Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's
Jason dude,
You're gonna take a lot of heat when you sound a lot like the Communist Chinese. I am not trying to label you man, but that is the only society I know of that limits child birth. Ya know what the result is? Dead babies. That's weird . . . all the dead ones are girls, hmmmmm . . . Side note, Chinese official value alert - reject religion, hmmmmmm . . . That's probably just a coincidence. OK let's move on.
Big brains? Check. So lets move on from that too, we got big brains and some people have a lot of kids, so it ain't dat. Ok next. Ego? Well yeah we got ego too, but that could actually cause it, OK, how do we get rid ah dat? Hmmmm, lobotomy. Nah, too messy. Hmmm, religion, well them damn Catholics, man what are we gonna do about them? Give them condoms in school, yup, that's it, people are gonna love that, free stuff. OK. No, no, wait better yet, ban religion and limit child birth. Puuurrrfect, they're gonna love this in DC man . . .