Police and Seatbelts


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 3, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Click it or ticket program is just short for "we are hurting for money and need some quick funds"...........I should be able to decide if I want to wear the belt or not,If I dont and get hurt then you bet I shouldnt be able to sue or anything but....To say I have to is BS.


May 7, 2005
Re: Police and Seatbelts

It looks like I may have struck a nerve with several people here. I know that some of the members here are in the law enforcement field and I do not want to offend anybody with this post. It's a good thing we have cops and this world without them would be a complete mess. It's just that I haven't been pulled over in 2+ years and all of a sudden it's happening all the time.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2005
Re: Police and Seatbelts

It's all about money, not summons money , big money. The ins. co. put presure on the law makers to pass these laws, helmit, seat belt etc. They keep raising the rates but look for ways not to pay, or cover. Plus as a bonus a couple of summons & they raise your individual rate. It's no doubt that over all seat belts work, but so would staying home, or not going out at night, so what is next, how many freedoms are we going to give away in the under the guise of saftey! What's next, file a drive plan? IMHO Joe P.S. I just figured out what's next, Retro tickets, for all the ones they say might not have been injured or killed before the laws took effect.


Mar 14, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Can anyone tell or show me where in the US Constitution, it is lawful to have a police force???


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Holy crap the fishing must be bad everywhere...<br /><br />Does anybody know where I can get some crackers and cheese to got with this wine...<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />Why I otta..... :p

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

As a citizen I hate seatbelt laws. I think they are pure BS. As a cop I love them. Very few criminals wear a seatbelt. Thats all I need to stop them. I'm continue sitting on top of this fence, I reckon till the barbwire makes it through my jeans.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Police and Seatbelts

If you want to get the people who are committing the crimes, you have to get them in their car. Those people do not care about registering their car, having insurance, wearing their seatbelts, any of it. They give us probable cause to pull them over and contact them, and it goes from there.
As a citizen I hate seatbelt laws. I think they are pure BS. As a cop I love them. Very few criminals wear a seatbelt. Thats all I need to stop them.
WOWWA!! :eek: :eek: <br />Repeal the Fourth Ammendment and you'll catch a lot more criminals too.<br /><br />Seatbelt and helmet laws should be mandatory for children and the infirm. <br />However, since it's imposed on an adult citizen for their own safety, number one. <br />And a tool for law enforcement to legally ignore the Fourth Ammendment, number two.<br /> It's all a bit of Mao Se Dung to me.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

WOWWWA Skinny. I hate the law myself. I think its meaning is pure bs. However...... The powers to be, who WE (as in yu and me) elected decided it was what was best for us. I still don't think its right but I'll use the tool if they give it to me. Damn me if you will.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

quote KB:<br /> "Very few criminals wear a seatbelt. Thats all I need to stop them." <br /><br />Profiling?<br /> :D

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

And I must add- I see a car with yellow paint marks on the front bumper. We have had a rash of street signs (which have yellow painted posts) ran over. I will "profile" that the driver MIGHT be involved in the sign killing. I reckon that thats wrong also. On second thought, **** on it. You win. I would encourage you to join up with a law enforcement agency. Work for a solid month trying to nab this dude that is selling drugs at the jr high. You can never catch him in the act. You do know that he is picking up the drugs at a house on @#$% street. After that he makes the drop off at the park. You can never see a transaction. One day, as you have survailance of him, he pulls out of his pick up spot NOT wearing a seatbelt. Naw, the law is petty, just let him go, we'll get him another day. WRONG! Nab his azz. A possesion charge in jail is a lot better than on the street selling dope to OUR kids.<br /><br />I've had ONE ticket since I was 19. Before that I had had 7 tickets. I recieved, and deserved, a no seatbelt ticket.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Ken, I am in violent agreement with your position! please see my post above, in particular comment #1 and #3. My comment #2 implies a "so what" if LEOs use this tool to bust bad guys, long it is not used to harass folks for no reason. Those with a problem with the SB law must hold the Legislators and their lobbyists responsible. Not LEOs.<br /><br />Guess I should have used a :D in place of :confused: man.......sorry.

Butch Ammon

Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 26, 2004
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Sheesh... The "click it or ticket" seat belt law is an absolute joke! :mad: What's next? Mandatory seat belts in boats?<br /><br />Butch A.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Sorry Pat. I was kinda in a fighting mood and ready to go. Ya, the smiley would have qued me in better. I re-read it and imagined the smiley instead and laughed about it.<br /><br /><br />Careful Butch, don't give 'em any ideas.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Police and Seatbelts

WOWWWA Skinny. I hate the law myself. I think its meaning is pure bs. However...... The powers to be, who WE (as in yu and me) elected decided it was what was best for us.
I know you said that Ken. And the law, The Constitution and the powers that be were more of what I was refering to. <br />I'm sorry you took it or anything here on DC personally for that matter.<br /><br />The topic starter stated he'd been pulled over 4x in 6 weeks and was an innocent law abiding citizen. <br />The second post says he was lucky.<br />The fourth says that it's so bad in his community he hates to drive in it.<br />Six posts said it was a way to pick our pockets.<br />Two posts said they have family in law enforcement and concur they have all the power.<br /><br />A lot of these kind of laws are lobbied by law enforcement organizations.<br />Make the responsible citizen wear a belt so you can catch a bad guy? Sure why not.<br />Scan through personal information of innocent citizens to catch a terrorist? OK, thats's fine too.<br />Although at some point the balance is going to be upset to the point that law enforcement will view everyone as perps.<br />And the innocent will distrust and fear law enforcement.<br />Ken how close are we to that point in the big citys? How about smaller communities? This thread?<br /><br />
On second thought, **** on it. You win.
Hard, hard job you guys have. Dealing with scum, babysitting the stupid.<br />Please, I hope you guys don't lose the law abiding citizens perspective.<br /><br />
Sorry Pat. I was kinda in a fighting mood and ready to go.
And I was typing while you were posting Ken.<br />Hot shower and a cold beer for you fella. ;)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Police and Seatbelts

KB and other LEO's, I respect your ability to get the "bad guy" and want you to have all the tools at your disposal to do so. However, when some young whippersnapper with too much badge gets hold of those tools, it is a recipe for disaster.<br /><br />In PA seatbelt violation is a secondary offense (at least for now). I have been fined once, while stopped for speeding. (He didn't even notice I didn't have it on, but asked me and I admitted to the fact). I also told him that he might as well write me another one because I would not be wearing it when I pulled out. Explained the accident I had been involved in where I would be killed if I was wearing them (riding with friend in a cheby chevette, nose first over a 40 foot cliff, landed on nose and then rolled on a huge rock, roof smashed below the dash line, rolled it over, started it, and drove it home, no injuries because we COULD crawl UNDER the dash - something that couldn't have been done with seatbelts). He told me that I needed to get a doctor's excuse that I was claustrophobic. I told him I would not lie, just didn't like getting killed, and would not wear them. To this day I would rather pay the fine, but would really rather NOT have to wear them.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Police and Seatbelts

I suggest everyone has to check in with the police once a month so we can run them for warrants.<br /><br />I also suggest we put a license plate on the back of everyone's head so police can more easily ID them when running away from a crime.<br /><br />I got a million ideas, just think of how safe our society will be. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Ken


Mar 4, 2002
Re: Police and Seatbelts

I wear seat belts all the time... Never been pulled over for it either.<br /><br />I'm about 50-50 on the seat belt and helmet laws too for that matter...<br />If a person wants to take his own life in his hands, then so-be-it. Let him.<br /><br />When is big brother going to stop protecting ME from.... ME ?<br /><br />LOL... I like the idea of posting how many times you've been stopped for the seat belt on your car... That would get their attention.<br /><br />And yes... you are in a car that's probably on their "what-cars-to-stop-this-month" sheet.<br /><br />Wanna really mess with them? <br />Drive an older car that have the lap belt only. There's no way they can see the belt then. <br />Take the name of every officer that stops you and keep a tally of each one. See who wins at the end of the month!<br /><br /><br />H.


May 7, 2005
Re: Police and Seatbelts

Originally posted by Homerr:<br /><br />Wanna really mess with them? <br />Drive an older car that have the lap belt only. There's no way they can see the belt then. <br />Take the name of every officer that stops you and keep a tally of each one. See who wins at the end of the month!<br /><br /><br />H.
Actually I have a '70 Chevy truck with only lap belts. In 10 years of owning this truck I've only been pulled over once in it for seatbelts (which I had on)....lady cop didn't realize that model only had lap belts! :D