Men drivers

Mrs Soulwinner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 18, 2004
Re: Men drivers

I'll have to agree with everyone to a point... I have experienced bad drivers in all areas but i do think that the young & OLD people should all have their driver's license taken away and everyone of them slapped one good time. I've been driving for 20 yrs and never had a ticket. (I do like to drive fast though....I think I missed my calling in life, which was to be a baja racer!!) People (both genders) are in such a hurry to get somewhere that it's almost like they've forgotten that there are other people on the roads until they see the 'next challenge', then there's still only two. Because of this idea, I went out and bought a Toyota if anyone out there thinks they want to play on their way....I'm prepared to walk away. And yes, I do know what my truck will do in regards to the stopping distance in an emergency and how it steers, etc. It stops quite nicely at 70mph for a 5000lb truck. <br /><br />Just my thoughts.....and by the way guys, you'd be very surprised on what my thoughts about women are!! ;) everyone says I'm more like one of the guys than a girl.


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Here in Washington State, it is unequivocally young women who are the terrorists on teh road. In the recent months, a 14 year old drove a packed SUV off the road at 80+ MPH and killed one of her overnighter girlfriends. All these girls had been out taking turns driving the SUV. Another 18 yr old girl was found off the road in a one car accident and had been missing for 8 days. The car was not visible fromt eh highway at all, and she was pinned in and could not get help. This could go on and on, but suffice it to say that almost EVERY time I am on the freeway and someone is pushing me to go past 70 mph by swerving back and forth behind me (the speed limit on most highways here is 60) it is a young female. They are extremely aggressive adn don't mind showing their IQ of 1 when they finally are able to get you to move over and let hem take their little rice burner car up to 80+...then it is on to the next car to see if they can force them to move out of their way. Oh, we have the young men doing it also, but mostly young females.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Men drivers

I would rather have fast aggresive drivers that paid close attention on the road, than slow drivers that dont pay attention.<br /><br />More and more when I look back to who is tailgating me, it is a woman.<br /><br />I have been in three accidents, all three in the rain. Two were fenderbenders (my fault) cause I was following too closely and rearended them. The other was from a woman that hydroplaned into me. Her back tires were bald.<br /><br />There have been two bad accidents here in Houston that killed a bunch of teens. Both involved male drivers passing on a two lane road.<br /><br />I believe we allow our kids too much freedom these days. When I first got my license, I could not have any passengers, and I had limited driving times and areas. I most of the time respected the rules.<br /><br />My kids will have the same rules, but they will also be taught not to be idiots. They will also be taught how to handle their cars in an emergency.<br /><br />Ken

Mrs Soulwinner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 18, 2004
Re: Men drivers

oh please don't get me goin' with womens IQ's and how they show how low they are.....I could get lost in that thread all day long!! :mad: :mad:


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Men drivers

My wife is a better driver than I am, but I can deal better with the emergency situations that can arise than she does.<br /><br />Young punks should not get their license - Chris makes a very good point about learning to pass a test, not how to drive.<br /><br />As for testosterone - saw a bunch of that this morning. Give a grown-up kid a big red truck with flashing lights and sirens and it can get scary! Fortunately all made it safely, and the fire was put out with minimal damage!


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Originally posted by kenimpzoom:<br /> I believe we allow our kids too much freedom these days. When I first got my license, I could not have any passengers, and I had limited driving times and areas. I most of the time respected the rules.<br /><br />My kids will have the same rules, but they will also be taught not to be idiots. They will also be taught how to handle their cars in an emergency.<br /><br />Ken
Ken, I have to AMEN much of that. Society and peer pressure (yes, even among adult parents) has caused many changes to what we were taught as youth. I am 49, and when I got my first car, I paid cash ofr it after saving over a year! Did my Mom tell me when and where I could drive? You bet!! And if someone saw me driving too fast and reported it to her, you bet I would be grounded. Oh, she let up as time went on adn I proved myself to her. I was "taught" over a year how to drive safely before I could take my test adn get licensed. I had several adult teachers, my Mom being oen. Of course, she would n't allow my sisters to go out of the house with their midriff showing, not half their you know whats hanging out of their shirt or their rear end nearly showing either!!! Man, was she tough!!! But ain't I glad. I taught those values to my two sons. They are now 23 and 25, and do they drive slow??? By no means!!! They both do what they feel they want to do. My values were too old fashioned for them when they moved out of the house on their own. But now, they are both divorced, kids involved, so on and on...I have been married 25 years to the same wife I married as a young man. What does all that have to do with driving? I think all of you intelligent adults can figure that out:)


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Check out this link...<br /><br /> <br /><br />It talks about National stats on older drivers. It does mention however, "Drivers ages 65 and older have higher crash death rates per mile driven than all but teen drivers (IIHS 2003)."


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Men drivers

Something else to diss men with huh. I think they need to stop being so damn discrimatory towards men on these insurance rates. However, that is as far as I will take it. I am a man, and I make my boys understand that sometimes us men have to take the abuse. Because the women can't.<br /><br />I see a bunch of punks going past my place. Most of the accidents on the road in front of my house is from young men. They try and get up to launching speed once they make it around the corner. They forget about people trying to get out of the gas station, and WHAM.<br /><br />Yet, on the much more traveled road on the side of my house then women have been of an issue.<br /><br />This is only my own observtion of living there the past two years though.


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Q&A: TEENAGERS: GENERAL as of March 2004<br /><br />10. Why aren't educational strategies effective with teenage drivers? <br /><br />High school driver education programs can successfully teach driving skills, and programs warning against alcohol-impaired driving can impart knowledge about this behavior. However, attitudes seem to be largely unaffected by such programs -- and attitudes strongly influence how driving skills and knowledge are put to use. Thrill-seeking tendencies associated with immaturity often overwhelm the effects of increased skills and knowledge. <br /><br />A general problem in attempting to influence driving behavior is that the teenagers who contribute most to the problems are among the least susceptible to behavior change through education. A number of studies involving mostly young males have noted the interrelationship among certain personality traits (rebelliousness, risk-taking, independence, defiance of authority), deviant driving practices (speeding, driving while impaired), and crashes and violations. Deviant driving practices and crash involvement also are related to a syndrome of problem behavior including marijuana use, heavy alcohol use, smoking, and trouble with the law.17,18,19 The traits, values, and peer associations of this high-risk group are such that changing their behavior through education is a difficult task."<br /> <br />This came from this link:<br /> <br /><br />OK, no more stats from me:) Sorry for boring everyone, and I know the original question was do we believe mena re the worst drivers...guess in the end, I have to say NO...but I can't prove it!! I just don't believe it from all I see on the highways.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: Men drivers

Read Bassy's post a bit more closely. "males experience much higher rates of injury and death on the road than women do."<br /><br />This does not say that men get in more accidents.<br /><br />I don't have the stats in front of me, but the last time I looked, they said that women were much more likely to be the cause of a fender-bender. The causes were numerous, but they include socializing, reaction speeds, driving skills, and emergency panic reactions. Women tend to freeze during an accident, rather than react and take emergency measures.<br /><br />Men, on the other hand, are much more likely to have accidents resulting in injury, and much more likely to be involved in high-speed single-car accidents. All the reasons that Bassy quotes would apply. Men are risk-takers, they tend to speed, and are much more likely to over-estimate their control over the car.<br /><br />So, add it up. Mechanical repair is much less expensive than medical care. Replace a fender, grill, and paint to match. $3500? Compare that to several days in intensive care for a concussion. $25,000? You can repair seven fender-benders for less than one hospital visit, and that's before you factor in a lawsuit. Even though women get into more accidents, it's easy to see why insurance rates are higher for male drivers.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Men drivers

Also, men tend to take longer trips and thus higher speeds. Higher speeds mean greater chance for injuries. <br /><br />Women tend to drive in-town, and slower speeds, but greater chance for accidents.<br /><br />Ken


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Men drivers

Here's a fun one for ya. I am currently teaching my 52 year old sister how to drive. She never had a need or desire up until now to drive. I found her a decent economical 93 Ford Escort wagon in excellent condition for her, and we started lessons this last Saturday in a trafficless neighborhood. We drove for 2 hours that day, and she had all the fundamental vehicle operational aspects down, and was operating the vehicle acceptably. Yesterday we drove for 2 hours in a more trafficed area, with more challenges such as intersections with lights and whatnot. Her abilities have improved dramatically from not being able to operate a car at all to being able to drive in moderate driving situations in 4 hours. Either I am really good at teaching or she learns quite quickly. All I know is I am bent on making sure she is not another horrid driver I see every day. The funniest part is, even though she has never had a license, or insurance, she got an Over 50 discount, and her rate for liability is only about $150 every six months. Apparantly an inexperiented adult is still less dangerous than a 20 year old experienced driver.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: Men drivers

Orginally quoted by Chris
Orginally quoted by Aldo. <br />quote:<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> she's constantly driving me nuts <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Well then, take the steering wheel out of your pants. <br />
but it feels so good.....<br /><br /> :D


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: Men drivers

my hat is tipped to you Jason ... <br /><br />a man of brass cahones... I don't think I would be able to do it.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Men drivers

To everybody who cited one or two incidents as evidence that either men or women are better or worse drivers: two does not a significant sample make.<br /><br />I have been paying attention to this for several years and I believe based on my own careful observation that if I see a car being driven aggressively (tailgating, lane changing, redlight running) it is more likely to be driven by a woman than a man.<br /><br />But I don't doubt the insurance industry's ability to assess risk based on actual experience, and if they say injury/death rates are higher for men, then it must be so. If I had to guess, I would say men are more risk-taking, engaging in intentionally risky manuevers, if for no other reason than "the chicks dig it."


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Barlow, I have worked in insurance for a while, albeit Life Insurance...however, as you say, teh insurance companies DO know thier stats!! All premiums are rated from stats, including life insurance which is derived from, of all things, credit profiles, morbidity tables, and on and on. However, those tables do not go out and drive our highways to see real life for themselves. Yes, perhaps teh stats speak to the number of deaths or crashes per 1000 female drivers. Or not. BUt as you said, I also have noticed that female drivers are more aggressive. I have noticed that (and this has been reported on from statistics also) middle aged women with children are morel ikely to drive a big SUV with dark windows to hide the kids in teh back, and to give them a sense of power by sitting up high in this BIG ol' truck...young females like the little faster sporty cars and they drive them as if on teh Autobahn...but maybe this is only in teh state of Washington. I provided a couple stats or examples of young female drivers, simply because of space. I could give a list a yard long of young female drivers that have crashed in just my nearby vicinity. And how about this: the number of crashes caused because they fly in front of someone and by the time the car behind has stopped spinning around, the little sport car has disappeared...true, they were not in an accident, right? But maybe some other poor fella won't be making it home to supper with his family that night.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Men drivers

Funny......all the accidents I was ever in were never my fault. :p

Mrs Soulwinner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 18, 2004
Re: Men drivers

spratt wrote:
I have noticed that (and this has been reported on from statistics also) middle aged women with children are more likely to drive a big SUV with dark windows to hide the kids in the back, and to give them a sense of power by sitting up high in this BIG ol' truck...
hey spratt, I have one of those big SUV's with dark windows. I have no kids hidden in the back (mine is grown & has his own big SUV) and my sense of power does not come from my big SUV truck. It comes from my big GOD! I drive that truck mostly because the average driver on the road is a self-absorbed a$$ that doesn't give a crap about anyone else on the road. SW was in a crash a couple of years ago in which a MAN in a Ford Explorer tagged him square in the rear doing 65+ on the interstate. Traffic was stopped for road construction and this guy thought it more important to talk on his cell phone than drive his vehicle responsibly! They took that poor man to the hospital in an ambulance and SW drove our truck home. It was totalled, but he drove it home. At that time, I had a job in which I drove that interstate over 60 miles each day. So, with that said, let me say again....I drive my big SUV truck for safety reasons. Not because I'm a irresponsible driver, but because the average driver out there is! It just gets under my skin to be lumped into a class of 'stupid women'. I am not the average ignorant, self-absorbed, irresponsible woman. :mad:


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Isn't it awful that insurance companies, statistics, and such DO lump people into a group whether we like it or not? And you know, my protection comes from that same BIG GOD, and has for the past nearly 30 years when I allowed Him to take control of my life. BUT, that said, even us who live for HIM get lumped into a group by those who don't live for God. So, with that all said, I will say that I never lumped YOU into any group. I think I said that there were statistics that reported that a group of SUV buyers / owners are women in their mid-years who DO that. Do you do it?...couldn't say, except you have formally opted out of that group.<br /><br />And you are right about the cell phones. Another of my pet peeves. I am not perfect, but I do move to the side of the road to talk on mine!! <br /><br />Wait...did you close your reply by saying that women on the average are "ignorant, self-absorbed, irresponsible"...?? Tee hee heee...just joking...


Oct 13, 2004
Re: Men drivers

Now, just to show that I am not imagining the things I said, here is a news source quoted:<br />"According to market research conducted by the United States' leading automakers, SUV purchasers tend to be "insecure and vain. They are frequently nervous about their marriages and uncomfortable about parenthood. They often lack confidence in their driving skills. Above all, they are apt to be self–centered and self–absorbed, with little interest in their neighbors and communities. They are more restless, more sybaritic, and less social than most Americans are. They tend to like fine restaurants a lot more than off–road driving, seldom go to church and have limited interest in doing volunteer work to help others."³ By all measures, these findings paint a harsh picture of SUV buyers, but this description certainly does not reflect the psychology all SUV owners. <br />However, considering the size of SUVs, standing tall above cars on the road, a lack of self–esteem and the desire to compensate for other attributes that might be lacking does seem accurate of at least a considerable portion of SUV drivers. To combat their insecurities and to display their power, many Americans choose to drive large vehicles that they feel will protect them and provide a sense, though misplaced, of security. Further, SUV drivers tend to care about themselves and their families more than others. SUV drivers are, though, very concerned with how others perceive them and seek to control those around them. Bostwick remarks, "If you have a sport utility, you can have the smoked windows, put the children in the back and pretend you're still single."³ <br /><br />Notice that last sentence:)