Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

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Oct 6, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I was referring to total submersion in brackish water (and hoping not to!).
The biggest problem is the solenoid. On the marine flavor, at least there is an extra gasket at the wiring end.


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

If a person can post here then the person has internet access.

Then that said person can go on the net and ORDER A PART, and it will be in your hands within a week, pay for express shipping 2 days max.

Mine was the next day, but i ordered before 11 am.

So the argument that there is no one local is horse hockey.

Oh alternators are cheap also on the net, check it out DB sells them also cause i bought one from him.

Any more reason you can give for wanting to blow yourself up??

Have a death wish???

Let me know where your boating so i don't go there.

Ok guys a little wisdom from my dad " If you are right no one can make you wrong, but if your wrong then admit it, and move on, cause you will never be right "


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 10, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

DB electric is the way to go. Good customer service and quality parts at a VERY reasonable price.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I was over a friends house the other day and I mentioned my truck had an idle problem (rough). I ordered an IAC valve, but for the life of me can't locate it. He said "Chuck's out in the driveway". Chuck is his mechanic, a cantankerous old fart. I went out to talk with him, told him what I did and where I was at with it. He asked "You have a problem buying local?" and those were his last words to me.

This may not be the best example, but there are times when it is best to buy local - e.g. if you are unsure of the part so you can easily swap it.

BTW - I'm a big fanatic with buying and leaving the house.:)


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I too like to buy local and install it the same day, however the starter for my sons Mountaineer was 180 bucks, the least expensive price i could find local.

60 plus 10 for shipping DB had it in my hands the next day.

And he does have the best service and prices i can find.

One more about DB, Friends have had me order from him cause they don't have computers.

Never a problem i lost count how many things i have ordered from him.

And i needed to replace bolts on starters i sent him a email asking how much for a few different sets he just sends them to me no charge.

I keep telling him i want to pay for them he sends me back a email nope just keep ordering parts.

Now is that a guy who knows how to keep a customer or what ??

And i don't know how many people i have recommended him to, that order from him.

Never a wrong part, never a problem.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I did price one out with him, but i took apart the old one first and discovered that under the spark arrester covers its just a standard delco 10si one wire alternator. So i went down the the local napa and got a new one and put the covers back on. Same as a marine alternator...

I don't know how many times i need to mention this... internally they are the same, switch the covers over and you have yourself a alternator with the required spark arresters.

go ask your buddy db about the differences, if its more then just the spark arresters ill bite my tongue and order the marine one.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

In my area marine parts are not available, so i spent the time to convert it. i ended up paying 60bucks for a napa premium rebuild plus


How can Marine rated parts Not be available in your area,..??..??

Napa has a Full line of Marine Parts,... The Same line carried by iboats,.. Same Part #s even...

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

You are talking about a very small percentage of alternators used on boats. The Delco single wire alternator was not used by any manufacturers (Merc, Volvo, OMC, etc) as OEM equipment in the past 25 or 30 years.
Want to bet what will happen to the new alternators warranty when it doesn't work and you take it back and they find you had to dissassemble the thing add some parts to make it marine and now it don't work. I know what I would tell them.
I doubt this thread was intended to be a "how to" for sneaking buy the safety issues of marine vs. automotive parts, or how to "Fix" a single type part to make it HOPEFULLY Marine. Or how one person found a way to fix one of his parts to make himself happy.
It WAS however, about the safety issues that most boaters are completely unaware of.


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Thank, thank you, thank you; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Don you said it better then i could have ever said it.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Yep yep I learned a thing or two thats cool, good discussion without turning into a name calling p###ing match.


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Props to Chief for the post.
I know his intentions were only to save a life.
I learned about the fuel line issue and if this post was here when I 1st joined, I would not have bought an auto starter.

I would strongly petition that such information be added to the Adults Only sticky for future reading.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Man... all I can do here is shake my head...

I've been on this forums for just over a year now and this is like the 10th argument I've seen over this....

Someone posted the statistics last time we went through this... there were about 3-5 deaths a year in the US from boat fires or explosions, and the statistics didn't even say if the explosions were caused by non marine parts.

Is using marine aproved parts in your boat important? Yes and no.

I use a marine starter and alternator in my boat because they are safer, but my fuel system isn't marine aproved and neither is my fuel line, and quite frankly, I don't care. I'm canadian, I"ve been boating for many many years, and I've never had anyone once ask me to open my engine cover.

The regulations are there to protect people from lack of knowledge. A lot of people don't understand the dangers of fuel and sparks in a sealed area. I think that once you understand the dangers, the rules become more of a guide-line than the law. (even though I know in the US, it is technically the law)

But you guys are all getting your panties in a bunch over nothing... I could list 1000 things that are statistically more dangerous than boat explosions.

You are far more likely to die in an airplane crash than a boat explosion
You are far more likely to drown than die in a boat explosion
You are far more likely to die in a car crash than a boat explosion
You are far more likely to die watching a soccer game than a boat explosion
You are far more likely to die from a coconut falling on your head than in a boat explosion

I could go on forever. But does this mean that I'm not going to swim, drive a car or get on a plane?

You want to save lives, go post a message about wearing life jackets, that would be thousands of times more effective of saving lives than looking for a stamp on a starter or an alternator.

Or here's another thought. Let's say the speed limit on your highway is 55 miles an hour. If you drive 60 miles an hour you are BREAKING THE LAW, and while it's only 5 mph faster, it represents a much greater risk of harming or killing someone than not marine parts....

So for anyone in here that does 5 MPH over the speed limit or more, your already breaking the law in such a way that is endangering lives more than non marine parts

in 2003 for example, there were 7 deaths from fuel related fires or explosions in ALL boats in ALL of the united states.

How many of those 7 deaths were on boats that had been modified with automotive parts I wonder? And how many were two drunk guys in a small boat with an outboard that accidentally spilled gas while trying to re-fill a tank and lit themselves on fire? You get where I'm going with this.....

To put things in perspective there were 272 deaths from falling overboad.
Page 25

EVENTS IN FATAL Event Event Event Total Resulting
BOATING ACCIDENTS - 2003 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Fatalities
Capsizing 165 20 3 188 233
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 6 0 0 6 7
Collision with Fixed Object 43 7 0 50 58
Collision with Floating Object 3 0 0 3 3
Collision with Vessel 62 2 0 64 72
Departed Vessel (not specified) 2 0 0 2 2
Departed Vessel (diving) 1 0 0 1 1
Departed Vessel (out of gas) 1 0 0 1 1
Departed Vessel (render assistance) 1 0 0 1 1
Departed Vessel (repairs) 2 0 0 2 2
Departed Vessel (retrieval) 2 0 0 2 2
Departed Vessel (swimming) 29 3 0 32 32
Departed Vessel (tow) 1 0 0 1 1
Ejected from Vessel 5 13 4 22 25
Falls in Boat 5 4 0 9 10
Falls on PWC 1 0 0 1 1
Falls Overboard 192 51 12 255 272
Fire/Explosion (Fuel) 6 0 0 6 7
Fire/Explosion (Other than Fuel) 2 0 0 2 2
Flooding/Swamping 33 11 1 45 56
Grounding 8 5 1 14 14
Sinking 7 13 5 25 35
Skier Mishap 6 2 0 8 8
Struck by Boat 9 15 4 28 29
Struck by Motor/Propeller 6 22 3 31 32
Struck Submerged Object 4 2 1 7 9

More statistics:
Deaths from fuel explosions:

2003: 7
2002: 4
2001: 2
2000: 2
1999: 2

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Glad to hear you justified it in your own mind. Wonder why all those Yo-Yo's used and made marine parts on that rotary engine you posted about.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I'm not trying to be an ***, I'm just pointing out the insignificance of the the argument.

If you speed, you could kill someone, you could also get a fine.

If you use automotive parts, you could kill someone, you could also get a fine.

In 2002: 2 people died from fuel explosions in boats
In 2002, over 13,000 people were killing because of speeding
In 2002, 17,970 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes

Now do you see my point about making this into more of a deal than it really is?
Bottom line, if your working on your boat, don't be an idiot!

I think my automotive fuel injected engine with double walled 3000 PSI rated hydrolic line for fuel hose is safer than 99% of the carbed boats out there. Do USCG regs talk about age or degration of components? My original USCG approved fuel line was so brital, that had there's been a fire, it would have opened up almost instantly.

Not to mention, the regulations have not been updated in 30+ years....


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

USCG regs don't apply to you oh wise one from the north. So why even post that.

Why would you care what the regs for the USA are?

You already posted the mounties don't give a flying f--- what you do with your boat, or if you blow yourself up.

I don't know why i bother but i will still " TRY " to enlighten you and a few others that don't get it.

Before i do, see where i highlighted " TRY " because deep down i know there is always gonna be 1 or 2 that will never get it, why i don't know, is it something in their child hood i don't know or care they will never get it.

Your taking your life in your hands when you drive a boat in perfect condition meeting every reg in the book, and something can still go wrong and kill you.

Automatic fire suppression systems can and have failed, that for want of one sensor the boat and crew was lost happens.

Now add into the mix of all kinds of jury riggin a guy like you did on the boat
now the chances of something happening go way up.

So why take the chance, no reason , but for the reason you just don't get it.

By the way you use that boat alone, no wifey and kids on the boat are there?

They know you been jury riggin that boat and took them on the water ??

I did " try " the rest is up to you. Get it??


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

When you drive your car (maybe even with your wife/and/or kids in the car) do you drive the exact posted speed limit all the time?


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

You gonna try to turn a car into a boat thats why you keep bringing up cars on a boat web site forum??

Flash others have already done that.

Yes i drive faster than 55, yes i drive faster than 60, i have been driving for 45 years, how long you been driving ?

Anything else you want to ask me, like what color underwear i'm wearing.

Want to ask me if i believe in ufo's, bet they don't jury rig them.

Still don't get it do ya ??


Jun 30, 2004
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Man... all I can do here is shake my head...

I've been on this forums for just over a year now and this is like the 10th argument I've seen over this....
it's ok that it's the 10th argument over this. probable reason for this is that many folks aren't aware of the situation of fuel fumes in a boat bilge and the precautions that need to be taken that should be adhered to to give yourself the best chances you can have against an explosion. we are on the water too. nowhere to run should the unthinkable happen... better safe than blowed up.... i think it's a good discussion to have as most hear are diy boat repair men and women..

for me. i'm lucky to get it right the first time for boat repairs. so i figure if i get my parts at the boat store i'll get the right parts, marine rated even. at least then i don't have to worry about parts being improper for the application i'm using them in. which is my boat... enough home engineering goes on in boats anyways, no point in accelerating the problem... ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Yes i drive faster than 55, yes i drive faster than 60, i have been driving for 45 years, how long you been driving ?

Again, statistics are science, they are fact. In 2002, over 13000 people died because of speeding on roads. In 2002, 2 people died because of boat fires/explosions.

Therefore you are taking a much much much greater risk of killing yourself, others in your car and others on the road by speeding than someone would be by using a non marine part in a boat.

And yes, I realize that most boats are up to USCG regulations, so the statistics are scewed greatly... but even if 1% of boats are not up to regs, were still talking about speeding be exponentially more dangerous than non marine parts.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Having bought a number of older boats needing repairs I find all sorts or WEIRD stuff in the engine comparments.

Some of the most common:

Batteries missing any form of hold down device.

Wires put together with nothing more than friction tape. Most of them are just twisted together instead of a quality splice.

Plugged or disconnected fuel tank vents.

Hooking up lights, stereos, whatever to either the battery terminals (often with no fuses) or the "hot side" of the ignition switch instead of installing a bus.

Hooking up a "ground" to an aluminum hull and then using that to ground lights, etc. (They think its a car.)

Rerouting wires where they do NOT belong. (Say right beside the exhaust manifolds.)

Poorly installed battery switches.

Bilge pumps where the owner cut the wires next to the old pump and taped the new leads to the old ones.

Leaving rags or paper towels in the engine compartment where they can be tossed around.

Not having the flame arrestor installed properly on the carb. (I see that a LOT! So much its scary!)

A can of starting either "roaming" loose in the engine bay or laying in storage somewhere waiting for the spray cap to get knocked off.

Repacing the battery leads with too light a cable and they get HOT!

Burned out or non-functioning bilge blowers. Or the hose is disconnected from the outside vent so they just blow the fumes in a circle.

Truth is, there is no limit to "Dumb Human Tricks".

Okay, so again, not to beat this around the bush guys, but a LOT of boats out there are jerry-rigged. A LOT of boats out there are NOT up to USCG standards, we can all agree on that. And Even though there are A LOT of dangerous boats out there.

Statistically speaking the deaths related to fuel fires/explosions are virtually non existent.
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