Doggone life sure does have a habit of getting in the way...
Awww well, I suppose if it didn't there wouldn't be anything left to do...
Anyhow, hope everyone is doing good and many wakes are created by many happy splashes.
Haven't got a great deal to report, but the Bassassin finally has a splashwell as indicated by the pics.
Made some cardboard templates and used cardboard to prevent glass from getting where I don't want it.
Using resin, PB and 1708 I attached the sections of the well and using the rear hatch frame as a guide, got the splash well looking fairly decent.
I had also managed to paint more of the bilge and under deck areas.
Have to order a sheet of marine ply, when fundage allows, to complete the framing of the gunnels which will tie the front deck framing to the rear.
Still have drain holes to drill into the transom for the well, build the gunnel frames, finish some painting of the underside rear deck framing areas, install the gunnel pieces and then, hopefully attach (permanently) the rear hatch/deck frame.
When I get all that done, I will then be able to begin the the final and permanent attachment of the motor bracket.
Looking into the future, when the bracket gets mounted, it will allow me to finally begin building the tower of power on to its new home...
Till the next update becomes reality, happy boating!