my new old 1988 ss20v


May 10, 2017
Quick update for anyone who may still be following this thread, I have been fighting off more medical problems for the last few weeks but should be back on track soon. Starting to do a little work on the consoles and the engine dog house but can't seem to stay on it but a few minutes at a time. About to kick this medical problems ass and get back to work. A few new pics tomorrow If I can remember.---


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
The mind is willing but the body's weak, get better and we'll be here watching as you knock that sucker out. ;).


Jan 23, 2009
Quick update for anyone who may still be following this thread, I have been fighting off more medical problems for the last few weeks but should be back on track soon. Starting to do a little work on the consoles and the engine dog house but can't seem to stay on it but a few minutes at a time. About to kick this medical problems *** and get back to work. A few new pics tomorrow If I can remember.---

Good luck with the medical. I can totally relate! I'm in the same situation.

I'll be tracking your thread as you go along.


May 10, 2017
A warning , drink no wine before it's time. lol. Pushed my recovery too hard and nearly cut off the ends of my thumb and forefinger about a week or so ago . Just was not thinking and although I had a push stick in my right hand I reached down , not thinking , pushed the 1/2 cut against the guide of my table saw and cut off the pad of the thumb of my left hand along with splitting the nail on my pointer finger. In retrospect I should have never turned the saw on until I was clear headed . Been a memorable two month period for some reason . This could have been much much worse , I was very lucky I still have all my fingers although they may not all be as thick as they once were . Looks like I'll be backed off my restore a little longer . Geeeezzzzee .
It's odd just how much one uses their thumb and forefinger to do just about everything through the process of a days work. I went out and worked on the boat anyway and got the thumb infected so guess , once again , I need to wait till my body heals before I start back to work on my project , damn this traffic jamb .



Apr 5, 2011
Wow!! Sorry to hear about the thumb and finger.. Yes you were lucky!! Alcohol and power tools, not a good combination..
Hope you heal up soon..


Jan 23, 2009
A warning , drink no wine before it's time. lol. Pushed my recovery too hard and nearly cut off the ends of my thumb and forefinger about a week or so ago . Just was not thinking and although I had a push stick in my right hand I reached down , not thinking , pushed the 1/2 cut against the guide of my table saw and cut off the pad of the thumb of my left hand along with splitting the nail on my pointer finger. In retrospect I should have never turned the saw on until I was clear headed . Been a memorable two month period for some reason . This could have been much much worse , I was very lucky I still have all my fingers although they may not all be as thick as they once were . Looks like I'll be backed off my restore a little longer . Geeeezzzzee .
It's odd just how much one uses their thumb and forefinger to do just about everything through the process of a days work. I went out and worked on the boat anyway and got the thumb infected so guess , once again , I need to wait till my body heals before I start back to work on my project , damn this traffic jamb .

Yow! Don't DO that!! :nono:

I sure hope you heal up quickly. :)

We all have to be careful when working on boats or anything else for that matter. I fell three times last week working on my boat and almost had a garden tractor fall on me as well.

Be safe everybody! :cool:


May 10, 2017
BWR1953--looks like we are kinda in the same boat , so to speak. Things can happen in a hurry that you don't get seconds on . Guess a little slower pace may help and a helper if you can find one that doesn't have a different idea about everything you are trying to do. I never found one but am sure they are out there.

Decker83--- Because of some liver problems , I have not even drank a beer in more than 20 years so I guess I just don't have any excuses like alcohol to blame.


May 10, 2017
Decker83-- the wine comment was in reference to starting back to work too early when recovering from a medical condition . Was not really referring to Alcohol .


May 10, 2017
Well screw it ! I just can't take any more of this sittin around waiting to heal crap. I stretched out the thumb and pointer finger on a new pair of black dot gloves and started back to work on the boat. This time no table saws though , for a while anyway.
I put the consoles in without screwing them down because the windshield did not line up because the new carpet and glue made everything sit a little higher and the walk through window does not line up rite . Thought I would let them settle a while but after a couple of weeks they have not settled down so I will pull the upper wood dividers and take a little more off the top til the walk through lines up rite.
About the Windshield , I've at a loss as to figure out how to get to the screw heads that are hidden UNDER the windshield frame. I was starting to get the ol , just tear it apart feeling when I decided to ask some one who knows instead of tearing stuff up . Gotta enough to finish repairing already .
I read several posts about windshields but did not really find an answer to my question. Did find something about foam removal at the base to expose the screw heads that I don't have but is kinda the general problem I have. It looks to me like there are aluminum frames , I don't see any foam.
Anyone know the trick to taking these off without tearing them up ?? Wish I could leave them alone but need to replace some vinal under them as well as scrape some more black crapola of the gunnels under the windshield .

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May 10, 2017
OK , pulled the long pass side window out of the frame. Under the black rubber window gasket there is an Aluminum track that the gasket sits in . I pulled out the gasket expecting to find an open channel that exposed the mounting screws but found a solid , Aluminum base and NO access to the screws. I'm a little stumped here. I don't see another panel to pry open to expose the screw heads.
a little help if you guys will ?


Jan 23, 2009
BWR1953--looks like we are kinda in the same boat , so to speak. Things can happen in a hurry that you don't get seconds on . Guess a little slower pace may help and a helper if you can find one that doesn't have a different idea about everything you are trying to do. I never found one but am sure they are out there.
Yeah, I'm lucky that I have "the boy" to help me so much. Honestly, I don't know if I'd be able get anything done on the boat(s) and other such stuff if he wasn't around. ;)

And always remember...


May 10, 2017
a good word to go by.

I think I have the windshield figured out and why someone would over complicate such a simple thing is beyond me. Just before dark I went back out and had one last look for the day and from outside the boat I can see that there is a plastic strip on the bottom half of the window frame on the outer side that must come out to expose the screw heads . Now that I have wasted another day to ignorance , I hope to get something done tomorrow.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Yeouch, that makes me cringe just thinking about having a table saw accident. I was cutting 080 aluminum sheets with my table saw and had the blade catch the small piece that was a knife shape of sorts. The kickback piece went whizzing right past my face and stuck in the drywall behind me. No face shield either just glasses. :eek:

The windshield frames should be held on by T bolts with nuts on the underside of the gunnels/consoles, at least they were on both of my SC boats.


May 10, 2017
Watermann--- When I first cut my fingers up I did not go to the doctor and instead looked on the internet to see how I could treat my injuries . In one of the articles was a guy who was cutting a 2 x 4 and it kicked back and caught him between the nose and his upper lip and laid him open like a can of Tuna fish , can't imagine how much damage a chunk of Aluminum would do to a man . Not any small injury I'm sure. I do not stand behind the saw but beside it when I work so if it kicks I won't be on the receiving end . Wish I would have been a little more observant the other day .
About the windshield frame , reaching up under the gunnels it feels like there are just screws there and no hardware so maybe sheet meal screws in this one . Will know later today since I have other things going on as well and can't get to it this morning .
Did yours have the plastic strip on the outside of the frame ? If it did , does the strip just slide out or did you have to pry it out ? Don't want to tear it up taking it apart , there probably isn't a new one in existence .


May 10, 2017
Eureka I've found it , and the windshield is off . I did not realize how big t was until I set it down on the deck.


May 10, 2017
Does anyone own a 1987-1989 Starcraft SS ? I finally finished 99 % of scraping this black crap off the gunnels and have a question or two about this coating. At first I thought it was old dilapidated Black bed liner but then I saw the same coating underneath a great deal of the factory carpet that was left in the boat so I thought it was old carpet backing mixed with glue . Then after I took the windshield off I found the same coating but much much thicker under the windshield frame. So I am at a crossroads , I need to glue some carpet down then reinstall the windshield but if this black stuff was put on at the factory I think that I may need to put a coat or two of Gluevit on the gunnels before I put the windshield and carpet back onto the gunnels. Would help greatly if someone has a Starcraft of about the same year as mine , give or take a year either way to tell me if this black crap is on theirs as well . I own a 1988 201ss open bow .


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
This is bedliner you/re dealing with not SC factory glue, most carpet glue is an off white color.



May 10, 2017
Watermann-- How is it sandwiched between riveted laps and under the original carpet then ?? I've been back and forth on this idea so much I'm starting to feel like a ping pong ball . lol. But really how could it possibly be under original carpet , would the factory have used it ??
Liner or not do you think I should seal the gunnels with Gluevit or just reinstall the windshield and put in the carpet ??