

Dec 29, 2002

Just got home from a very interesting motorcycle ride. I went to an MDA fund raiser on one of my old bikes. A dear friend of mine has this every year and I always make sure to show up and make my contribution. On the way home I get pinched in a DUI check point. Mind you this is Sunday afternoon. The cops stop me and everyone else on the road and ask questions. Needless to say I am very annoyed at this because I think the DUI check point is against everything this country stands for. The cop ask me if I been drinking?I replied no I have not. Then he ask where it is I am coming from. I tell him it is none of his damn business where I am coming from. That is all it took, I was pulled aside and checked throughly. Slammed up against a cop car and assumed the position. Then they tried to go through my old antique bike. Said the antique plates were only good for going to shows and such.. What a crock of crap. After all was said and done and 45 minutes later I was on my way.<br /><br />Mean while a turban head is buying a gun at the local pawn shop. :mad: :mad:


May 15, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Glad they're checking the roads to keep us safe.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Antique plates in this state are for just what he said. They're not a substitute for regular registration.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 12, 2003
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

He just wanted to know if you had been drinking with the summertime fun and all.<br />If you would have told him you were just at a MDA fundraiser he probably would have sent you on your way.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 26, 2005
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Flathead, While I read your rant with empathy and all due respect, it did remind me of a joke:<br /><br />><br />><br />><br />><br />>A Lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over<br />>by a Sheriffs Deputy. He thinks that he is smarter<br />>than the Deputy because he is sure that he has a better<br />>education. He decides to prove this to himself and have<br />>some fun at the deputies' expense...........<br />><br />> A... Deputy says, "License and registration, please."<br />><br />> B... Lawyer says, "What for?"<br />><br />> C... Deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop<br />>sign."<br />><br />> D... Lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming."<br />><br />> E... Deputy says, "You still didn't come to a complete stop.<br />>License and<br />> registration, please."<br />><br />> F... Lawyer says, "What's the difference?"<br />><br />> G... Deputy says, "The difference is, you have to come to a<br />>complete<br />>stop,<br />> that's the law. License and registration, please!"<br />><br />> H... Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between<br />>slow<br />>down<br />> and stop, I'll give you my license and registration and you<br />>give me<br />> the ticket, if not you let me go and no ticket."<br />><br />> I... Deputy says, "Exit your vehicle, sir."<br />><br />> J... At this point, the Deputy takes out his nightstick and starts<br />>beating the<br />> ever-loving crap out of the Lawyer and says: "DO YOU WANT<br />>ME TO<br />>STOP<br />> OR JUST SLOW DOWN?"<br /> ------------------------------------------------<br />Like I said, I feel your pain, just hopes this helps lighten things up. ;)


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Yeah real funny holdimhook. <br /><br />Yeah they are really making the roads safe. NOT!! They are filling the pocket books of the local county courts. <br /><br />The law in Pa states that an antique plate is good for occasional transportation and similar uses is defined as one day a week. <br /><br />I dont drive drunk but I deplore the DUI checkpoint. It is an infringement of our freedom in this country. <br /><br />Meanwhile the border to the south remains basically unprotected, But thank god at least we know those that get into the USA wont be driving drunk!!!

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

:) And just think Jason is becoming one also!!! ;) :cool:


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Originally posted by Flahthead:<br /> But thank god at least we know those that get into the USA wont be driving drunk!!!
Now that's funny.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Flahthead, considering you were riding a Harley, you, sir , were profiled. And you were questioned and your rights were violated due to the LEO profiling you.<br /><br />Ya should have had a turbine on, had a bomb vest on, had a Muslim holy book bungied to your p-pad, and all would have been well.<br /><br />thet said, your fault you fit the profile of a bad American Motorcycle Enthusiast. :D <br /><br />BTY Flahthead, gots me a new '05 FXD early July. back in the saddle my man! ;)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

The cop was just doing his job. <br /><br />With your hostile mouthing off you put yourself in a category for further investigation.<br /><br />If a DUI/license/insurance checkpoint busts one drunk it may have saved some biker's life.<br /><br />I suggest you get one.

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Its only the officers job to make sure he was operating his vehicle/scooter legally. I agree it was none of the officers business where he was comming from. Maybe Flathead just left the officers house, and didnt want to tell him so. :eek: <br /> :D :D


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

the man don't have to tell the officer where he was or why he's there.<br /><br />but he don't have to get hostile, either.<br /><br />as an American male who made it through my he**raising years alive I been stopped plenty of times and the one thing in common with all of 'em is...a cop on the street got no sense of humor...can't afford it...he don't know what I might do...I might just be the guy's gonna try to punch his ticket...I don't have to be his best friend, but I sure don't need to be his enemy.<br /><br />Sorry you had a bad time, Flathead, but in the end you went on your way, right? guess it just goes with the territory.<br /><br />BTW I don't think DUI checkpoints infringe on our freedom...a motor vehicle is a dangerous thing & the right to operate one is rightfully (in my opinion) regulated.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

I think that you were racialy profiled. White male with money. If you would have been an illegal the cop would've put gas in your tank for you. Face it you have no rights because there no longer is a constitution in force. How else can you explain how the last of your rights(sic) were taken with the patriot act? Doesn't it take a 2/3 majority to amend the constitution?<br />Our state supreme court recently ruled you are not entitled to a 12 man jury of your peers. The idea of a Rebuplic was taken away in 1860 by the guy on the penny.The sad part is nobody cares because Nascar's on the tube, they gots a 12"r in the fridge and $20 in their wallet. Who cares about the rest of the crap?.Say there sir,you wouldn't mind if I check out the inside of your car would you?


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

It's also sad that the cop can lie to you but if you tell a lie it's obstruction.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Being a smartass is no reason to be detained.<br /><br />A lot of people here suggest that flathead should have shown respect...<br /><br />I suggest the officer should have shown flathead respect by not even asking where he was coming from. It truly is NONE of the officers business.<br /><br />Everyone suggests that checkpoints are so useful, well I suggest we just put GPS tracking devices in all people, that way we can catch all of the criminals, not just "one". Makes sense to me, lets all get in line.<br /><br />Ken


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 23, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

No offense FH,but I think it's all in how you talk to people.Someone gets an attitude with me--I get one right back.


May 15, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

It is not the officer's job to KNOW where you are coming from, but it's not illegal or improper to ask. If you don't want to say, say that it's a private matter and thank him.... he's not forced to ask only questions that are legal for you to respond to.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Originally posted by JB:<br /> The cop was just doing his job. <br /><br />With your hostile mouthing off you put yourself in a category for further investigation.<br /><br />If a DUI/license/insurance checkpoint busts one drunk it may have saved some biker's life.<br /><br />I suggest you get one.
I have no life?? At least I do more than sit in front of a computer screen all day and all night. No offense of course. Sorry JB but you threw the first stone. <br /><br />At least I have the stones to stick up for my rights of free passage in this country. Not just sit back and let some jerk with a badge infringe on my personal freedom. Roll over and "show them my papers". What happened to me borders on criminal. That cop had no reason or right to search me, and as far as I am concerned no reason to STOP me. If saying it is "none of your damn business where I was" (Which by the way I said with as much respect as I could muster at the time) is considered hostile and reason for "Further" investigation we all are in big trouble. Maybe the cop should have said " Your right sir I am sorry , it's none of my business where you have been today" <br /><br />The cop was doing his job?? No he wasn't , he was abusing his authority. His job was to see if I had a load on. Not to question citizens on where they are going or where they been.<br /><br />Just to set the record straight. I am no cop hater. One of my best friend is a Pa. state trooper. One of Pa"s finest. I could never imagine him being such a jerk, nor would he ever be. He'll be over the top when I talk to him about this. <br /><br />I'll never be a sheep, I'll never stand for someone stepping on my rights. If that makes me hostile and and a bad guy I am proud to say I fit the bill.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Rant!

Re: Rant!

Lighten up Flathead.......its your attitude. Maybe, just maybe, that cop got some drunk of the road earlier in that DUI stop, that might have took you out on the way home. And that crap you're pulling with the antique plates is BS. Use them to get to the parade, or license the damn thing and ride. If you weren't drinking and riding, just say so and move on when told. Its 2005, not 1970. Cops take no crap from anybody anymore, especially a smartass. I got 3 Harley's in my shop, and 7 other bikes, and 46 years in the saddle, so I aint no wannabe. Go look at the crybaby in the mirror. Theres the problem. That's my rant. Sorry, but you can't run around pissing off the country, thinking you're somebody superior to the rest of us unwashed.