Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

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May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

EVERY starter and alternator that was marine was STAMPED J1171 i installed.

The ones that came off my 23 year old boat when i removed them were stamped J1171.

And i have to say once again to be clear, i have never seen a marine starter, or alternator not stamped J1171.

To the point of changing over a auto starter, or alt. to a a marine part is a bunch of bovine droppings period.

Dan the insurance guys are gonna be real interested in your conversion after the fire when you explain it to them. Your customers are gonna want to hear you explain it also in court. Maybe the judge will want to hear it.

To the question of the hose that that connects the carb and fuel pump.

We can all agree that a marine carb. should have one connected to the fuel pump that is mechanical, correct??

What that hose does and how it does it is not what this thread was meant to convey.

I called it a overflow hose, and i now freely in front of g-d and the whole world admit i was wrong to call it that, and further oh lord please forgive me and my transgression in this matter.

I swear oh lord never to call it a overflow hose again.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

What started out as a save someones life thread is just turning into a see how smart I am thread.
Don, auto vs marine should be in adults only? By the way carbureted is spelled wrong in the adults only front page. LOL

Main Entry: car?bu?ret?ed
Pronunciation: \ˈk?r-bə-ˌrā-təd, -byə-, especially by chemists -ˌre-təd\
Function: adjective
Etymology: back-formation from carburetor
Date: 1972
: equipped with a carburetor <a carbureted engine>

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Good info to get people thinking though! It all boils down to USE MARINE PARTS and cover your arse!!!:p


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 5, 2009
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

well this may ruffel a few feathers,but,a lot of q-jet carbs in a VP aplication have the fuel pump vent hooked to the spark arrestor. so if a automotive carb with no external vents is used with this type of spark arrestor whats the difference. a delco marine alternator has spark arrestor screens an automotive one doesnt. swapping them over takes about 20 min. same alternator at 1/2 the price. any good mechanic can make automotive parts meet marine saftey standards I know many will not agree but this is my story and im stickin to it

Yup, you are correct about the VP arrestor and since the arrestor isnt sealed around the carb it just poors all over the top of the engine. At least our arrestor isnt sealed, it just sits on the top of the carbs with a bolt in the top.

I started to post this last night but didnt. Around 6 months after we got our boat we had a fuel pump go bad on one of the engines. There was an extra fuel pump on the boat that looked brand new but it was made a little different. Hoses hooked up in a different spot and you couldnt break it down. I slapped it on and while my dad watched the engine I cranked it. As soon as I started to crank it gas filled the tube up going to the arrestor and it did it quick(tube is clear). Had I continued to crank it if he had not been watching gas would of gotten all over the engine and all down in the carb. Not sure if that pump was made to have a return line or if it was also bad. Been wanting to cut it open and see but haven't.

Ordered a new VP pump and all was well. :)

Some of you guys really need to get your facts right before you post things as FACT for someone else to read.

I read on a lot of forums(mostly Jeep) and it amazes me what some people say. They do not understand how many people will read that not knowing its wrong. Usually people do not stand up and say they need to get their facts straight like you do though.

I called it a overflow hose, and i now freely in front of g-d and the whole world admit i was wrong to call it that, and further oh lord please forgive me and my transgression in this matter.

I swear oh lord never to call it a overflow hose again.



May 27, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I think it is important to understand that the Marine environment demands the extra functionality of the marine versions of the parts. It is not a way to extract more money from "us".

There is something about Marine vs. Automotive that brings out a Conspiracy Theory mindset in some, that it is all a big game to get "us" to pay more.

That said, a peson can do what they want, whatever their conscience will allow. While it is a person's right not to find out all they can about whatever it is they are working with it, I feel it is their implicit duty to do just that especially when others are involved, like passengers or spectators. Unfortunately many choose not to learn about and understand all pitfalls, and may even ignore information-rich advice. This is true in any endeavor or technology. They and others around them may have just been lucky the whole time, or for other reasons choose to not "buy in" to the extra safety of the regulated parts.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

The way that I see have 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, or more, invested into your rig...your 'baby'.

Why would you even consider putting a part into it...that could reduce your investment to ashes...right down to the waterline?

And to take this gamble, just to save a couple of bucks...makes zero sense, to me.


Aug 3, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

THANKS TO CHIEF AND DON; chief for starting dissussion and don for the fuel line information. when i put my fuel flow meter in my boat, i went to the boat shop i deal with and got marine grade fuel line. I HAD NO IDEA there are two grades, A and B, and will now check and make sure i have A
i will NEVER knowingly put or use unsafe or improper parts on any of my equipment auto or boat.
this sight does and has always had some one who makes it a point, to point out the pit falls and safty issues from using auto parts on boats
i cant imagine the amount of guys wanting to do their own maintance,just as i did when i started, that dont have a clue to the safty issues involed.
the fellowes on here do a great job pointing these short coming out. i for one hope that never changes


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

EVERY starter and alternator that was marine was STAMPED J1171 i installed.

The ones that came off my 23 year old boat when i removed them were stamped J1171.

And i have to say once again to be clear, i have never seen a marine starter, or alternator not stamped J1171.

To the point of changing over a auto starter, or alt. to a a marine part is a bunch of bovine droppings period.

Dan the insurance guys are gonna be real interested in your conversion after the fire when you explain it to them. Your customers are gonna want to hear you explain it also in court. Maybe the judge will want to hear it.


I have done the something as Dan did (switch out the flame arrester screens) and i am willing to stand by it. All the other components ARE identical. IE regulator, bearings, windings, brushes and cases. I wonder how the re builders do it..... pay half as much or twice as much for someone else to the something i did.

Next time to avoid confusion get your facts strait before spouting them off to others...
could the mods start a new thread with the correct information, seems like a good topic to sticky


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

The starter on my boat is NOT marine specific, it's a gear reduction motor with internal brushes, it's marketed towards performance enhanced high compression motors and the cost is the same for either application so I feel like I got a deal, it's a better starter at half the oem cost.

But like Bubba said replacing parts with marine specific parts does not give a green light to butcher's.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

The starter on my boat is NOT marine specific, it's a gear reduction motor with internal brushes, it's marketed towards performance enhanced high compression motors and the cost is the same for either application so I feel like I got a deal, it's a better starter at half the oem cost.

Hate to be the one to tell you, but there are marine and automotive versions of that starter also.
Just because you don't know what the differences are, doesn't make them OK for marine use.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I've tried to stay away from this one as long as I could.
The main difference I have found between an automotive and marine starter is, the first time your auto starter gets submerged, you will be replacing it. Basic economics should be enough reason to use marine parts.
As far as safety, I'd worry more about the alcohol stove in the galley more than what's under the doghouse. Statistically, they are more likely to hurt you or your boat.
There. I did it! Hopefully I can find a nice Mercury OB discussion and stay away another couple days.:)


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Hate to be the one to tell you, but there are marine and automotive versions of that starter also.
Just because you don't know what the differences are, doesn't make them OK for marine use.

Aha, but it does have the J1171 stamp. Thats all I need to know!

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

Aha, but it does have the J1171 stamp. Thats all I need to know!

LOL, that means that the automotive people are also paying marine prices. Because the part "IS" marine certified.


May 18, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

abj87- You really write this:

" I have done the something as Dan did (switch out the flame arrester screens) and i am willing to stand by it. All the other components ARE identical. IE regulator, bearings, windings, brushes and cases. I wonder how the re builders do it..... pay half as much or twice as much for someone else to the something i did.

Next time to avoid confusion get your facts strait before spouting them off to others..."

Well sounds like you have all this pent up hostility that you should channel into constructive things, i sense in your post anger.

Did you also seal it as a marine starter should be sealed. The few dollars you saved, was it worth it?

By the way a new marine starter can be had for 80 bucks with shipping included, why buy rebuilt ??

Now lets explore your motivation for the post you so eloquently posted.

Could you be the guy i advised to get rid of that 470, 3.7 ,170 or whatever you wish to call it ?

By the way just can a guy can do something doesn't mean he "should".

So i really want to understand, you bought a auto starter, for say 60 bucks, and spent how much time taking it apart, and removing the screens form a old marine starter, by taking that one apart, and then installed the screens on the new auto starter, and put it back together to save 20 bucks ??

Well you seem to have alot of time on your hands abj ???

You really need 20 bucks that much pm me, i'll send you the 20 bucks no kidding, if it will save you from you.

Have a nice night and sleep tight i know i will !


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

It was an alternator that i switched, a starter i would prob just by a marine one.

In my area marine parts are not available, so i spent the time to convert it. i ended up paying 60bucks for a napa premium rebuild plus i had the boat fixed in less then an hour and a half including the time spent running to the parts store.

I'm not saying its any better or worse then a commercial conversion but it can be done safely IF you know what your doing. I'm a 3rd year engineering student so i don't have any fears diving into things like this. That prob also explains why i went to great lengths to save 20 bucks. haha


Sep 26, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I don't know about the rest of you, but as soon as I figure out how to do it I'm PMing Chiefalen for my $20.00 bucks, WooHoo!! :

I don't know how well this fits this thread, but some people like to repair things and not just replace them. But I agree keep it marine.

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

so we get down to a stamped # determines if a part is safe or not.a worn out marine only part is far more dangerious than a new automotive part converted to marine specs . funny thing is surveyors dont check for these stampings. neither do the coast guard in their saftey inspections. I have been running converted automotive carbs for years and have gone thru several of both. in no way am I encouraging people to bolt on stock automotive parts, you must know what you are doing and make these parts meet marine saftey specs. nuff said


Oct 6, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

I don't know about the rest of you, but as soon as I figure out how to do it I'm PMing Chiefalen for my $20.00 bucks, WooHoo!! :

I don't know how well this fits this thread, but some people like to repair things and not just replace them. But I agree keep it marine.

LOL. I wonder if the Chief would shell out $70 to someone in need.:)
I have a friend of mine who always seems to be strapped to the max.
He has a jet boat. Two years ago when he had it the water last, he went through 4 starters. Yes they were automotive ($29.99). As soon as one got wet, it was time for another. And this boat is a very wet ride. Rebuilt marine starter local - $99. Now the engine compartment is wide open so nothing is going to blow up, but you think something would have kicked in. To replace the starter, he has to jack one side of the motor up and remove the starboard header. Some of the bolts on the header you can only get like a 12th of a turn...miserable job.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Marine parts VS Automobile parts !

If you think about it the ones under our daily drivers get wet too, I know mine does, it gets impacted with salt slush this time of year and mud in the spring it handles just about anything the road can kick up, them cheapie rebuilds are just terrible.
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