My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport


Oct 25, 2009
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Jeesh BF, it's really starting to look like you should have just removed all the rivets, picked up 3, 18' sheets of 5052 aluminum and just used the old stuff for patterns. Heck you have already proven you have the required skills to just fab out a complete new and improved replica.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

I think Starmada membership should include a HANS Device. First to help keep the head locked in a forward direction, second to prevent whiplash caused by jammin' on the brakes when you see a blue tarp. Although a blue tarp indicates a caring owner who cares about his boat resulting in a price that's usually more than us cheapskates are willing to pay. ;)

head locked would increase the probability of us swerving into the owner's mailbox.

I'm thinking blue-filter lenses...the only downside is that we'd see 2 yellow lights at intersections... :lol:

BTW: 1949 Alumacraft A, 1 of 1100 made that year.................

It DID NOT self attach to the trailer hitch, and is not currently sitting outside my parent's house waiting to be towed home.

Definitely was the way to go, looks to have been hiding plenty to be concerned about. Nice work.

Congrats on the Alumacraft that you DID NOT buy! :)

Were you impacted by the WV chemical spill? Crazy stuff! I saw a guy getting interviewed after being given the green light to use their water..."yeah, our water still smells like black liquorice but we trust the government so we think it's OK" :eek:

Jeesh BF, it's really starting to look like you should have just removed all the rivets, picked up 3, 18' sheets of 5052 aluminum and just used the old stuff for patterns. Heck you have already proven you have the required skills to just fab out a complete new and improved replica.

Ha, thanks Glen! If someone could bend those pieces for me, I would love to rivet it together :madgrin:


Dec 7, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

naah, then Starcraft would call in a drone strike on you because your boats would be so much better than the ones they build! :eek:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

naah, then Starcraft would call in a drone strike on you because your boats would be so much better than the ones they build! :eek:
This where that 3cyl eggbeater saves me...boat will look twice as fast as it really is...unless they wise up and wait for me to anchor. :scared: :lol:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 20, 2013
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Great great work so far BF. You have some excellent craftsmanship thus far. Tagging along!


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Great great work so far BF. You have some excellent craftsmanship thus far. Tagging along!

Thanks jvanhees! Welcome aboard! :wave:


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Hey fellas!

Jobs like this make me wish that i had a 14' boat...

I like the white MT a little more...I'm able to see the pit edges a little better when applying.

The canadians are blowing more of their cold air our way making the hanger a little too cold for this stuff. (convenient excuse for working on something else :lol:)


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

...great excuse to start mapping-out the bow support / structure!

Levels are about as useful as an ashtray on a Harley, so we're starting by stretching twine across the side bow supports.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Sorry I missed you post:
Were you impacted by the WV chemical spill? Crazy stuff! I saw a guy getting interviewed after being given the green light to use their water..."yeah, our water still smells like black liquorice but we trust the government so we think it's OK" :eek:
Fortunately, I'm way upriver on a tributary feeder that is then a tributary of 1 of the 2 rivers that join together in Pittsburgh at Three River's stadium (any quess why it's called that? :D) and form the Ohio. So no flavored water out of the tab here, unless you count rusty, galvanized water pipe additives, flavoring. I saw one of the 1st press conferences after it broke nationally, and man that's the offending firm's mouthpiece, made my skin crawl. Slippery, twitchy mannerisms, and his speaking voice had a weird halting/awkward pace to it. CREEP:
The contamination is not a problem, we're doing everything necessary to repair the facility. You should not be concerned if you were exposed to the contaminated water, but DON'T drink, bath, cook, wash or otherwise use the water. But again the contamination is NOT UNSAFE.....
I was however down river in Louisville, KY thru Wed afternoon, and left about 36-48hrs before the contamination plume reached the Louisville area. Interestingly enough, I hear that even the EPA can't predict how bad it really is & has NO data on the chemical that got spilled's effect on people. Either in large or small doses. Carp. I also haven't heard what that stuff is doing to the Ohio fish populations.....

Jobs like this make me wish that i had a 14' boat...
I like the white MT a little more...I'm able to see the pit edges a little better w I hen applying.
MT is the white ^^^, what's the black? JB Weld? Wow, hope you bought the super size tubes from Costco ;)


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

MT is the white ^^^, what's the black? JB Weld? Wow, hope you bought the super size tubes from Costco ;)

Man, what a train wreck...I also thought about the impacts to the local aquaculture. It looks like that company filed for bankruptcy. :cold:

The "black" is MT as well.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Sorry I missed you post:

Fortunately, I'm way upriver on a tributary feeder that is then a tributary of 1 of the 2 rivers that join together in Pittsburgh at Three River's stadium (any quess why it's called that? :D) and form the Ohio. So no flavored water out of the tab here, unless you count rusty, galvanized water pipe additives, flavoring. I saw one of the 1st press conferences after it broke nationally, and man that's the offending firm's mouthpiece, made my skin crawl. Slippery, twitchy mannerisms, and his speaking voice had a weird halting/awkward pace to it. CREEP:

JB - You really have to get a boat in the water and make an upstream river trip. Three Rivers Stadium is now a parking lot adjacent to Heinz Field, imploded in 2001.


Immediately following the implosion, see the dust plume. :joyous: :lol:


The company that caused that mess, Freedom Industries, did file for bankruptcy. I'm sure it was to lessen monetary damages. :facepalm:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Sorry GA, I knew 3RS wasn't still there, but I didn't remember that it's Ketchup Field now.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Sorry GA, I knew 3RS wasn't still there, but I didn't remember that it's Ketchup Field now.

That's OK, JB. It's hard trip you up. It seldom happens. I visited Pgh. in July, 01 and came out of the Ft. Pitt tunnel overlooking the Point and asked where is Three Rivers? My sister said they blew it up! Then the fireworks at PNC Field went off because the Pirates won one their 62 games that evening. :facepalm: I said they're glad to see me. :D


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

JB (WV), GaB(Pitt), Sorry to interrupt your "Backyard Brawl" :p

I can finally see the light at the acid-drenched tunnel.

The bottom hull skin has been excruciatingly slow. The only reason this doesn't suck worse than stripping paint is that it's not 100 degrees. I'm lovin' the results though; this gives you an idea of just how much corrosion I'm dealing with.

When you get that surface right, it grabs the MT. If you hit a section of aluminum with a heat-gun before smearin' the MT, the viscosity reduces just enough to allow you to pull-off the excess.

I stopped a few ribs-short to do the transom skin. The West Systems acid concoction wasn't making a dent in some of that I stepped-up to Muriatic acid.

(No worries guys, full eye, skin & lung protection were worn)

When you put this stuff on, you see a little puff of smoke! :target:


Process: 1.) Apply it to the corrosion with a piece of paper towel. 2) let it sit 3.) scrub it with a wire brush, 4.) wipe the acid with a paper towel, 5.) drench/scrub with a wash cloth & clean water (get that acid out of the pits) 6.) then douse it with clean water. 7.) Wipe-dry with clean cloth. This process ensures that there is no residual acid.

It's to a point where I'll be able to hit it with the West Systems cleaner (makes the surface hydrophillic...super critical or the next part won't work) followed by chromate conversion (forms a protective layer on the aluminum...and you get a brief 2hr window of maximum adhesion), then fill the pits with MT.

Having the knee brace off for this is nice! I keep a pan under those holes...that acid will do a number on my garage floor!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

Thanks for stoppin' by! :yo:


Oct 1, 2008
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

It sure cleaned it up pretty. You got some shiny tin goin on blue looking real good.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Now I can see the holes that need rivets. :) Cleaned up nice, Blue.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Sometimes I wonder why I'm fighting that same corrosion beast your tangling with. The more I clean things up the more work I find. It really helps me to stay focused seeing you tackle it head on and the feeling of not being alone. It's great to see your nearing the end of the battle with your corrosion beast. Mines just beginning I'm afraid. I've learning a ton this go around and your well documented thread is a huge help.

Awesome work!


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

It sure cleaned it up pretty. You got some shiny tin goin on blue looking real good.

Thanks Sig! Almost too pretty to cover-up! :lol:

Now I can see the holes that need rivets. :) Cleaned up nice, Blue. well as the 15 additional holes from transducers, livewell pumps, etc...which are all in 1 place.

My plan there is to fab a bracket out of 0.090" 5052 that covers those holes & the rivets for the z-bracket will pass through. The bracket will hold a piece of Starboard for accessories.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm fighting that same corrosion beast your tangling with. The more I clean things up the more work I find. It really helps me to stay focused seeing you tackle it head on and the feeling of not being alone. It's great to see your nearing the end of the battle with your corrosion beast. Mines just beginning I'm afraid. I've learning a ton this go around and your well documented thread is a huge help.

Awesome work!

Thanks H2O! Misery loves company! :) You would have to be one crazy SOB to enjoy this part of the project! The problem is, cutting corners here will lead to even bigger problems down the road. Stick with it man...slow-n-steady wins the race! :thumb:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Bracket & starboard look like a great design & plan.

Question: Is reusing the transom Z shelf rivet holes going to get the bracket & starboard low enough on the transom for transducer/speedo pitot etc?

Else really does look like a great plan. NICE graphic.


"Captain" + Starmada Splash Of The Year 2020
Dec 20, 2010
Re: My First StarCraft; 1975 18' SuperSport

Bracket & starboard look like a great design & plan.

Question: Is reusing the transom Z shelf rivet holes going to get the bracket & starboard low enough on the transom for transducer/speedo pitot etc?

Else really does look like a great plan. NICE graphic.

Thanks JB!

For once, the crazy PO's did me a favor :lol:

I'll adjust the bracket height to fit my H-Bird Side-imaging transducer.