I just purchased a 1989 Prestancia 30ft. While cleaning/inspecting, I found the terminal strip (located behind the aft closet and shower area) melted at a few connectors (see photo).

It looks like the problem started at the "Outlet Port" which I assume was caused by too much current. My first thought is to just replace the Terminal Block with a new one (and inspect the wires of course). Any other thoughts or things I should check?
I just purchased a 1989 Prestancia 30ft. While cleaning/inspecting, I found the terminal strip (located behind the aft closet and shower area) melted at a few connectors (see photo).

It looks like the problem started at the "Outlet Port" which I assume was caused by too much current. My first thought is to just replace the Terminal Block with a new one (and inspect the wires of course). Any other thoughts or things I should check?