

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
I don't smoke anymore.....Please kill me!<br /><br />Disclamer: To all the wacko's and Bin ladden wanna be's.....this post is for the sole purpose of venting anguish inflicted upon said poster. This is in no way a plee for death in a serious mannor and while your consern Is appriciated, Your services are in no way needed or being solisieted for use by said poster....this includes stalkers (sorry Sloopy).<br /><br />Wanasmokewood.

bobber head

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 1, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Just as well, gasping for breath, is a horrible way to die.<br /><br />Guess Mr. Morris won't be able to afford that new hot tub now, eh?<br /><br />Good luck you quitter.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Good luck nonsmokinwood!<br />I became a non smoker again 12 years ago. Tried everything...hypnosis finally did it for me...a 3-4 pack a day smoker.<br />Never missed it. Took the money I would have spent on them and bought a motorcycle :confused: ...almost killed myself on that...had to quit it too :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Nopuffwood, I just want to let you know There are a lot of people here that are glad you are trying to quit. I don't think there is much we can say other than, Good luck and you made the right decision. If nothing else, this is the right decision for your family. They want to have you around as long as possible. Hell we all do. Where would we be without Derwood's perspective. Hang in there. It is a rough road, but it can be done.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 22, 2002
Re: Mercy....

A fellow quitter here too Derwood. The first couple months are the killer, then it's downhill. Folks around me sufferred as much, if not more ;) My initial problem was replacing the cigs with Twinkies... figured heart disease would get me before the lung cancer would have, so I backed off of them after an extra 30 lbs. Been off the smokes a year now and they still smell like filet mignon when someone's smoking around me. The main thing is this: make up your mind that you aint smoking any more, and you'll be fine :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Mercy....

Go for it, Gutswood!<br /><br />Suggestion: Drop the "trying". Bad word; it suggests you might be only temporaritly non-using.<br /><br />One quits or one doesn't. You quit. Congratulations. :) <br /><br />Fellow non-smoking Nicotine addict. :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Good Luck GonnaQuitWood......I think catching a big,fat 3.5 lb. mackeral helps take the urges away! :D or was it posting the pic and all your buds here online spotting the evidence! :p

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Mercy....

Well done mate!<br />We're all behind you!<br />Ross


Jul 31, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Way to go smokelesswood! Keep it up and vent whenever needed. You have a lot of support here.<br /><br />call us the "supportwoods!"

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Hang tough. You have my admiration. I have never even tried to quit. The United States Goverment taught me to smoke by giving me free cigarettes when I was in the service. How could there be anything wrong with it ? My family doctor is tired of this excuse, by the way.

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Mercy....

W A R N I N G Hassling Derwood about smoking could be dangerous for your health.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 23, 2001
Re: Mercy....

10 years since my last cigarette, gets always gotta remember, YOU ALREADY HAD YOUR LAST CIGARETTE!


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Derwood,<br /><br />Have not given up the weed yet myself, but just want you to know you are my newest HERO. :) <br /><br />Heres to HEROWOOD. HIP HIP HORRAY!!!!


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Mercy....

I am haveing an anxious moment right now....It started sometime yesterday morning....bout 10 minutes past Doral....the last Doral.<br /><br />My Daughter asked me what its like to quit smokeing....I had to think about it for a few minutes.<br /><br />Its diffrent for some pepole than others....I knew a guy that use to work at the company with me and after many, many years of smokeing he just quit.<br /><br />It was nuts the way he did it....We were driveing to the next job and he took his pack of smokes out of his pocket and tossed em out the window :eek: . Not a sound from him about it....just out they went....I did'nt say anything to him for a few minutes, then I said "you coulda gave em to me" He laughed and that was the end of it....He still does'nt smoke.<br /><br />He never showed it botherd him....So I still have this question to answer...what does it feel like (for me) to quit smokeing.<br /><br />The closest I can get, and It realy is rather acurate, was to tell her to take a deep breath and hold it till she "HAD" to take a breath....then before she could take the breath she had to count to ten.<br /><br />I was an addict of niccotine since I was 15....19 years worth of smokeing....the first 14 I smoked camel shorts....(I still think a filtered cigarette taste like a plastic baggy thats been lit on fire) when I told her that over half my life I had been smokeing 3-4 packs of smokes a day....rarely more than a few minutes (not counting sleeping, pumping gas, loading the muzzle loader and sex) without a smoke in my mouth went in a way, not breathing is actualy pretty close to accurate as I can get.<br /><br />If you don't belive me....and you can still remember what it feels like to have a bad urdge....try not breathing till you have to, and compare it to the withdrawl of not smokeing.<br /><br />All this aside....Even though I do want the smokes pretty bad I have'nt taken one....One of yall told me on another post to tell myself that "I don't smoke" and thats what I have been doing.<br /><br />Now JB....this feeling that I am crien about...Is this where the Zyban helped you? <br /><br />I have'nt taken any of it yet, and If it will help me here than it may be worth a shot. <br /><br />Thanks for yall's support....I need it.<br /><br />Notpuffinwood.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Keep on keeping on my friend. And keep in mind when that young lady looks up at you when you walk her down the asile without wheezing and dragging oxygen behind you you will look back on this and say see I am the hero she always thought I was.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Derwood, again I am proud you took the first step. Until JB gets back to you, here is the link to the Zyban site for more information. You have taken the first and hardest step. Once the withdrawl is done, the next part is easier.<br /><br />


Jul 31, 2002
Re: Mercy....

gonna-makeit-throughitwood,<br /><br />The zyban will help with the cravings. My wife was able to stop with the zyban. It's tough, but hang in there.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Mercy....

I don't know if this qualifies as support, but here goes...<br /><br />In my teenage years, I had the great displeasure of watching my grandmother who very close to me, die from complications of lung cancer... This lady though small in stature,(95Lbs soaking wet if that much) was as tuff as nails and could handle anything you could throw at her...<br /><br />After at least 30 years of smoking, one day she came down with some nasty flu like symtoms, Coughing almost uncontrolably.... After about a week past she was not getting any better, but actualy getting worse... Her Doctor immidately admitted her to the hospital.... <br /><br />A few days after they removed a third of one lung and a quarter of the other to lung cancer, I went to see her in the intensive care unit, and it was something I'll never forget.... Tubes coming out of here and there, Iv's, oxygen, and who knows what else... Scared the hell out of me....<br /><br />Now she managed to recover somewhat and lived almost two years after that, but she had constant medical problems... In and out of the hospital thereafter... During the last few months of her life she was on oxygen constantly, and the last few weeks she could barely breathe even with the 02... She said it was like running a marithon trying to breathe through a straw...<br /><br />Lung cancer took away everything she loved... Golf, bumming around with her buddies, taking me to the driving range to hit some balls, Gone.. All Gone...<br /><br />Finaly four years ago my ol' Pops decided to give em' up after thirty years and watching his mom die a slow, painful death.... I say "decided", but is was more like I was ready to beat the tar(no pun intended) out of him if he did'nt quit...<br /><br />He says that he feels so much better even though he gained about fifteen extra pounds.. He's working on that extra weight but not doing to well at it... He does'nt cough up them morning tar balls anymore either.... He eats breath mints like there going out of style, but it beats smoking...<br /><br />So Guys: Fight the good fight... Ya'll are Tuff-E-Nuff... Do whatever it takes to quit... ;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Mercy....

LungsLoveYouWood-<br />I wish I lived closer to you, I would write a Rx for you. I work at a naval hospital and treat a lot of smoking cessation. The Zyban works but I also recommend using either the nicotine patches or gum to supplement(Only if you dont cheat-otherwise TOO much nicotine if combined with cigs :eek: ). I usually write zyban 150mg, take 1 in morning for first 3 days, then take 1 in A.M. and 1 P.M. for 6-8 wks. It is usually better to get started taking pills 1 week prior to quit date to get your blood levels up, but that is not possible here. So dont quit if you dont get an immediate result.... use the nicotine supplement to get you thru until the Zyban kicks in. Otherwise, tell your wife a doc on the net recommends fishing at all times to keep your mind off things...and post some more pics if you catch any more of those macs......hard to puff and reel in a lugger at the same time! Good Luck :cool:


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Mercy....

Day three....<br /><br />Not to bad....I have made it three days and nobody has died at my hands or suffred any serious injury.<br /><br />I realy want one right now....but not bad enough to start smokeing....cause "I don't smoke".<br /><br />I do have one thing thats going to be hard for me.....My pipe....I never thought about that untill today when one of the guys at work lit up a "captin black".<br /><br />I love the pipe for the smell....I don't inhale (pullen a clinton) the pipe realy....just what I get through the nose from breathing.<br /><br />2lbs of black cavindish and 2 80$ pipes (one merscham/amber tip and one bulldog).<br /><br />I don't think that me smokeing the pipe would be a good idea....I would be SMOKEING....maybe I can get a little burner of sorts so I can use the cavindish as a incense....Its my favorite smell.<br /><br />It's the thing I loved about my uncle most.....going fishing in his caddy while he smoked that pipe.....just sitten in that car without him I could smell the pipe....I could nap in that car every day.<br /><br />I am doing pretty well three last time was much worse than this.<br /><br />nonicwood.