Neurotic Dog


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
We were on our way home from vacation two weeks back when my wife blurts out "OK I am ready for another dog" (we put Maggie down late last year, and we have been waiting for Mom to signal it is time to get Bear a friend). I have been lobbying for a Beagle as most of the Customs dogs in Australia are Beagles and I just love watching them etc. Anyway, she said OK to the Beagle, and we had already been talking to a breeder, so we went over and got an 8 month old that had not been taken from a previous litter. We had great luck with Bear who was 6 months old when we got him, so the age and fact that he was a leftover didn't bother us. Beautiful dog, red and white, seemed fine.

This dog is scared of his own shadow . . . I mean TERRIFIED. Stays hidden under our bed, my desk, whatever safe spot he can find. Comes out to pee, comes out for food, but if anybody so much as stands up he scurries away so fast he runs into stuff . . . He has not improved at all, and it has been two weeks. In fact, in some ways he is worse. I honestly think there is no hope for this dog. He seems smart, has had no accidents, isn't a barker etc. but he is an absolute emotional disaster. Curious if any of you have any ideas. I don't really care why he is this way, but whether or not you think there is any hope. The entire family, including Bear, just want him outta here. I know it's cold, but he is absolutely no joy for anybody.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Neurotic Dog

One of my daughters had a lab that was like that. . . well maybe not that bad. . .

Duke was VERY shy. She got him when he was a couple of years old and we all just assumed that he had been abused. Sounds like your pup has a different problem.

Duke came around after a year or so but was still very un-lab like. What brought him around was grandbuddy Luke, who had to be with Duke at all times and showered him with affection and worked him out with long walks and lots of play.

Your pup might be a candidate for the Dog Whisperer. Cesar does what seem miracles with dogs that have emotional/behavior problems.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Neurotic Dog

To me, it's a sign that the dog has been horrifically traumatised by someone or another dog at the breeders.
I say this from a position of experiance with our oldest min pin, Bambi. The dog was subjected to a monster of a master, and his 1year old son, who used the puppy as a football (so did the kid's father). For the first two months in our home, it would hide under the bed. After about a month, it would come to Carol, but if I entered the room, under the table she went (Bambi, not carol :) ) , would stay there until i left. Slowly, she learned to trust Carol, and more-slowly, me. There are permanent emotional scars tho --
To this day, if i pick up a remote control (obviouslly the former owner's idea of a behaviour-correctional tool), she BOLTS from my lap. Bambi is a very inteligent animal for the breed, and makes our other minpin look like an idiot in all ways in comparison. Bambi is now the most gentle, sweet, loving little girldog I've ever seen. And knowing what she must've endured for her first year of exisitance makes us inseperable, lifelong friends.
Be patient. and when she comes-around to trust you, she will protect you with her life.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: Neurotic Dog

Get him out on walks around the neighborhood. He has a hundred scents that he has no idea about. Get him around people and have a calm assertive demeanor. He will feed off your "vibes" so if someone is feeling sorry for him and treating him as such he will continue to act the way he does. Be calm and firm, take him out as much as you can to explore and smell around. He will come around.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Hmmm one thing you need to careful with when getting a purebreed is a .......geesh idiot. Beagle's are a very old breed and a lot of inbreeding take's place trying to achieve the right qualitiy's and along with that you get some shall we say challenge's.

Beagle's are great hunting dog's desire,tenactiy and a fearless are sought after trait's...sometime's the wire's get crossed and ya get a spook. Im not trying to be evil here, In my youth i bred hound's and while i most of the time we would get good result's sometime's ya just get one that cant be helped. I once had a Bluetick that only had half of here mask, very shy dog but turned out to be the best dog iv'e ever owned for hunting, but was completely incapable of being social with either human's or other dog's.

Watch her close if @ 6 months she doesnt respond to luv or human compassion be careful as they grow older they get mean...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

I don't think he has been abused other than the 21 Ticks I pulled off of him :eek: We are now disgusted with this breeder though, and are asking for our $ back (mainly becasue of the ticks nad the behavior). I don't think I can win over the family now. I am gonna see if I can even get him to take a walk. I honestly don't think he'll let me, and he just found his way back under our bed . . . He whined a little when we left him outside this morning, but then he runs away when I try to open the door. I opened it and went away and then he scurries under my desk and licks my toes. I got up and he bolted upstairs and under the bed. He spent 90% of the day there yesterday. Thank god he has a massive bladder . . . :rolleyes:


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Those are bad sign's, sound's like a big breeder from down south, usually good pup's are gone after there 6-8th week, 6 month's iv'e never heard of...and full of tick's say's it all......probably caged low maintance and not well cared for and her fear of human's.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

Little local breeder and the dogs are outside roaming free. I think the man and woman probably have ticks too, they look like they're from KY and need a trip to the Orthodontist . . . (Sorry Spinner, just having fun). He is smart though, knows where he's going and why he's going there. Learned his way around the house immediately, eyes are intelligent looking etc. I do think he has a screw loose, but it is a fear screw. Again, don't think he was beaten, his mom and dad and a brother are there, they seem right etc.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

To me, it's a sign that the dog has been horrifically traumatised by someone or another dog at the breeders.
I say this from a position of experiance with our oldest min pin, Bambi. The dog was subjected to a monster of a master, and his 1year old son, who used the puppy as a football (so did the kid's father). For the first two months in our home, it would hide under the bed. After about a month, it would come to Carol, but if I entered the room, under the table she went (Bambi, not carol :) ) , would stay there until i left. Slowly, she learned to trust Carol, and more-slowly, me. There are permanent emotional scars tho --
To this day, if i pick up a remote control (obviouslly the former owner's idea of a behaviour-correctional tool), she BOLTS from my lap. Bambi is a very inteligent animal for the breed, and makes our other minpin look like an idiot in all ways in comparison. Bambi is now the most gentle, sweet, loving little girldog I've ever seen. And knowing what she must've endured for her first year of exisitance makes us inseperable, lifelong friends.
Be patient. and when she comes-around to trust you, she will protect you with her life.

Min Pin's what a breed of dog, we to now have one. When my wife and the girl's are around he is so protective it's almost halrious, he watch's every move i make and one quick one he's he's on me like im the boogie man..... He will not back down, run from me or when i (playfully) chase or corner him and as soon as i turn my back he's on the war path, absolutey will not be submissive just a little terror... sometime's i pick him up and ask for a kiss and it damm near kill's him but i get one lick...:D

Now when i come home from work, he's just beside himself to see me, for at least 1/2 hour we are the world's best freind's, we go boating, for drive's walk's and he know's exactly how to behave what to do and his limitation's .............but when the the girl's all get together he draw's the line and it's evey man for himself........:cool:


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Little local breeder and the dogs are outside roaming free. I think the man and woman probably have ticks too, they look like they're from KY and need a trip to the Orthodontist . . . (Sorry Spinner, just having fun). He is smart though, knows where he's going and why he's going there. Learned his way around the house immediately, eyes are intelligent looking etc. I do think he has a screw loose, but it is a fear screw. Again, don't think he was beaten, his mom and dad and a brother are there, they seem right etc.

Well i dont think iv'e ever seen a dog that wouldn't respond to the luv and compassion of a child, do your kid's interact with him?? if they cant communicate and bond, that's say's a lot.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: Neurotic Dog

Min Pin's what a breed of dog, we to now have one. When my wife and the girl's are around he is so protective it's almost halrious, he watch's every move i make and one quick one he's he's on me like im the boogie man..... He will not back down, run from me or when i (playfully) chase or corner him and as soon as i turn my back he's on the war path, absolutey will not be submissive just a little terror... sometime's i pick him up and ask for a kiss and it damm near kill's him but i get one lick...:D

Now when i come home from work, he's just beside himself to see me, for at least 1/2 hour we are the world's best freind's, we go boating, for drive's walk's and he know's exactly how to behave what to do and his limitation's .............but when the the girl's all get together he draw's the line and it's evey man for himself........:cool:

Same boat, same dog...HMMMmmmmmm:eek::D


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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

Well i dont think iv'e ever seen a dog that wouldn't respond to the luv and compassion of a child, do your kid's interact with him?? if they cant communicate and bond, that's say's a lot.
All of us have tried. It seemed the 14YO was getting the closest, but his voice has changed and the dog may not consider him a "child". I'll see if the 11 YO can get any closer, but I agree, there is just something wrong with this guy. In fact after 2 weeks we haven't even named him. Casper (as in ghost) is close. Spaz almost stuck, Boo is appropriate, but like I said, he isn't allowing anybody to fall in love with him. It's really sad . . .


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Neurotic Dog

STOP trying to bond, return the dog, demand your money back all the way to small claims.

There are way too many dogs in this world that can barely restrain themselves to make you and your family happy.

It's natural for a dog of good characture to like people. That is what you should strive to find, not trying to rescue what will be at best abhorent behaviour in one way or another.
Lifes too short for such complications.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

All of us have tried. It seemed the 14YO was getting the closest, but his voice has changed and the dog may not consider him a "child". I'll see if the 11 YO can get any closer, but I agree, there is just something wrong with this guy. In fact after 2 weeks we haven't even named him. Casper (as in ghost) is close. Spaz almost stuck, Boo is appropriate, but like I said, he isn't allowing anybody to fall in love with him. It's really sad . . .

Spaz sound's great, it's one the kid's can relate to and reconize with a with a grin along with luv and compassion as only a child can...;)


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Poor dog. He's possibly from a bad environment, now in a brand new environment, with another dog (named Bear - big dog?), new smells, new people, new routine. Can't get comfortable in 2 weeks so he gets the axe, because "life is too short for such complications". 2 weeks! Sad.

You should have to shoot him yourself...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

Frankly we're closest to Skinnywater's assessment. I will say though, he is absolutely zero maintenance . . . Thanks. It may be too late as Mrs. QC has the last word on these things and she has declared the topic closed . . . She actually has a very soft spot for him, but sadly I think she is done waiting for any sign of improvement.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog


We are not cavalier about this stuff. Our first reaction is to find him a home, which we may still do. He actually likes Bear and will stay next to him for more protection . . . :rolleyes: Bear is a very sweet Yellow Lab.


May 17, 2001
Re: Neurotic Dog

An 8 month old pooch that hasn't had a home yet is going to have problems adjusting to any home. It would be hard to say what the short history is on him. Did he find a home from the breeder only to be returned again to the breeder?

Some dogs will adjust quickly and some will not adjust at all. Some breeds like Labs and Newfies will almost die of a broken heart when taken away from their first home. This burns me up when I see people get cute little puppies and then find out that the lifestyle involved doesn't match that of the new family member. So then out they go with baggage from poor training and bad habits. This sounds like the kind of pooch you got QC.

My suggestion is if you have a small crate to let him use as his sanctuary he may come out of his run and hide routine. It will take time but it is hard to say how long, but 2 weeks is a bit early. Heck, I can't get comfortable in a stange place in that amount of time. Dogs also cannot tolerate screaming, hollering and loud talking. They feel threatened by it and I don't blame them. I would run and hide too like I did when my dad would holler at me! :D

Like JB said, the Dog Whisperer is great and has helped me understand my dog a lot more than I did. His tactics work and has helped us in this household.

Could be worse, it could be one of those types that wet everywhere when they are so excited. However, they is ways of dealing with that problem to. Just got to be patient and win the dogs trust. He needs to know who the Alpha male is in the house and when their trust. Good Luck QC


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Neurotic Dog

Our rescued lab was like that and he finally came around. He was really skiddish before but I can wrestle with him now and he doesn't think I'm trying to hurt him anymore. He did a complete 180 and he's very happy here. Completely different dog than when we got him.