I worked for well over 40 years. 38 of those years was in black box repair and redesign and than computer programing and new circuit design. So I honestly loved my jobs. But when I realized I was actually making less than minimum wage at that time, when compared to work verses retirement, I retired. But even in retirement, you are still not your own boss. And the work I am having to do now, isn't work I like doing. My dad died a few years ago and I am NOW, after nearly two years in the probate court system, the administrator of the estate. And since he had three homes, two rentals, we (wife and I) are now repairing one of the rentals to be able to even try and sell it... Never, ever, ever, ever rent homes... The renters demolished one home. So for the past few months, we have been working at the rental house every day but one, to try and get it ready to sell... Oh the pain, the pain... But if you have no such situations, retire and enjoy life...you worked for it!