leaning toward kerry


Jun 1, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

For once I would like to vote for the man who will do whats right, To hell with the special interests and politics.<br /><br />I don't know about you all but I'm getting tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. And there really is not that much that separates them.<br /><br />I will admit this, I was going to vote for Kerry until I saw that video yesterday. :mad: :mad: <br /><br />Now I will vote for the President just because He will most likely stay the course and Kick some a$$. I believe Kerry will dump Iraq like a hot Potato. For the record though I don't understand the rush to hand over control in June. Get the Job done! Then leave. If we hand over control before things are stable in that country IMHO things will go to hell in a NY minute. Then again maybe we should get out and let them kill themselves.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

POINTER: Yes, I know that one well. MTBE is an oxygenate to help burn fuel more efficiently and thus reduce harmful emmissions, mandated by the Clean Air Act.<br /><br />The problem is, MTBE dissolves easily in water, and can quickly contaminate underground water supplies. Save the air, kill the groundwater.<br /><br />Another example is diesel engine emissions. Many people found all that black smoke emmitting from exhaust pipes on big trucks to be offensive, we must clean the air! However, that black smoke was made of relatively large, heavy particles that would quickly fall to the ground, to be washed off the road by rain. With a "cleaner" diesel engine, the particles are much smaller and stay suspended in the air, to be inhaled. Studies have found these smaller particles to be much more harmful, even compared to bigger particles when inhaled. And because they were heavy, you inhaled a lot less of the big particles. The exhaust fumes don't look quite as offensive anymore, but they are a lot more harmful.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by jg:<br /> For the record though I don't understand the rush to hand over control in June. Get the Job done! Then leave. If we hand over control before things are stable in that country IMHO things will go to hell in a NY minute.
As I understood, we were going to hand over POLITICAL control. We have to let them set up their own government at some point. We are going to remain with military presence to keep the peace until they have a security force competant to do the job themselves.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

Dear Abby,<br /><br />I am a crack dealer in Mt. Washington, KY who has recently been diagnosed as a carrier of HIV virus.<br /><br />My parents live in Morehead and one of my sisters, who lives in West<br />Liberty, is married to a ************.<br /><br />My father and mother have recently been arrested for growing and selling<br />marijuana. They are financially dependent on my other two sisters, who are **********s in Covington.<br /><br />I have two brothers; one is currently serving a non-parole life sentence at Eddyville for the murder of a teenage boy in 1994. My other brother is currently in jail awaiting charges of sexual misconduct with his three children.<br /><br />I have recently become engaged to marry a former ********** who lives in Campton. She is a part time "working girl,"<br /><br />All things considered, my problem is this. I love my fiancée and look forward to bringing her into the family. I certainly want to be totally<br />open and honest with her.<br /><br />Should I tell her about my cousin who is a Kerry supporter?<br /><br />Signed,<br />Worried About Relations


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

well I tried to bring some levity into this post but it seems that for some odd reason that ********** and ************ must be forbidden words... ???? strange. Or would that be prost***** and transv****** ?


Jun 1, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

I knew that wilkin, I was just venting. That whole area is the toilet bowl of the world. The fact that the most unstable area of the world controls a majority of the most used resource (oil) just frosts me. Sorry don't mean to digress. :eek: :eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by LadyFish:<br /> EDITED by self. Too much anger.
:D :D :D <br /><br />I had the same problem. I had to re-write my post three times before it was fit to submit.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Thanks for the link 12footer. I addressed that issue in my second post.<br /><br />wilkn250r: I suspect that somewhere there's a frustrated liberal posting to a message board saying how tired he is of dealing with these "selfrightous, intolerant, wilderness wrecking repulicans". I'll bet he doesn't make any headway in his pursuit of a better America either.<br /><br />Ladyfish: Please don't censore yourself. Let it out. I did and I feel much better.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: leaning toward kerry

Kiwi,<br /><br />I am curious why specifically you think OBL and company hopes GWB does not win?<br />It seems to me it is particularly going his way at present.<br />Once 9/11 happened, the world was pretty well united for us and against the terrorists. OBL had to predict we would have attacked Afghanistan--The American people would have demanded it had even Ralph Nader been president--<br /><br />But OBL must be pretty happy now that we attacked and are occupying Iraq--He never had a presense there, but now he does--it has polarized most of the free world to the point that the world has virtually forgotten about terrorism in the current US vs most of the rest of the world struggle--<br />Even former moderates in the Arab world are incensed at the US currently, and OBL's recruiting and fund raising has to be much easier now than it ever has been.<br /><br />No one could fight the US by putting together an army and going head to head on the battle field civil war style--there is no question such an army would be demolished in short order. <br />OBL is no dummy, and he has to see the best way to fight America is to get them into disputes with their own allies.<br /><br />It seems to me that OBL has to be pretty happy with his progress so far, and I seriously doubt he is looking for a dramatic change in American strategy.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: leaning toward kerry

I also think a good share of the support for Bush comes from what some would "like" to see happen, as opposed to what is really happening.<br /><br />Most, and certainly including me, would love to see Iraq enter into an inspired democratic nation--We would have loved to see all the Iraqi people greet us as liberators showering us with flowers for all of our good works.<br />I am sure most would welcome peace between Israel and Palestine, etc etc.<br /><br />Even education, where reality is that no child is left behind. These are all noble goals, and I would get behind them 100%.<br /><br />The problem, of course, is that the reality is that what we are doing has no possible chance of achieving those goals, and are most probably getting us farther and farther away from them.<br /><br />We will, and all the right wing pundits will, of course, be able to identify who, other than us, of course, is to blame for all the failures, and I guess that helps...


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> Even education, where reality is that no child is left behind. These are all noble goals, and I would get behind them 100%.
Even though this is Bush's term,it leaves me steaming mad. It's just another phrase of empty meaningless Liberal Hogwash.<br /><br />You want to educate the 'Chirdren', get rid of the NEA, give us vouchers and stand up and tell the parents that it is their responsibility to see to it that little johnny pays attention in school. The notion that the Federal government should be somehow responsible for our childrens education is absolutely absurd.<br /><br />Oh, you say that todays parents don't have the time and are somehow not capable of achieving all this. Well I say, what political philosophy and party have todays parents grown up a victim up.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by bobingardner:<br />wilkn250r: I suspect that somewhere there's a frustrated liberal posting to a message board saying how tired he is of dealing with these "selfrightous, intolerant, wilderness wrecking repulicans". I'll bet he doesn't make any headway in his pursuit of a better America either.
True, and conservative extremism is just as ugly in my opinion. Racism is a conservative extremist view, and it is highly discouraged by society. However, liberal extremism is not discouraged. Peta is just as strong today as it ever was, but the KKK is not.<br /><br />I'm not saying I condone the actions of the KKK, I'm simply making a point. Conservative extremism is discouraged, while liberal extremism is becoming mainstream. This is the problem that I see. This mainstream liberal movement is striving to deprive me of my guns, my hobbies, even my vices because I am far too stupid for my own good, so they must protect me from myself. My conservative views aren't striving to deprive them of anything.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: leaning toward kerry

I agree with you to this extent, that if the parents aren't involved, or don't care, about their children's education, the chances are good that anything the government does will not do a lot of good.<br />So the whole notion of "No Child Left Behind" is effectively a non-starter.<br /><br />My big problem with it is that if you announce something like this, you have to fund it so that those that do want to take advantage of it can.<br /><br />And society does have a responsibility, with the future of that society at stake, to make available the best educational opportunity they possibly can for all citizens.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

quit whining about education and asking for more gov intervention - leave no child behind is crap in the eyes of the teachers i've talked to. forcing that beaurocracy on teachers, basically forcing them to pass slower learners at the sacrifice of other childrens time & abilities is wrong. i didn't see a problem with the education system before this - the prob is with society. parenting or lack thereof was the prob.<br /><br />and on the leftist views about OBL & iraq, here is a good one - spewing this over & over about the false premise of our administration going to war in iraq. if these self proclaimed critical thinkers would study the facts, they'd quit telling this outright lie. we have facts that OBL/AlQaida is tied to iraq, had camps there, made plans with saddams party to obtain WMD, even had permission to hide in iraq during afghan war.<br /><br />and we had every reason to believe WMD could be found in iraq, saddam used it on his own people.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> And society does have a responsibility, with the future of that society at stake, to make available the best educational opportunity they possibly can for all citizens.
Oh my! I agree with Plywoody. Yikes. What is this world coming to! :D <br /><br />Howsomever, my dear PW, I have my doubts that we agree on how to get there. For starters we need to get the federal g'ment out of education. Kick it back down to the States. Then the States can decide if they want the local jurisdictions to handle it. <br /><br />Reduce the Federal tax collections by the amount that a combination of the huge federal bureacracy sucks up and the current kickbacks to the States. In other words, get rid of the Dept of Education as well as outlawing national teacher's unions.(NEA) I know, we've been there before and you can cite all kinds of problems but on the whole, we were a better educated society before the Federal Government got involved.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: leaning toward kerry

There is a war. There are only two sides to be on, unless you are truely apathetic.<br />Those, of course, are America and Islamic Terroists. The only questions anyone who reads this post needs to ask are-- <br />"which side am I on?"<br />"Who do I want to govern Iraq? Iraqis, or muslim freaks of nature?"<br />"What country is the only one on the revolving treatment plant that allows Muslims,Christians,Jews,Jehova Whitnesses, atheists, and everyone in between to coexist?"<br />"Am I for that country, or aginst it?"<br />And finally, "Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if all countries (Iraq ,N.Korea and Afghanastan included) were that free?"


Apr 21, 2004
Re: leaning toward kerry

Exactly my point, 12 footer. It would be a wonderful world if that were to come about, indeed.<br />The problem comes when the reality is faced. It ain't gonna happen. Democracies only flourish in a situation with a strong middle class, a strong sense of wanting self determination, an educated populace, and at least some experience with what it means to be in a democracy.<br /><br />None of either Iraq, N Korea, or Afghanistan has any of the four.<br /><br />So how exactly did we annoint ourselves the country that will force these other countries to comply? I don't know. Nor do I know all the criteria involved. Are we to do this with all countries that, in our opinion, are opressed? Or are we to do it with those that have natural resource wealth only? Or is it resticted to those without nuclear capability, or is it specifically restricted that those that have resources, but no dangerous weapons?<br /><br />We could be busy bees over here, imposing our American system on the rest of the world.<br /><br />But at the end of the day, no matter how great it sounds, it ain't ever going to happen re democracy in any recognizable form in Iraq. So we had better involve the rest of the world in figuring out some form of government acceptable to Iraqis that we can somehow live with. After all, the rest of the world including the middle east (and especially Europe and Russia) have a vested interest in some sort of stable Iraq, and there is a reason they won't step in and help us impose our vision on what it should be.<br /><br />Otherwise we will continue to try to pound that square peg into a round hole. If you've got a big enough hammer, perhaps you can get it in, but there will be a lot of damage, and it will never be a very good fit.