One nation under God......Maybe?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

JB your right I have no idea who that is. I only know Jesus because I have been taught that way. Im not trying to be predjudice Im being honest.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

And some people beleive in that. :) Seems to me the more you beleive in something, and KNOW that you are right, the more judgemental you get. just a observation.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Rod knocking I absolutly do not hate anybody and Im not saying I consider liberals my enemy (I just think there wrong)I dont hate them or anybody(ok well osamba bin laden is a hard one) I do get angry when rights are being taken from me and I do have the freedom of religion so if you looked at the second link you would see my and your freedon is being tested right now. As for JBs comments If they are directed at me I believe are rude and more than that, there wrong. I am in no way racialy preduduce period, Your race means nothing to me and please tell me of how I am a hypocrit JB.......Why is the big issue here with you guys about the pledge ( which may be a big deal but.....) the fact remains there is a real threat to my belief system which is Christian...and no JB not white Christian , not american christian.... just Christian if they can tell this shelter to take there crosses and pictures of jesus down cause they are serving the public then whats next telling churches they can not have crosses on the out side of their churches.......All this will do is stop churches,synogogs or mosque's from helping out in anyway........oh by the way I have no freakin clue who wanka tonka is let alone getting bent out of shape about it..... :rolleyes:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I totally understand Mike,just trying to figure it all out, which I will never do.have a good evening. GOD BLESS, d


Aug 16, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

If you bring your history homework back a few hundred years before Columbus you'll find that within the last decade that numerous Chinese stone anchors(believed to be from ancient Chinese) were discovered off the California coast.Did they drift ashore here?I doubt it.How far back in history can we take this.200 years?1000 years?How about 10,000 years.So maybe it should read "one nation possibly under Budah." <br /><br />Pulleeeaase plywoody,don't proclaim the word God is not politically correct and in the same drawn breath claim to be part native indian ,and offended when it comes to changing words in the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless of course,you donate a significant amount of your time and earnings to the Indian reservations of the people that you claim as your heritage ,and pay homage and loyalty to its tribal fathers.Or have you rewritten the tribal creed as well.What was that tribe again?The Nomads? :D <br /><br />
Hmmm...I am part Cherokee, and my ancestors were here long before yours were.<br /><br /> You might be surprised at how many Christian Americans have Indian ancestry.My Grandmother on my mothers side was 1/2 Cherokee.But then,the word some want removed isn't Christ.<br /><br />I like the vote idea.Do the wishes of a few now outweigh the wishes of the many? And, what really would be gained by this?Are there really people that are deeply and uncomfortably offended by this?Doesn't this country and world have some more imporatnt business to attend to besides all of this divisive nitpicking?Doesn't everyone deserve better?Is this evolution?Can it not read as it is because native Americans have been here longer than European immigrants?Is that the rule?

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

My 2 cents<br />I do not believe in god..any God.. But I will fight or die for your right to believe in what ever you want. Am I a bad person for not believing? I don't think so. I have a wife and kids that do believe and that's fine with me. I would be willing to bet that I get more sh!* from people than most hard core bible Toten people in this world Because I don't believe what they think I should. I have read the good book and have taught the word to kids when I was a counselor at a camp. I believe that If there is a God that he has many names and faces, That one nation under God means what ever God you believe in because there would be only one no matter what you call him in your house. I can't stand it when I hear the my God is better than your God crap. And that is what it is all about when people try to take away the rights of the different religions because its not the way that they think. We all need to leave the different religions alone and just get along and respect each other.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

"One nation, under a rock, Highly Divided, with liberty and justice for the few I agree with.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

God, Jehovah, Wanka Tanka they are the same<br />entity, only pronounced and spelled differently.<br />One Nation under God. <br />Whats the problem ? "O" the problem is, its<br />not your God!<br />Money, Eric Clapton , Mohamed, Budah... :rolleyes:


Aug 16, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I do not believe in god..any God. <br />I believe that If there is a God that he has many names and faces, That one nation under God means what ever God you believe. <br /><br />Sounds like someone may be on the fence here with the big "if" There's still hope. :D I got a hunch that this God guy(or gal, or it ,or whatever for our politically correct readers) is fairly merciful :) <br /><br />Just curious as to how such a non believer could bring oneself to teaching the word.You didn't tell the scouts you didn't believe did ya?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 22, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

As much as I tried and tried to stay out of this, well, here goes:<br /><br />Who cares who was here first. The entire planet was built on the premise of gaining new land to call your own, by whatever means necessary. The Indians lost, but we didn't make them leave, or kill them all off, as in many cultures... we gave then their own area, where they can have their own traditions and laws - and we STILL pay them, 200+ years later. <br /><br />The question here is about the Pledge. In this "politically correct" world we live in, we can offend nobody? Ah yes, nobody except Christians, Whites, and Republicans. How bout this: I will be far more offended if "Under God" gets taken out of the pledge, than Joe Blow will be if it's left in... SO WHAT! No one cares. It's the whining Liberals that are stirring this pot, so where's their poster-boys - the 2 Reverends during all this? I would guess that a Reverend would have qualms about this. What's next? Reprinting the motto on all of our money? The GOD in the pledge btw, does NOT mean ALAh, Buddha, honka tonka, or Warren Moon... we all know that, and that's why everyone is in an uproar. Alot of religions out there, but not all good... In my opinion, after 9-11, being a muslim in the US should be a capital offense... why not, they do the same to Christians for being Christians.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

It is not about who was here first, or what belief is correct or not correct, or anything else.<br />It is about freedom and the constitution. the constitution expressly forbids the state from establishing any state sponsored religion. It is hard to put the term "Under God" in any context except a religious one, and therefore should not be sponsored by the state, no matter how inclusive you try to pretend it is.<br /><br />Private groups, be they churches, or homeless shelters, or whatever else, are free to put up whatever they like--it is their constitutional right.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Hey Plywoody open yer eyes and look.....thats the point I made at first, Churches and other orginization's constatutional rights are being attacked. They may not have them for long if this stuff happens and then little by little, what we call rights for all will only be for the few who cry the loudests. Gays, drug addicts, lazy welfare recepients who refuse to work(not tring to debate this here , I know "some" people need it) and others who whine and complain about how they are repressed in this country.They have more and more rights and those follow the ways of the ones who founded this country lose more and more. Could it be 200 years of having open borders has left us with enough of the people we wanted to be different from in our country, and now we are changing to somthing we despised in the past......


Aug 11, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I think Ralph has it about right.<br /><br />People spend way to much time in this country trying to create non-existent problems for everyone. This country was founded on the same beliefs that have been practiced for centuries. What is wrong with that? Eventually every law or decision made by anyone will be constantly tested by these small groups of liberal trouble-makers. Thats the problem anymore. The smallest groups seem to have the biggest mouths. Just because this is a free country, doesn't mean everyone should be free to do or even say anything they want. There has to be a limit. This country is going down the toilet because of the troubles that people like Plywoody, and now apparently JB, want to create or support. Keep going guys, and you will ruin this great country.<br /><br />This is just ridiculous.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Sometimes I think it is already ruined and fear it is too late to save. With all the problems we have, it amazes me that this is what people spend their time, money and energy on. Imagine what good could be done if this energy and money was spent feeding, clothing and housing the poor?<br /><br />What evidence is there that this country has every systematically discriminated against any religion and that such intollerance stems from "under God" in the pledge or in God we trust on our currency to a stupid statute of the 10 commandments in a hallyway? for 200+ years no problems. Now problems are being created. Religious divisions are being created. Ill will and hard feelings are setting in.<br /><br />From where I sit, the intollerance is against christians who are under attack at every turn. Well if history teaches us anything, it shows that most oppressed people sooner or later rebel. Unfortunately for the attackers, Christians are the majority, and when they get PO'd enough, well, let's just say it's not going to be pretty.


Aug 26, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Wakan Tanka, Eric Clapton, Budda, Mohomed, Allah, or whatever, the english word (which IS the official language of the United States) means GOD !<br /><br />The word GOD applies to all of the above.<br /><br />Kenny

jim phillips

Chief Petty Officer
May 11, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />( quote )<br />Sounds like someone may be on the fence here with the big "if" There's still hope. <br /><br />Hope for what? That I will someday be talked into believing what you think. I do not hide the fact that I don't believe in God but every time without fail I am told "yes you do " or "I will pray for you " I have had people walk away and refuse to have any thing to do with me like I have horns on my head and a pointed tail. I find it somewhat amusing and offensive that I am treated like a leper for what I believe or don't believe.<br /><br />
<br />Just curious as to how such a non believer could bring oneself to teaching the word. You didn't tell the scouts you didn't believe did ya? <br /><br />I don't believe in new math but I still teach my kids how to do it. I don't have to believe in something to read it and explain it to someone.<br /><br />And yes I told the kids. Why should I be ashamed of my beliefs any more than you should be of yours?


Aug 11, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

What determines if you like someone? For me, someone has to share some of my beliefs, or I don't care to associate with them. If someone tells me, during a conversation, that they are an anti-hunter, then the conversation would be over, and I personally wouldn't care to speak to that person again. I don't really care if anyone agrees with my thinking on this. In reality, this is true for most people whether they admit it or not.<br /><br />Religion is a touchy subject, and frankly, if you are an athiest, I don't have much in common with you, therefore, I really don't have much to say to you.<br /><br />Man, where did that come from? :p


Jul 26, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Lucky Jim, I get the same reaction. This is what I beleive....we are nothing but highly evolved apes (in a nutshell) and when we die, we are worm food (so live it up while you can). I am atheist and do not beleive in any god. Am I positively sure that there isn't one? No. Can you be 100% sure that there is? No. I choose not to think or care about religion.<br /><br />"There's still hope" ?!! You are no better than the jehovah's whitnesses that you probably turn away from your door as I do. You try to force your religion on others at every chance you get. I also am told over and over "of course you beleive in god" and "I'll pray for you". The answer is, no I do not and PLEASE DON'T!<br /><br />I was shown by my parents to accept everyone and their beleifs, and to beleive what I choose to. I was never forced to go to church, or made to feel guilty for not going.<br /><br />Why do I think as I do? How much bloodshed has there been throughout history over religion? What is all the fighting in the world today about? WHAT IS ALL THE FIGHTING IN THIS THREAD ABOUT?!?!! Of course I see that religion can bring people together in a good way sometimes, but I also see the hatred that it can spawn.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

what follows "under god" is what we are having<br />problems with IMO... "Indivisible"<br />this is just another example of the growing<br />division in this country. perhaps this is what<br />the politicians want? to keep us divided...<br />sure seems that way to me.<br />don't even get me started on "liberty and justice<br />for all"