life{ what a *****]

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

At my age {67}, I can look back and see all the things I did wrong. The things I did right were to take care of my family, build trusting relationships with them and work hard to provide for them. What kept my perspective was four years in the military from age 18-22, when in a tight spot, I didn't ever hear anyone say anything other than they would like to see their family again. There's been some excellent advice given here today. The only thing I would add is to learn to be happy with what you've got. Concentrate on the good things and try to get past the bad. Good luck.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

i just want say to everybody THANKS i didn,t think i would get all these replys,i do do a lot for people around me,and it does make me feel last week at the county fair here, we live right in front of the fairgrounds ,it was about 4:30 in the afternoon on saturday i was clean up walking out of my drive way when an older lady pulled up with a flat tire ,she didn,t know what to do ,so i told her to pull into my drive way and i,ll change it for you,when i got done she tryed to pay me 20. but i refused of corse ,now all nite that little deed made me feel good.even in my work ,i,m a siding contractor i like to do extra stuff for homeowners,and not charge them.that makes me feel good ,oh well you all have a nice day.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 2, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

Attn. Bob<br /><br />My name is Dr. Doug Miller. I am the head of pscyhiatry on a 1986 Bayliner, so you can see I am well credentialed.<br /><br />After a thorough search of all of your postings, and reading all you have posted to the group, one interesting fact exposed itself. None of your postings were made before 9PM. This in itself indicates nothing, so on that point I can offer nothing,(you won't be invoiced).<br /><br />However, my prescription is this: you should go back and read all your postings and see who you were, and what you meant to others, and what life meant to you. It's all in there. Pull out some old photo albums and see there also who you were.<br /><br />These suggestions in and of themselves will not take away your depression, but they will allow you to see that you once had good reason to be content. If after following my suggestions you do not smile somewhat, or get the odd tear in your eye, then i will have to come down there personally and show you how small my **** is, and then there will be laughter, and my job will have been done!<br /><br />Dr Douglas Miller Phd. MD. SD(small ****).


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 2, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

what the hey???<br />who censored my last reply??<br />is there someone hiding in cyberspace for the FCC?


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

There is just so much to do,and so little time.<br />I get mad at myself for sitting here in my easy chair typing. Sometimes, I just hop in the truck,iether with the boat hooked-up, or not, and "ride on out". I used to have a motorcycle. It was fun,and never boring, but then I got in a bad wreck, and I promissed wifey no more bikin. But I bring that up, because that is when I started saying to her, "I'm ridin on out, yanto?"<br />She either comes with, or not, but I still say that. But where the road ends, I have no clue. Sometimes I end up just driving in a big circle,sometimes I end-up fishing. Still others, I end-up at the stock car races or somethin.<br />But life is too short to be bored.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

jack shellac... gotta love that name...!!<br />i think you got it just about right.. <br />what else is there..?? and what else do you want..??<br /><br />a man cried cause he had no shoes...<br />till he saw a man without no feet..

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Thanks, Crab Bait. "Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone". Right?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

Crabby, I still like your one about the ruts the best.<br /><br />And 12 Footer, I'm glad to hear that others do the same thing. "How'd I get here?" Senior moments are difficult to explain, but the experience is always fun.


Sep 8, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

I'm 63, and never was blessed with children. I lost my wife 3 years ago to cancer. I've never been a man of "many" frinds, but I take solace in the water, my boat, and a few finned critters I call my friends. As long as I can launch my boat in the spring, and take it out in the fall, I'll be a man who's always smiling. I look at what the good Lord has given me, and I feel blessed. I kept the same job for 35 years, and the same wife 42. I miss them both, but I don't dwell on their absence. I dwell on the good times... it brings a smile to this old wrinkled mug o' mine :)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Ya got to make your own fun....I know....Its pathetic, but it works if you do it right.<br /><br />See how many times a day you can **** off the person that you hate most without them knowing for me.<br /><br />Instagatorwood.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

When you're gone will you leave a gap?<br />Ross


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Good post Quiller, The Lord has gotten you through it. Feel sorry for those who dont know him...........GOD BLESS D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 18, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Some trully good posts here guys for sure, Quiller post, I must say...... put a lump in my throat.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

My next door neighbor, in his late sixties decided to bow out on Thanksgiving evening last year. He had never been married and is only survived by a sister. He had no hobbies, or dreams as far as I know. <br />He kept a perfect yard. <br />I have always heard that the holidays are a time when a lot of suicides occur, but never gave it much thought. Bob hanged himself in his basement. <br />Sometimes our lives seem filled with overwhelming objectives and driven by forces that we can't control. We all have our own.......<br />I have mine, and the light at the end of the tunnel is to be on my boat all of the time. Instead of looking out the window to see neighbors houses, trimmed lawns, cars everywhere and a society of people that are so busy "reacting" to city life and making ends meet........I want to see the water......the sea life, shore birds and dolphin swimming past my cruise to some distant destination or just relax and have nothing to do but some project on the look forward to each day's sunrise and feel alive in the real sense.<br /><br />I don't want my epitaph to read, "He kept a perfect yard". <br /><br />You must have a dream.........and you must act on it.<br /><br />PS, My boat is for sale, but only to allow me to buy a complete boat ready to go so that I don't have to spend a couple of more years waiting to begin the dream.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

Hi, Bob.<br /><br />You have already gotten some of the best insight and advice I have ever seen, from friends who care about you.<br /><br />You have a classic case of mid-life crisis. It is terrible to go through, but it does end.<br /><br />Twenty years from now, you will wonder what caused you to feel this way. You will treasure your descendants, recognizing that they are your immortality, and swell with pride at what wonderful human beings you have brought to the world and prepared for successful lives.<br /><br />When you walk down the aisle with your daughter on your arm, to present her to the father of your grandchildren you will shed a tear of joy at the difference you have made in this world.<br /><br />Meanwhile, think of what the lives of your loved ones would be like if you were gone. Think of what the lives of others would have been like without your contributions.<br /><br />My good friend, Leo Buscaglia, says that the purpose of life is to make a difference, to have it matter that you lived at all.<br /><br />I think you have.<br /><br />Go hug your family and tell them that you love them. :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

WOW all i can say is WOW and thanks <br /> bob


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2001
Re: life{ what a *****]

WOW all i can say is WOW and thanks <br /> bob :) :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Hi bob,<br />tons of free advice out there huh? here's some more, if your still looking for some!<br />you and the mrs... you said she is great, that in itself is a huge plus for you.. the 2 of you could look into taking up some hobbies together,, scuba, hiking, biking, skiing, and take advantage of the relationship it sounds like you have. and be thankful for that! Go buy a convertable, or motorcycle, or anything that you and her can develop a love for and dive right in! Ever thought of getting a pilots license? How about adult recreational sports.. bowling, billiards, tons of stuff the 2 of you can do together....<br /><br />i guess most important, you need to find something that turns you on , lights a fire under your but, and makes you want to get home so you can do it!<br /><br />good luck finding it!<br /> :cool: <br /><br />PS ever rebuild an outboard motor? i can ship mine out to you and you can do it over the winter!!!!!


Jun 24, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Bob you have many friends, just see them as you have them see you. Follow derwoods advise, especially on a post. See if you can do it. <br /><br />Hang in there Bob.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Bob, from the posts here, my experience, and that of my friends we are all in the same boat (all pun intended). Friends are good, but sometimes hard to find in the can't stop to talk world we live in. Sometimes we try to do too much and don't slow down to look at what we have and what is out there. Every time I get to thinkng this way, think life has given a raw deal, I decide to go to a lake nearby and just sit and think (ok this last time I rememebered I had my pole in the trunk and caught my first striped bass). I look at nature and realize that there is satisfaction in just being there to hear the wind, see nature, and enjoy being there. At that spot, I don't have anything else to think about. I think about the good times and the bad, or nothing at all. I do think about the time I tried to check myself out and am relieved that I did not. I finally got some help. Since then I have experienced a wonderful wife (every relationship has it's difficult times), and awesome kid (yes he is frustrating at times), the time I helped a mother and her two kids without coats walking on the highway in 10 below weather when their car quit. (I was the only one to stop, she was crying and just needed some help). If not for people like you changing that women's tire, where would that women be? Find your place to sit down and get out of the rush of life. One more piece of advice if I can. As some have already said, make sure you have some time for yourself to something fun. Even if this is fishing, getting together with friends, watching the football game, forget about the housework, the boat motor needing repair etc. Have fun. A quote from my 10-ear-old son. "Dad, even if we don't catch anything, it sure is nice to be out here." Good luck Bob and the rest. Even if I don't post, it sure is nice to be here.