My Reasons for Hunting


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 16, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I don't hunt nor will I ever hunt.....<br /><br />I am also formally educated in conservation (degree in ecology and environmental sciences).<br /><br />I understand being in nature and all of that. But I could not shoot an animal. I consider myself a tree hugger....<br /><br />But,<br /><br />I will defend the rights of those who do hunt! I think that those who hunt are the greatest conservationists. I look at organizations such as Duck Unlimited and think that I am lucky that there are hunters out there that are truly working towards conservation understanding in real terms population demographics of different species.<br /><br />So from one who does not hunt, thank-you to those that do...<br /><br />Joe


Aug 11, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Steam Mill, excellent response. <br />I have never had, nor will ever have a problem with someone who chooses not to hunt. It is definitely not for everyone. <br />It is nice to see a non-hunter who understands this.<br /><br />Again, Anti-Hunters are the folks I have a problem with.<br /><br />So, from one who does hunt, thank you to those that do not hunt, yet help defend our right to hunt. (Whew, that was a tongue twister) :p


Chief Petty Officer
May 23, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Originally posted by Carphunter:<br /> .....I apologize, I am not very eloquent, and some things are hard to put into words, but I tried.....
Above is the only thing in the whole post that I disagreed with.<br /><br />You said it, Carphunter, and, regardless of what you think, you said it very, very well.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

aspeck <br />You just wanted to bring up my TypO again :D <br /><br /> ebb <br />Take some chocolate with you next time for the ants. Ought to go good with the frog legs! :) <br /><br /> steam_mill <br />Nicely put


Jan 22, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

you would've laughed your collective azz's off, caus i was orig rubbing my pants, then stripping the frog(like a catfish) then making an exclamatory comment whilst simultaneously slapping my leg, then my uncle(the farm owner) asking if i had a problem, then i acted like it must be a dam skeeter... then i realized i was being invaded up the trousers with a serious possibility of family jewels under attack.<br /><br />i jerked down some pants and shined a light on the situation and everyone agreed- i was in deep sheet. i hopped around while they LOL


Aug 11, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Capt. Kidd, thank you very much for the kind words, I really do appreciate it. :)

Butch Ammon

Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 26, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Wow.... This is an excellent thread! :cool: <br /><br />I hunt and fish too. I've been fishing since I was 10 and only recently started hunting (3rd year now). There is something special with hunting. You get away from it all and at the same time, you rediscover a primal instinct that has been dormant for many many years.<br /><br />I don't necessarily go duck/goose hunting anymore, as it has sadly become a rich man's sport with WAY too much competition and greed. But I still enjoy deer hunting and turkey hunting.<br /><br />Lastly, if you look into the Bible (yeah, I know ME quoting the bible... ;) ) and read Genesis Chap 9, you will see this quote:<br /><br />===============================<br />Genesis 9<br />1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.<br />2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.<br />3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.<br />================================<br /><br />How can animal rights activits, PETA, etc... argue with that Biblical quote? Man has been hunting for thousands and thousands of years!<br /><br />Butch A.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Last year in Cocoa, My dad (kakie pants), my doe and my son's legs.<br /><br />
<br /><br />and after...<br /><br />


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Link, you are correct, it was such an appropriate TYPO! HA!<br /><br />GG, archery starts in 2 weeks. Not near ready for it! Was at an archery range last week but didn't get the bow out of the vehicle - too many deer walking between me and the target area! Just couldn't trust myself!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Is hunting a sport?<br /><br />A bunch of friends and I had about an hour long discussion of what constitutes a 'sport' over beer and poker years ago. Don't even know if hunting per se was mentioned, but I do know that after all that discussion we realized that we still hadn't come close to a definition we were happy with.<br /><br />Does a sport require head to head competition? Offensive AND defensive components required? Does the ratio of 'athletic skills' vs. 'hand/eye coordination' matter? Where do pool, darts, and auto racing fit in?<br /><br />What is the difference between sports, games, athletics, etc? <br /><br />Just reminds me that it's been too long since I've had a good drunken poker night debate...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

There is a murderer lurking inside many of us.<br /><br />Discipline and civilized values keep it deep under.<br /><br />Enough rage or greed can unleash it. <br /><br />--------------------<br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB<br />keeps that part of me were it belongs and i love to be in the woods


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 12, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I don't think that the murder comment really applies to hunting. I bowhunt here in Australia, we only hunt ferel animals, and have nothing but respect for the animal. It is a hunters duty to ensure that any kill is as quick and humane as possible. If we didn't hunt over here, then the ferels whould completely destroy the native animal population.(I also use most of I kill for food, I don't leave it to rot)


Aug 8, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I have always asked this question of those who criticize hunters: who is lower, the hit man or the person who hires him? Personally, I loathe the one who pays to have his killing done for him.<br /><br />The sad thing is, almost all of us are guilty of that, if we are not vegetarians. Every time we eat a steak, we pay a hit man to kill that cow. Every time we eat a piece of chicken, we have hired a hit man to slaughter a bird.<br /><br />I think we'd be better human beings if we all had to kill our own meat. We take too much of life for granted.<br /><br /><br />-dd-


Jun 19, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Good points Lark and DD. My dad first took me hunting when I was about 7 and taught me how to shoot a 22. At 8 he and me mother divorced so I never really hunted again until we reunited again here in Fla. when I was about 24. I'm just a guest on the land he leases with a club. So I only get but one or two weekends a year now if I want to hunt somewhere other than a management area. <br /><br />Most all of the other hunters out there are wealthy and they are there for mainly the rack. There two good to bother with a hog and I think most couldnt skin one anyway. My father is probably the best hunter out there and have yet to see him hang, mount or keep a rack. We kill only what we eat and we take pride in our technique among the others at the skinning rack.<br /> Our trophy is when another hunter comments on the fact that there is no rack or head left on the animal due to the fact that all most all of it is missing. <br />My dad finally broke me of the tendency of taking the heart or body shot, but only after years of much teasing and critisism. At first I thought he was just being arrogant and a shot off. I thought it was grusome that he alway would take a head shot. All the while I'm having to take several shots to secure the animal. So when I finally challeged his technigue he explained to me that when he takes a head shot the animal feels no pain whatsoever. I if he misses, the odds of wounding and losing the game is far less, plus the animal can continue his life a bit more edjucated. When you miuss a head shot, you really miss most of the time unless you accidentally hit the neck which would also be a fatal shot.<br /><br />By the time I get to the ranch, well after the season starts(guests are not allowed until after the opening week) the pickins are pretty slim, and so are my dads tags. I've never shot a buck yet, only does. The one buck I ever had a shot at I missed from ten yards away with a 58 cal. muzzle loader (round ball). I swear that buck turned end over end but when the power smoke cleared he was gone without a trace.<br /><br />Another part of the sport is field dressing, then Skinning and butchering. My ole man can skin 3 boars to the average man with only a deer. I've yet to see anyone do it as he taught me. See the above pic, thats him doing the dirty work and teaching my sons. Skinning the game with the head up makes perfect sense to me. Chit flows downhill and the skin can be ripped down with little need to nic the meat with a blade.<br /><br />Well, he's getting on now, and during this hunt I was able to finally criticize his shooting for a change. :D <br /><br />Thats our sport....<br /><br />OJ


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I quit hunting over 30 years ago when I almost blew my brother-in-law's head off by accident. I scared me (and him) so bad that I sold my gun that day. I understand the reasons people hunt and don't have a problem with the sport. I love getting out in the woods but would rather carry a camera. <br /><br />Most of my friends are hunters and they are gone every weekend in the fall. That leaves me having to listen to the b*tching whenever LF & I happen to see one of their wives on the weekend.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Originally posted by Mr.Ladyfish:<br /> Most of my friends are hunters and they are gone every weekend in the fall. That leaves me having to listen to the b*tching whenever LF & I happen to see one of their wives on the weekend.
Every hunting camp needs a quality camp cook, and from what LF says, you are a good one.


Aug 11, 2002
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

The boss is Golfing today, so I have a little time to post here. ;) <br /><br />Speaking of the upcoming season, I get a chance to hunt a couple thousand acres of private land. Recently, if some of you guys remember, I lost my hunting rights to a great piece of land. Now, the same family that I did the Turkey guiding for has practically adopted me. I get to hunt any of the land they own, or farm, which is a lot of great hunting land.<br />Gonna have to spend much of this first year learning the land and how the deer use it, but I can't wait.<br /><br />Its legal in Indiana to spot deer at night for scouting purposes. Obviously, if you have any sort of weapon in the vehicle, they throw the book at ya. Anyway, we spot many of the fields regularly before the season, so we can get an idea of the quality of the bucks in our area, and let me tell ya, I have never seen so many good bucks. This is a great way to see bucks in an area without spooking them, unfortunately, there are many jerks that sneak their guns in their vehicles and shoot at the deer while spotting. Seems like they get caught most of the time though.<br /><br />I still gotta wait another week for our season to open!<br /><br />God sure seems to be watchin over me. :)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

Every hunting camp needs a quality camp cook, and from what LF says, you are a good one.
Actually that has been discussed but I'd rather spend the weekends taking LF fishing.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 19, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I can understand your reasons Mr.Ladyfish, over here in the uk we have had 2 tragic accidents in the last 10 days where kids were shot by hunters, 1 died, the other is still critical.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 12, 2004
Re: My Reasons for Hunting

I think I would not call hunting a sport. golf and tennis are sports. Hunting is something more primal, a link to our past, a way of life without the fast food convieniance. Our skill over here (around my friends anyway) is not really on display, we tend to hunt solo (within earshot) and we skin our kill on the spot, not in public view, it is a somewhat personal thing.