lazy passengers..


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

The original post questioned the principle of offering to PAY another GUEST for beverages they supplied without offering to help cover the cost of operating the boat. :confused::confused: To me thats just tacky, hence my first reply. As for expecting an invited guest to pay part of the days operating cost, no I do not. If by chance they offer to contribute for gas I tell then "the boat was going out weather you were aboard or not." If they still insist on paying I accept their generosity, and thank them. :D:D

limited-time got the point of the story here... im not saying i expect people to pay.. it was the act of getting out the cash right in front of me for the other ones food bill that got me.. especially after all the grief over just pulling up the anchor.. i was just venting a bit..


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 13, 2007
Re: lazy passengers..

limited-time got the point of the story here... im not saying i expect people to pay.. it was the act of getting out the cash right in front of me for the other ones food bill that got me.. especially after all the grief over just pulling up the anchor.. i was just venting a bit..

I think the problem is that people just don' think about the gas. Because they don't see it, don't handle it etc, they don't think about it. Perhaps if you filled up with them on it then maybe they should have noticed.

For example, a friend of mine invited me and my son down to Lake Normal last year (maybe the year before) to go out on the lake. Well, I took him up on it, and we even went to the marina to get gas. Not having been out on the lake in several years, it didn't even cross my mind to offer $ for gas.

I think some of us just are clueless sometimes.

Now that I own a boat I take people out and it doesn't even cross my mind about getting money for gas. Perhaps if I saw someone give someone else money for food, I'd probably think about it then tho! :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: lazy passengers..

I was just out with B.I.L. for a family outing. They did not ask for gas $, but on the way out I gave them a good chunk of money. They protested and said it was too much. Then I reminded them that they were going to have to buy gas (Bass boat, Ski Boat, and Potoon). They took the money. I hope the other people in the family did the same.

If I invite someone to go out, then it depends on who it is and what type of trip.

If it is a close friend and we are going to go on a joint trip and will use a lot of fuel, then I will be up front about needing money for gas. All my friends are happy to chip in.

If it is not a joint trip, then I pay for the gas, but will take it if they offer. I always set the example and offer to help with expenses if I go on their boat or trip or just have some beers over a weekend. If they refuse to take my money that is fine.

If I invite someone that is not a close friend, then I would not ask and it would be my pleasure to pay. If they offer, I would thank them but refuse.

I would never take anyone on the boat that wouldn't help.

Hull, I understand what you mean. It was rude of the person to offer money for drinks and not for gas, but some people don't think about it. If the person requests to go again, I would make it absolutely clear that they need to help both with the work and the gas.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

my other have is ADHD, not allowed to do anything on the boat, but sit her but down, and not move till i tell her to. she learned after being put on the dock several times and left without the car keys. they just don't learn, and hate to be told something.


May 17, 2001
Re: lazy passengers..

There is some guests that I have had that has never got another invite due to their previous actions. I've made a few mad, but I'm the captain and their life is my resposiblity. If they don't listen to the captain,,,,,,,,they don't go.

As for the money issue, if they offer, I may or may not accept it. However it was cheesey that money transacted in front of the captain without offering him any. Sorta like leaving a penny tip for bad service.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: lazy passengers..

If you invite guests out on your boat, then it is your treat and no compensation should be expected.

If friends suggest that you take them out, you should say something to the effect that you would be happy to take them all out for the day, as long as they split the cost of fuel, then specify the cost of fuel. That way there is no misunderstanding about paying for the fuel. They also will realize that it is costly to operate a boat and "free" outings are a real financial imposition on you, the owner.

Remember that people who don't own boats may have no clue to the expense of operating one, and it just doesn't occur to them to pay you for gas.

There is a big difference between hosting an outing and being taken advantage of. If THEY repeatedly suggest you take them out, and don't offer to pay, then you are being taken advantage of.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: lazy passengers..

Oh yes.. Tea.. I generally supply my own tea.. I'm very particular though... (Publix, from the Deli, in the jug, 50/50 sweet and un-sweet)..:D Like American Express, I don't leave home (or port) without it...:D

Ain't that the truth! I bring food, snacks, etc. to try to keep Captain Snap happy, but all he wants to do is suck on his tea! HA!

Another way to look at the original post is, didn't these friends supply the food and beverage? Or did they ask you to help pay for that? So they did contribute something to the day.

Personally, when a guest, I try to be as helpful as possible, while realizing the captain has his way of doing things and staying out of the way as much as possible. I offer food and $ and if they won't take some cash, will try to sneak some to them, cause I know how much it costs to operate a hole in the water.

When the host, I expect nothing of the guest. If they have some boating experience, or want to help, then I will try to incorporate them in the process. I don't ask for, or expect any cash. I invited them. If they invited themself, that is a different story.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: lazy passengers..

Anyone who disobeys an order from the captain should be flogged!.....;):D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

Another way to look at the original post is, didn't these friends supply the food and beverage? Or did they ask you to help pay for that? So they did contribute something to the day.

only one of the friends supplied the food and the beverages.. unless you consider handing $10 to somebody after the day was over "supplying".. and if you do then yes i suppose they both supplied food and beverage..