leaning toward kerry


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by 62_Kiwi:<br /> Personally, I don't see any need for change - however I'm sure Bin Laden & Co would be delighted to see GWB lose the presidency.
I think 62_Kiwi should receive the iboat forum UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR award. He has hit the nail dead on center. If bin Laden is for a particular US candidate, how could any right thinking American vote for that candidate.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

The war on terror/iraq is such a big issue that it's almost a non-issue for me in this election... Neither candidate will get us out, netiher one will "win the war on terror", because neither candidate has the guts to stand up and really face the public, and take care of business overseas like it needs to be done... We will be in the middle east for a long time "staying the course", and it's gonna get much worse before it gets better....<br /><br />The big issues (war not withstanding) are things here at home... The economy/reducing the deficit, civil liberties (who's going to take away more?), health care, social security, keeping distance between government and religion, the environment... These are just a few things I'm looking at..


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

For the sake of the war, I'm hoping GWB gets re-elected. It will be his last term in office, and he won't have an election hanging over his head. That will untie his hands, and he won't be quite so forced to fight a politically correct war, and he can go in and get the job done.<br /><br />If Kerry gets elected, he will still be forced to fight the PC war in order to get re-elected, and drag this thing out forever. Ff he chooses to continue the war at all.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: leaning toward kerry

Well alrighty then..lean if you must. And I hope it's a waste of one vote.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Thanks for the replies. I know many on this board have given up on me so I really appreciate the effort it took for some of you to respond.<br /><br />Bigfun, can you email me the insults? I might be able to use them on a right wing facist consertive I know. Thanks.<br /><br />Samagee, no I don't hate Jews. Actually one of my daughters attended a college that someone once told me was "Jewish School". If he had never told me that I would have thought it was just like every other school. <br /><br />Pointer94 and Carphunter , I agree with your opinion that I shouldn't vote for someone based on the prevailing sentaments of a message board. That's why I'm only leaning that way. I guess I just have this reflex action that makes me want to defend someone that is being beaten long after he's pased out.<br /><br />wilkin250r: Good post but your initial assumption of how I percieve the president is inaccurate. <br /><br />lucky jim: Good point.<br /><br />oddjob: Your type of post is what gets me so upset. The logic is convulated and the conclusion is an insult.<br /><br />18rabbit: lol<br /><br />kenimpzoom: I'd never get to vote under those conditions. I can't remember when the last time was that I really liked any of the candidates. But think I get your point. I think your saying find something compelling in one of the candidates to justify my vote.<br /><br />SCO: Yes, Ted Kennedy has said some things recently that I find impossible to defend. I think he's doing it for the same reason others are bashing him. I think he's trying to polarize the discussion in the hopes that if there are only extreem views there will be more people who favor his.<br /><br />Fly Rod: You may be right but it may also come down to differences between the terrorist groups. Some may be more prone to murder than others.<br /><br />snapperbait: Yes, at the moment the economy, outsourcing, the deficit, civil liberties are the things that make me lean toward Kerry.<br /><br />Anyway the point of my post was to vent my frustration at the incessent liberal bashing that seems to accompany every discussion. I've been working full time since I was 19. I pay my taxes, donate to charity, help my friends and neighbors, raised two children for whom I regularly receive compliments, serve jury duty, and obey the law, even the ones I don't agree with. So how the heck am I an enemy of the United States?


Oct 29, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

For the sake of the war, I'm hoping GWB gets re-elected. It will be his last term in office, and he won't have an election hanging over his head. That will untie his hands, and he won't be quite so forced to fight a politically correct war, and he can go in and get the job done.<br />
Nuff said the truth has been spoken. :D :D


Jul 31, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

quote:<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />For the sake of the war, I'm hoping GWB gets re-elected. It will be his last term in office, and he won't have an election hanging over his head. That will untie his hands, and he won't be quite so forced to fight a politically correct war, and he can go in and get the job done.<br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Nuff said the truth has been spoken. <br />
Now I'm glad I finally read this post.....just couldn't imagine the words president and kerry next to each other!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by bobingardner:<br /> <br />Anyway the point of my post was to vent my frustration at the incessent liberal bashing that seems to accompany every discussion. I've been working full time since I was 19. I pay my taxes, donate to charity, help my friends and neighbors, raised two children for whom I regularly receive compliments, serve jury duty, and obey the law, even the ones I don't agree with. So how the heck am I an enemy of the United States?
If this is the whole point of your post, why not just say, "I'm tired of being bashed for being liberal" or something to that end?<br />Not that it's that important, but it just deems to be a waste of time to embellish it, or go so far around the subject,as to not address it. But hey, it's your post. :rolleyes: <br /><br />You've expressed this fact quite well, and I personally catch your drift. You are owed a seperate explaination from every single one of us, who have bashed liberals.<br />So here is mine.<br />I'm a conservative for many persoanal idelogical beliefs, most of which, you claim to share :confused: ..<br /><br />But if I were a liberal, I would've changed parties a few weeks after 9/11/01, when the shock died-down, and the finger-pointing began. I got literally sick to my stomach,watching the incessant media blitz by the "Big Three" and Al ju zeeeera on a nightly basis. Even Fox started with the "if it bleeds, it leads" mentallity.<br /><br />Then, instead of uniting under the American flag for the war effort, the liberal branch of our great society started veering further off to the left. Instead of supporting our commander in Chief, a concerted effort was mounted to blame him for the attacks, and bash our military,as opposed to Islamic Terrorism worldwide!! Being a conservative at this point has little to do with the hatered I feel for the ememy, and all who side with them. Yesterday, Senator Ted Kennedy compared GW Bush to Sadamn Huesane! And that's just the latest in a 3 year string of politically-motivated gifts to my sworn enemy, Islamic terrorism.<br />Vote for who you must. I will vote for who I have to vote for. For me, there is no "leaning" option available... I have no choice. It's the lesser of two evils to me. Bush gave away more of my money than Clinton did, and that's really saying something, because Clinton had a knack for it.<br />Instead of reducing the beurocracy,or limitting government (something us Republicans strongly demand), that clown ADDED two more layers at a very high expense to my wallet.<br />But no choice....This nation is at war. I know Bush will die before conceding.<br />Kerry , on the other hand, can't wait to give our military to the same clan that gave us "Oil-For Food"!!!!<br />He readily admits, he'll repeal the only things that Bush gave the American people <br />----A strong military response to my enemy---<br />----A tiny,watered-down tax cut---<br />Thanks again,KERRY!!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Originally posted by KeltonKrew:
Now I'm glad I finally read this post.....just couldn't imagine the words president and kerry next to each other!<br /><br />Not to worry KK, it's not going to happen in spite of the blind!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 8, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Posted by 12footer:<br /><br />
<br />If this is the whole point of your post, why not just say, "I'm tired of being bashed for being liberal" or something to that end?<br /><br />Not that it's that important, but it just deems to be a waste of time to embellish it, or go so far around the subject,as to not address it. But hey, it's your post. [Roll Eyes]<br />
Most of the time I just take the liberal bashing as a sign of a weak argument but the statement "My question is, when are we going to engage our military to quell these DOMESTIC ENEMIES, like John Kerry and Ted Kennedy!<br /><br />These 2 men are enemies of the United States and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, like tyed them to a stake and shot, just the way the rest of the tradorous and treasonist pricks before them where dealt with!",<br /><br />seemed to cross a line. Since John Kerry was specifically mentioned, and I am considering voting for him, he was the focus of my response.<br /><br />
<br />You've expressed this fact quite well, and I personally catch your drift. You are owed a seperate explaination from every single one of us, who have bashed liberals. So here is mine.<br />
I really didn't think anyone would respond except to cast an insult or two and I would have been satisified with that. I just wanted to vent.<br /><br />Do you have a link to Ted's quote? <br /><br />Kerry has stated that he will follow through on the current president's effort to democratize Iraq. If he could do that and develop a plan for dealing with the effects of outsourcing, as well as start to trim the deficit, and address the ever increasing number of uninsured working people, I'd vote for him without hesitating. I'd vote for Mr. Bush if he could offer the same but I don't see where he's addressed any of those concerns during his term. The only reason I see for re-electing President Bush is to mantain consistency in a time of war.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

For the sake of the war, I'm hoping GWB gets re-elected. It will be his last term in office, and he won't have an election hanging over his head. That will untie his hands, and he won't be quite so forced to fight a politically correct war, and he can go in and get the job done.
Time will tell... ;)


Oct 29, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

I still like you snapper. :D <br />


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: leaning toward kerry

per your request:<br /><br /> Kerry needs to apologise to our military, then move to France <br /><br /> This is a shortcut,but hey,it's 10pm! <br /><br />But here is the exact quote I reference;<br />"KENNEDY: On March 19th, 2004, President Bush asked, "Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open?" Shamefully we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management. President Bush has presided over America's deepest and deepest fall from grace in the history of our country and the tragedy unfolding in Iraq is the direct result of a colossal failure of leadership."<br />God is great.Ala draws vacuum for being so evil.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

Quote Bobingardner<br /> "Kerry has stated that he will follow through on the current president's effort to democratize Iraq." <br /><br />Yep! Thats what he said alright, this time. What about the others. If you can't see that Kerry has no firm position on anything, I feel real sorry for you. You are so tied up in knots that the Federal Government isn't paying for everybodies healthcare that you cannot see the forest for the trees. In other words, you are a quintessential liberal. You don't care what gets said or about the integrity of those who say it. Any means to an end seems to be the Democrats motto these days. <br /><br />If it is not obvious to you, I will give you a hint. It has nothing to do with the Democrats desire to govern this great nation, in it's best interest, it has absolutely everything to do with the quest for power!<br /><br />If you can read/hear ol' Uncle Ted's statement' that 12footer has posted above, and still want to align yourself with his ilk, well once again.....


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: leaning toward kerry

Bobinggarder thanks for your replies. I, like you, always enjoy listening to all sides, and then make up my mind for myself.<br /><br />I can only add one other thing that I say to those that are undecided...<br /><br />Look at the platforms of each political party, and then cast a straight party vote for the party that best fits your ideals.<br /><br />That is the great thing about the political party system for those that dont want to spend all day and night researching each candidate.<br /><br />Ken


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: leaning toward kerry

And like I admitted, I had my short lapse of reason about 4 or 5 months ago, and when Pres Bush pushed the free pill bill. I fully planned on not voting. But then "the other party" laughed-out Joe Lieberman as a viable canidate, and I swiftly decided we needed one more vote to prevent Kerry.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

I may incur heavy fire for saying this, but liberals have come to signify (for me) ignorance and self-centered, single-minded activism. And believe me, it is not something that anybody has taught me. It is an opinion I have formed from repeated exposure.<br /><br />I am in the middle of a heated environmental debate, and we are trying to reach a compromise. Environmental groups want to close an area of public land, we want to keep it open for public use. We have offered to help fund additional scientific studies, but to date no studies have been conducted. We propose education and voluntary cooperation as an alternative to closing the area, but so far, my side has been the only side to educate. We propose cultivation of the local vegitation as an alternative to closing, but that is not an option for our opposition. So far, we have been the only ones to actually take action to CORRECT the problem, but our opposition still insists that the government close the area. They have a single-minded agenda and are unwilling to compromise.<br /><br />I am in the electronics industry, and there is a massive movement towards lead-free electronics, again to protect the environment. The problem is that many of the substitutes for lead are actually MORE harmful, as well as more expensive. So we run the risk of spending more money to do more harm. But that reasoning falls on deaf ears, because they have a single-minded agenda to remove lead.<br /><br />These are two personal examples, but there are many many more. Affirmative action, PETA, the list goes on and on. Like I said, I may incur heavy fire for my views, but that is what liberalism means to me. Ignore facts and twists statistics to suit your own personal agenda, and damn the big picture.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: leaning toward kerry

wilkin250r,<br /><br />Want a real good one, check out MBTE in the California gas and it's affect on ground water. Talk about hippocrits. Lake Tahoe, has simply defied state law and won't sell it.<br /><br />Another example of Liberal junk science used to promote an agenda while damaging that which they claim to want to preserve.