lazy passengers..


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: lazy passengers..

There was no mention of sweet tea, what's up with that?
Yer buddy Art will think that yer slippin. :p

Oh yes.. Tea.. I generally supply my own tea.. I'm very particular though... (Publix, from the Deli, in the jug, 50/50 sweet and un-sweet)..:D Like American Express, I don't leave home (or port) without it...:D


Nov 15, 2003
Re: lazy passengers..

It doesn't cost any more in gas to take along a passenger or two, so why be so anal about the cost of gas? You would have burnt it anyway going alone.

If I invite someone along I don't expect them to pay for anything. After all, they didn't have to come and I could have been fishing alone, and how much fun is that? To invite someone out for the day and then start demanding that they help in any way, that would be the last trip I'd take with you, that's for sure.

Of course I'm a boater so I'd ask to help, I couldn't sit and watch you do everything, participating in the boating experience is part of boating, in my opinion.

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..


Oh I know exactly what you (oops) mean. But those are people I wouldn't ask to do anything on my boat but to remain seated during manuevers (docking, anchoring, etc). But if I ask someone to man the lines, pull anchor, stop playing with the flare gun, it isn't a debate. I most often ask nothing of my passengers, but..............

In the words of my old boss: Sure it sounds like a request, but it is really a condition of employment. :)

Ya stop playing with the flare gun nothing like some one playing John Wane in the back of the boat


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: lazy passengers..

That little story is worth a post unto itself. Kids and their fascinations are too funny.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: lazy passengers..

Depends... If they don't know how to do anything I'd rather they just sit there. Otherwise helping out while docking or with the anchor is appreciated. I'd never sit idle while the wind or wake knocks someone boat into the dock. I don't ask for gas money but I wouldn't turn it down either. The people I boat with are pretty conscious of those things anyway. I buy gas, they buy dinner, etc...


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 26, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

I expect guests to do what I ask them to do, like handle lines, etc. if I know they can manage it. As far as snacks and drinks, its arranged ahead of time. I don't expect gas money but if someone offers I am not proud to turn it down either with the cost of fuel. This weekend my wife and i took out a friend and her 3 kids on the boat... their dad is in Iraq. It was a ton of fun, the kids were well behaved and it was a great day on the lake. At the end we decided to go to the marina for dinner and she insisted on picking up the tab. Good friends, good fun, life is good!


Jun 13, 2007
Re: lazy passengers..

...if you invited these people without forewarning of costs, etc...I'm afraid you own it. JB's take on this is right on.
Now, here is a quick self-test....did they have ever 'invite' you over to their house?.....and what did you bring? Beer, Food, Wine, gift?...did you stick around and help with the dishes, help set the table, help bbq...or?.
However not helping with the boat handling stuff......thats just plain unhelpful.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: lazy passengers..

I got enough problems with keeping my wife from hurting herself from just lacking any kind of boat common sense ;) even after 26 years

You guys sound like your taking trained crew out for a trip

Thats just what you need you friends kid filling up the fuel tanlk with the wash hose :(



Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

The original post questioned the principle of offering to PAY another GUEST for beverages they supplied without offering to help cover the cost of operating the boat. :confused::confused: To me thats just tacky, hence my first reply. As for expecting an invited guest to pay part of the days operating cost, no I do not. If by chance they offer to contribute for gas I tell then "the boat was going out weather you were aboard or not." If they still insist on paying I accept their generosity, and thank them. :D:D


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..

The original post questioned the principle of offering to PAY another GUEST for beverages they supplied without offering to help cover the cost of operating the boat. :confused::confused: To me thats just tacky, hence my first reply. As for expecting an invited guest to pay part of the days operating cost, no I do not. If by chance they offer to contribute for gas I tell then "the boat was going out weather you were aboard or not." If they still insist on paying I accept their generosity, and thank them. :D:D

Yep, what he said.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..

I don't know Pointer, I've seen some people I don't think I would want them doing anything but sit there, ya know what I mean?:eek:

Ya wouldn't want 'em standin' up on the ol' rocket boat when yer underway anyhow would ya Spinner? :D:D Don't think it would be a good idea n' it may be quite difficult if the hammer was down a bit don't ya think?? :D:D JR


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..

Well I also pretty much feel the same way as JB...but I don't fish...

Most of my guests are my GF's friends from the day spa where she works. I think it's called "Hotties-R-Us" day spa or something like that, but anyway they all want to come out for the sun, and do their best not to block much of it from reaching their skin. By the days end of hitting the chop just right, not only would I not ask them for gas money, I'd probably give them gas money for coming out!

Man I love summer! (and sunglasses...)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: lazy passengers..

Ya wouldn't want 'em standin' up on the ol' rocket boat when yer underway anyhow would ya Spinner? :D:D Don't think it would be a good idea n' it may be quite difficult if the hammer was down a bit don't ya think?? :D:D JR
Wouldn't be to bad JR if I had them tethered off to one of the cleats up front.:D


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

Well I also pretty much feel the same way as JB...but I don't fish...

Most of my guests are my GF's friends from the day spa where she works. I think it's called "Hotties-R-Us" day spa or something like that, but anyway they all want to come out for the sun, and do their best not to block much of it from reaching their skin. By the days end of hitting the chop just right, not only would I not ask them for gas money, I'd probably give them gas money for coming out!

Man I love summer! (and sunglasses...)

This post is worthless without pictures....;):D:D:D


Nov 30, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..

Well I also pretty much feel the same way as JB...but I don't fish...

Most of my guests are my GF's friends from the day spa where she works. I think it's called "Hotties-R-Us" day spa or something like that, but anyway they all want to come out for the sun, and do their best not to block much of it from reaching their skin. By the days end of hitting the chop just right, not only would I not ask them for gas money, I'd probably give them gas money for coming out!

Man I love summer! (and sunglasses...)

LOL LOL LOL, :D:D , I'd like to be a fly on yer bulkhead Too! Me = Bad very Bad!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2007
Re: lazy passengers..

there are two sides to protocol - if they are your guest- you invited them- then ask nothing of them regarding expenses- if they asked to come then you now may ask them to contribute to expenses.

Now as a guest they should offer to assist in expenses- you may accept graciously or thank them for their offer and refuse

When it comes to boat chores-- you should spell that out before boarding and make assignments--unless they are fare paying passengers they should oblige


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 12, 2006
Re: lazy passengers..

If you are my guest then I expect nothing from you but good company. The first invite is easy. If you prove your worth either as good company or act as one of the crew you will get another invite. I agree with JB if you expect anything in compesation you need to be up front about it.

Do you ask your guests for help with your boat payment or insurance?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 4, 2005
Re: lazy passengers..

I don't ask anything from invitee's on my boat. One time one of the freinds decided to help me with the anchor, got a nice gash on the bow....

I do like to take friends with me to shre my experience on the boat. It is one the things I look most forward too....