life{ what a *****]


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

By the way, once a year my friends and I take a long weekend to just hang out. We don't hunt. we don't fish (I do for 1/2 day or so. We sit around the campfire, drink beer, talk, tell jokes, go out on the logging roads, and the rest involves 151 proof rum, gasoline, propane torches, some casino hopping, etc. It is something everyone looks forward to every year. We even have our own site at Yahoo Groups. It sure helps keep the spirit up and we all feel better afterwards. I wish I could post a picture of some of the pyrotechniques. As one brother in law said, how the heck did you burn the limbs 40 feet in the air? Well the sound is like a jet engine and the fireball goes 40 feet into the air.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

We all have to find that outlet to deal with all the crap that life dishes out...For me that outlet is my guitar.. I can't play worth a crap but when I playing I just go away, I mean you could drop an a-bomb in the front yard and I would not even notice... :eek: I am 29, Broke, not married, no kids"thank god", and have been at the same dead end job for 13 years.. I know it's a dead ender because I now own half the company and don't really have a way out.. So I have to worry about the bottom line and keeping the ends tied up.. (you guys that are self employed know what I'm talking about)..How ever many hours it takes to finish the job thats how long I'm there be it 1 hour or 100 hours...I have not had a vacation EVER!!! I don't think I would know what to do on a vacation.. I would just love to leave it all and find a job I would enjoy for a change..One where I could just put in my 40 hours and go home at the end of the day and not have to worry about the bottom line..One with some real benefits other than headaches, ulcers and sleepless nights..<br />But thats what I'm stuck with so I do my work to the best of my ability and try to keep my customers happy..Thats all I can do..<br /> A wise man once said " When life hands you lemmons make lemonade"....Mabey it's not all that bad???? ;)

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: life{ what a *****]

Yo Hey Bob, sounds like you got plenty of good advice, I kinda know the feeling, I work my butt off, travel to get new sites up(gets me and mine a bonus) do like my job(travel helps my sanity), have 2 stepkids who sometimes I think don't even know or care where or what I'm doing(maybe their ages), have 2 daughters I see maybe once every month or so(divorced 400 mi away but talk all the time) and.....the pride and joy of my life, Karl...3.5 years old and "daddy's boy" who goes fishing/boating with me ALWAYS. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife(second and last) :) , but she seems TO busy with her "new" work life, which I guess I can't blame her AT TIMES, (she aint perfect, neither am I),but when I feel kinda down, I take my boy fishing! Boy do we have a good time! Mom doesn't like to fish(not real good on discipline either), but at least I get my pal all the time. Spend time with your kids...they are only young once(us too!) , I try and take my step sons, and sometimes OK somettimes great, but rather "wimpish" at times - beleive me I work with this..they have so much **** in their heads between their mom and bio dad's divorce(both parents to blame), they don't know what to think. I also have coached their Little League teams for 2-3 yrs now(FUN and it helps!), she finally is getting a bit better about not mentioning all this divorce **** always. It does get better, but YOU gotta make it BETTER. I have bills(hers and mine) up the wazoo but I got my boy and my boat(and a FEW buddies to get away with ONCE in awhile.) Also, me and 2 buddies(they live also 400 mi away) just finished a 3 day trout fishing trip, lotsa fish, beer, good talk, etc. The best thing I ever did, ...last summer, fished Alaska for 8 days! Gotta also think about yourself and get away without kids and wife, better for all! Be glad you don't have to miss some of your kids and deal with a *****/possessive ex wife! You sound like you & wife are OK, do what the guys said, if she's open to ideas, do something with her too that you both enjoy or something new that you both MAY enjoy! :) Always good too to get babysitter for kids anf go out with spousal unit alone! Don't do anything "stupid" to get spark back in life(Beleive me I get tempted, esp. w/ travel)it AINT worth it! Not to sound like an ******* , but lots of folks would be glad to have YOUR life. Please make the most of it, for all we can prove we just go around ONCE. Take care and God Bless, Heinz