Neurotic Dog


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: Neurotic Dog

QC I had an identical situation as you. I bought a 6 month old German Shorthair Pointer. It was going to be my first hunting dog. He was practically scared of his own shadow. I spent alot of time with him getting used to his enviroment, never allowing him to remain afraid of something. I gave him some tough love sometimes but it paid off. He never did like being around a gun and 4th of july he would shiver under our bed. His nickname was BOO. So far he has been the best damn dog I have ever owned.
Dogs are simple creatures that respond to pain and love. They have a memory like no other.
If you have the will, he will find his way.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Neurotic Dog


I am far from any kind of dog expert, but I know with goldens, you need to take them right around 7 weeks. 8 months is a long time.

This little guy has to find his comfort zone with you and not under the bed or hiding somewhere. Kids sound like a great answer. And it appears to be imprinting on your yellow lab. But it needs to imprint on you or it will never obey. The breeder I bought my dog from would not allow you to buy two pups at once for this reason. A weekend in the woods, nightly walks in the park, interaction may be the key, but I just feel terrible for you. Your travels may make you a poor person for the dog to bond to, so leave it to one of the kids to care and raise it.

No self respecting breeder would allow a dog to have that many ticks. My sympathies go out to you and your family, but if you can work with it my guess is it will come around. A beagle that doesn't bark, a rare treasure....


Sep 17, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

sound like dog was tramatized
have 10 dogs some we bread charpeis and pitbulls
had one pitbull puppy from rescue people he was scared of everthing.
he will come around but sometimes it takes a while .
with the pit puppy it took two years
i say keep trying and loving maybe some day he will pay you back

everyone whants a puppy no one whants a dog thats why so many are homeless
thanks benny1963


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

Yeah, we are not afraid of having to work and we are not afraid of taking a dog vs. a puppy. Our first Lab we got from the pound, he was 1 1/2 and we still miss him. He was awesome and didn't need a day to come around . . . Our second lab we got at 7 weeks, third one at 6 months and he took a couple of days to become a terrorist, but he is amazing. The problem with this guy is no apparent progress . . . that's why we are so concerned. We are a pretty noisy house though . . .


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

I apologize for my previous post. There is no way I can know the details of your situation, and my experience with you thus far (on this board) proves you a very reasonable fellow.

I have a soft spot for animals in general (I train and work horses) and specifically for beagles and walker hounds as our roads are littered with run over abandoned hunting dogs in the winter. It makes me sick. That predisposition made me come off the handle a bit. Sorry.

I wish you patience, and I'm sure whatever you decide will be best for both you and the beagle...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog



All of you need to know that your posts are helping. We are trying even harder now and I made Mrs. QC read this thread. We're blocking off some of his hiding spots and being very careful. We'll give him some more time as he really is sweet and he's smart. We're not sure how we know, but we do . . . :)


Mar 22, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Keep us posted to his condition QC. I really hope he comes around, one of my best friends has a couple of Beagles and they are both really cool dogs; hopefully your new buddy will come around soon. We have a Golden Retriever that my girlfriend treats like a prince and he has come to perceive himself as such.​


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Neurotic Dog

Same boat, same dog...HMMMmmmmmm:eek::D

There's the little Nazi after he has thourghly whipped his new doll.....:eek:



Chief Petty Officer
Mar 23, 2007
Re: Neurotic Dog

HaHaHahhaaa, "lil nazi" That's a good looking pup.:cool:

Sorry to hijack your thread.
Maybe we need a "Show your pets" thread..:D
Best wishes


Aug 12, 2003
Re: Neurotic Dog

glad to get to the end of this thread and read you're going to stick it out. it's not the dog's fault he's in such a predicament. he'll come around. beagles are sharp dogs.

be careful not to baby him, no special attention when he's acting up. you don't want to reward the behavior. i'd get him outside on a leash as much as possible. i don't watch the dog whisperer anymore because the shows are all the same...treat the dog like a dog and it will be happy. treat it like a person or ignore it and you get what you get.

i think i only saw 1 mention of a crate, if you don't have one go get it.

good luck to you and your pup


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog

SS and Pointer are of the same opinion as I. JB's suggestion of calling in The Dog Whisperer is spot on. Heck we may see you on the tube :D:D. I hope every thing works out with Boo and your family in the end.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 4, 2005
Re: Neurotic Dog


This may sound funny but we had a rottie that was 8 years old and decided to get him a friend. We searched and searched and found a male rottie that was 7 months old and still with his mom. We drove 3 hoours to the kennel that had him and he was great at the kennel. Put him in the car and took him home, he spent the frist 4 weeks hiding under the bed and chewing all the cords there also. When we first got him home he was sick from being scared so he was throwing up. My dad told me we need to name him UP CHUCK. My daughter wanted Barkley (even though he hadn't barked at all). Well we compromised and named him Sir Charles Barkley of Hilltop.

He is now 8 years old and our only dog, but he is still skittish of people he doesn't now, if I raise my voice he will go hide NEXT to the bed now, and if you knock on the door while we are gone, he will let you know he is there.

He has turned out to be a great dog, even better since he is the only one. It just takes time and love.....