It's The Cows Fault......Not W's


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Yeah, I have thought extensively on how could we get there from here. Other than abstinence (an unspeakable horror) or getting "fixed" (goes right back to that China thing), there just is not a viable way. Just how can we preserve our imperitive to reproduce, and preserve our resources for the children we produce, especialy in the age of increasing lifespan? Thats a tough one to be sure. Not everyone is on board with the personal responsibility concept. I guess I just like to discuss difficult situations.

Who does decide what is smart behavior? I guess we just have to define what is smart and the majority of those people get to decide? :) Regardless, I would still rather be in this country with all it's challenges than a China or North Korea....


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

JasonJ said:
"it's a basic human drive, might as well try to curtail eating and breathing..."

So what you are saying is that people who push out 6 head of kid are mindless breeding machines, incapable of any kind of thinking?

well, not all of them. But if they were capable of maintaining a reasonable level of rational thought, many if not most of them would very likely have smaller families.

Just because we can have 1 kid a year until we die doesn't mean we should.
true dat

I just don't understand what part of "population will outstrip the resources available to us" doesn't anyone understand? I just can't see the endless pumping out of kids as anything but reckless disregard for everyone else, not to mention a basic self-serving action driven by ego or religion or both.

I think "reckless disregard" pretty much says it all.

Look, my grandma, like a good Catholic, had 16 kids. Their resources could not keep up, and those kids had a rough life. My ma had 5 kids, not as much, but was still difficult as she was a single mom. Me, I had one child, and that was it. I knew I could provide for one child. Its called knowing your limits, not just having a bunch of kids and either hoping things will work out or letting the guvment pay for them. That is why we have BIG BRAINS, so we can effect our future. Otherwise, you are telling me we are just brainless breeding vessels. I hope you really don't believe that...

You used the terminology "right to breed" - I just didn't think "right" was a strong enough term. The bill of rights is chock full of rights any one of which a government might deny its citizens, but it would be exceedingly difficult to revoke the right to breed.

Interesting comment about the big brain - the combination of that with the opposable thumb are probably what stands between us and extinction. It's why we are so helpless when born - if we were as developed as most other mammals at birth, the shear size of our heads would limit each female to one child per lifetime. If you know what I mean, and I think you do.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Rather than start a new thread, and beings this one is so handy...

And now Schwarzenegger, a Republican, wants to use his star power to turn global warming into an issue in the 2008 presidential election. "There is a whole new movement because of the change of people sent to Washington," Schwarzenegger said in an interview this week, referring to the Democratic Party's impending takeover of Congress. "We want to put the spotlight on this issue in America. It has to become a debate in the presidential election. It has to become an issue."
