:

Heck, we really don't know if there is a rover running around on Mars if you look at it from a factual perspective. We assume there is, but not one person has ever been there to verify it. But we have to take things told to us as true until we learn otherwise. JMHO!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Peon or not (semantics), back when I was building my boat; I knew that it was an "outlaw" Terry style hull - not built by Terry. In all of my searching, could not find one with a waterline. Spent three full days doing other things while constantly contemplating where I should tape it off; and on day four, figured I'd just go for it with a best guess?

Still stalling around for an hour, this guy pulls up on a bicycle. We start talking, says he's been watching my progress for some time - that he lives six blocks away.
He's real interested and I take him through all I've been doing and the problem I now have.. He says," my dad had a boat similar to yours, I think I have a picture of it sitting in the water"

He comes back awhile later with an old Polaroid of it - a 16' foot Terry tied up to a pier with his Mother sitting in it. PERFECT!!! problem solved, still had to make a best guess because of the weight of mine, but.....

have often wondered, in the grand scheme of things, how important/significant is some guy painting a waterline in Mobile freakin' Alabama


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
my point in the preceding comment is this --- that i am no more important, significant, better than, less than, different or unique than anyone else on this Earth. "just another Bozo on the bus" kind of guy trying to get through this life.
That there are a great many things that science cannot explain. They may have their theories and hypotheses, but in the end, many are just a best guess. The unknown is what I find the most intriguing... the unexplainable coincidence, how everything was in perfect balance until we (humans) interrupted it, how most things correct themselves after we let go....


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2015
Balance is a funny thing. There are those that think we need certain (old) things around to be in balance. The world balances with what is on it so that is why species can become extinct and the world goes on. Sure glad we don't have all the living things that have been on this earth still here today.

Just what is balance anyway?

As I age I notice that sometimes I have to pause a moment to feel stable on my feet. I can still stand on one leg but it takes more concentration than it used to and I can still walk across talus slopes but with a little more care and slower now.

I don't think the world will notice when I leave my space for someone else to occupy.

I like theories. They tell me something about those that promote them. Sometimes I am one.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Balance is a funny thing. There are those that think we need certain (old) things around to be in balance. The world balances with what is on it so that is why species can become extinct and the world goes on. Sure glad we don't have all the living things that have been on this earth still here today.

Just what is balance anyway?

As I age I notice that sometimes I have to pause a moment to feel stable on my feet. I can still stand on one leg but it takes more concentration than it used to and I can still walk across talus slopes but with a little more care and slower now.

I don't think the world will notice when I leave my space for someone else to occupy.

I like theories. They tell me something about those that promote them. Sometimes I am one.

StarTed, As I get older, I also think about many things (but I guess I have always as well) and interestingly enough, the more you read and understand, the more things are so intertwined with everything else. We read science theories and pass them off a factual without any verifiable proof. And that is okay in some instances. But when you stand back and look at the big picture, everything IS connected to everything else. We think we are extremely intelligent, but we haven't even scratched the surface of true knowledge yet in my opinion. With such a vast universe, we haven't even left our own little solar system. And yet we talk like we know everything about the universe and have never seen anything else but our planet and a visit to a few others with rovers and probes. That does put things into perspective in my thinking. We can't even imagine what we don't know yet!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Science has proven that there's a balance of tension throughout the Universe, right down to the tiniest of atoms - just think of how an electron circles around a nucleus. And our moon revolves around us, and ...etc. All these things and more are cause for speculation. Totally not saying that's a bad thing; the quest for knowledge helps keeps us alive.

Helps me feel alive and a part of something much greater; which gives me purpose, that I'm not always certain of "what is my purpose?" :rolleyes: :lol:
It seems the more I read/study, the more I forget. I've found many a truth in my days and one of them being this --- it's what you learn after you "think" you know it all that's really important!!