Need guidance on buying HDTV


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
So, what's your thoughts on the size now that it's in the house? Or, is it too early to tell as far as viewing?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
I just got back from picking it up and it's still in the car, I'll let you all know what I think once it's in place.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Don't be alarmed if you initially feel a little queasy. We did even with just a 42".....

We bought a 32" for our 5th wheel bedroom. We're 7' away and that is plenty big.

For you guys that like huge tvs, here's one for ya. Go big or go home!


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Cheap TV's with slow refresh rates can give some people a headache, the larger the screen the more noticable it is. It's why you need to know what you're buying.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
I have a Vizio Smart with a refresh rate of 120Hz. I think it has a lot to do with a completely different style of tv, for lack of better technical terms....... In our case, it was a temporary sensation.......


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
It's legal for recreational use here, you can just pick it up on the way home.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Cheap TV's with slow refresh rates can give some people a headache, the larger the screen the more noticable it is. It's why you need to know what you're buying.

Yea, but if you can sync your blinking with the refresh rate, you never see it. :pound:

I can remember years ago when our uncle got a TV, we weren't as fortunate then. It was a huge round tube black and white in a blond wood cabinet and with three, yes I said three, channels. It took a few minutes to come on and if it was a little out of sync, he would hit it on the side and it would straighten out for a few minutes. I guess that reseated the tubes, IDK. And we could get ghost all across the picture until you adjusted the rabbit ears just right and played with the fine tune knob. And tin foil was used to get the really hard third channel most of the time. Oh yea, those were the days. BUT, if the president came on, all three channels were screwed. But we liked it, we loved it. And there were no complaints either. To live in such a modern age, who would have thought!


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Maybe that's why WIMUSKY felt a bit queasy, he was used to the hazy ghosting and three channels on the old B&W, took a while to acclimate to the 6 decade jump in technology.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Well, OK, installed & set up as far as regular OTA TV watching goes. I still need to get the peripherals (DVD, VCR) hooked up. I have to say I'm impressed with this one. The biggest problem I had was connecting it to our router. I couldn't figure out which group of letter/numbers were the security code; and DUH, finally figured out it's case sensitive. All OK now.

We get over 30 OTA channels, initial setup was easy. As far as the size, I think it's just about right. I thought off-center viewing would be more of a problem than it is--one viewing sopt on the right is close to 45? off center, and it does appear lighter, but still very viewable. (I get the master chair dead center.) :D

A major improvement over the old Sharp 32".

This is taken from the furthest viewing point, but the lens is distorting the perspective a little, just wanted to show you the relative size compared to other stuff. Pardon the mess lol. Still a little position tweaking to do.



Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Problem is content. Netflix has it if you have 25 Mbs bandwidth
Good luck with that..latency can be a bigger problem. We have 100/100 fiber service and latency issues can and do pop up from time to time. Typically Friday and Saturday evenings.

ROKU - 1080 mode I'm using ~3.7 - 5 Mb/s bandwidth

Don't know where the problem lies. I'm running a Netgear R7000 nighthawk router. It could be the content servers


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
I can remember years ago when our uncle got a TV, we weren't as fortunate then. It was a huge round tube black and white in a blond wood cabinet and with three, yes I said three, channels. It took a few minutes to come on and if it was a little out of sync, he would hit it on the side and it would straighten out for a few minutes. I guess that reseated the tubes, IDK. And we could get ghost all across the picture until you adjusted the rabbit ears just right and played with the fine tune knob. And tin foil was used to get the really hard third channel most of the time. Oh yea, those were the days. BUT, if the president came on, all three channels were screwed. But we liked it, we loved it. And there were no complaints either. To live in such a modern age, who would have thought!

Love this story, I can relate to that, although we always had a roof antenna. My bedroom was "in the attice" as we used to call it and when the cold Little Siberia north winds blew in the winter, the guy wires would moan & howl. You'd swear the place was full of ghosts.

Looks good, enjoy it.

Thanks, we will. And thanks to everyone who joined in, really appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Good luck with that..latency can be a bigger problem. We have 100/100 fiber service and latency issues can and do pop up from time to time. Typically Friday and Saturday evenings.

ROKU - 1080 mode I'm using ~3.7 - 5 Mb/s bandwidth

Don't know where the problem lies. I'm running a Netgear R7000 nighthawk router. It could be the content servers
You have a hardwire connection between your TV and your router or using W-Fi?

I always hardwire a smart TV or Roku type device if I can.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
gm280 dont forget about the all night indian channel.(.TEST PATTERN). Tv looks good lakelover,but my more pressing question is whats the makeup of the stereo?For my main surrounds i use cerwin vega vs 80,s and a yahaha 5 channel 100 watt per reciever.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
An added bonus - I didn't remember that my wife has Netflix on her tablet, so we already have that. And I was pleasantly surprised that I had no trouble streaming it with our DSL.

My stereo is a 50w/ch NAD amp with ADS L-620 2-way speakers (10" woofers), and a powered 12" Polk sub. I'm not sure yet about how to hook that up. There's an optical audio output but the amp only has RCA inputs. And I discovered a headphone "audio out" jack on the back that I didn't realize I was there. I don't know if that would work to go to the stereo; other option is an optical to RCA converter. It bears more looking into.

EDIT: I just chatted with Samsung support and they said that a stereo can be hooked up through the headphone audio-out jack.
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Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
And on further research, that is not a 1/8" headphone jack on the back, it's actually an audio output. You just wonder why they used 1/8" instead of RCA connections if they were going to have it. Must be cheaper to produce.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
An added bonus - I didn't remember that my wife has Netflix on her tablet, so we already have that
If you already have a Netflix account, then you just put your account info into your new smart TV's Netflix app.