It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

That was my point pw.

If you can't blame Bush, it automatically becomes a ridiculous notion in the eyes of the left. Some will never see the forrest because of the trees.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

QC said:
The thing that continues to amaze me about these silly scares is that the same guy who marches against global warming, will march the next week about poor treatment of cows, and then march the next week about the plight of the small town dairy farmer . . .

My best customer in Australia is a Dairy Farming Cooperative. I think they feel guilty about cow farts, so they buy our stuff to reduce truck emissions, but the biggest benefit to them is lower fuel costs, so they can be more profitable and buy more cows. Also the fuel they use, liquid natural gas (LNG = Methane) vents to atmosphere when they fill their tanks. Probably more methane than all of the cow farts put together . . . Laugh all the way to the bank I guess; like a good, greedy, Commoner. Shhhhhhhhhh . . .
A copy of this communication has been forwarded to the Dairymans Association of Australia. ;) "Guilt Sucks" (Down and out in Beverlyhills, 1986)
Jun 1, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Reel said:
That was my point pw.

If you can't blame Bush, it automatically becomes a ridiculous notion in the eyes of the left. Some will never see the forrest because of the trees.
No, no no! RP your other left, your other left. :8)8)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Yeah techno, your version makes more sense ;)


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Screw you guys.. I'm off to make $millions$ off of cow farts.....d:)


Jun 19, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

i believe cows have been passing gas long before W was born. Maybe an increase in cow population brought us out of the Little Ice Age. Maybe there was a cow plague and a big decrease in cow population that caused the Little Ice Age. This should be researched with a massive government grant. The outcome could help protect our children and future generations to come.
Why do we need cows anyway? They cause anthrax and E-coli. Their meat is killing our children. They should be allowed to die and a select few sent to live at the Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen so the vegetable worshipers can look at them and feel sorry for them.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

QC said:
Yeah techno, your version makes more sense ;)

Don't look now. but the political pendulem may have swung. I can see we aren't friends now, hopefully that will change.


Jun 19, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

technostingray said:
custombycrunch said:
Nice to see you are keeping track of what Rush has to say, there's hope for you yet. :p

This is where I saw it Sunday, had nothing to do with Rush, sorry.
Edit: Are you saying that Rush did not quote the source? Spreading Gossip serves the same purpose as starting it. n'est pas?

News = gossip if you disagree with a point of view? How do we discern between news and gossip?
The left on many occasions go on the airwaves with ridiculous unfounded accusations just to be contrary for no resaon or to attack an opponent.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

treedancer said:
Man I’ll be glad when this Rotator cuff operation I had six weeks ago heals. I wont be sitting here googling cow farts.:%

Well then what use will you be? d:)
Jun 1, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

ricksrster said:
News = gossip if you disagree with a point of view? How do we discern between news and gossip?
The left on many occasions go on the airwaves with ridiculous unfounded accusations just to be contrary for no resaon or to attack an opponent.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. Do you? ;) :^:^ Gossip and news are synonymous. lol


Apr 21, 2004
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Reel said:
That was my point pw.

If you can't blame Bush, it automatically becomes a ridiculous notion in the eyes of the left. Some will never see the forrest because of the trees.

Ok, so that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, as does this thread.

First of all, the original thread topic, and Rush's resulting ridiculous diatribe, has no basis in anything scientific. Global warming and greehouse gasses are a scientific, measurable phenomenon. If you wish to disprove it, fine, but approach it with scientific methods, and not by ridiculing patently ridiculous notions. I don't have a problem with ridiculing patently ridiculous notions, but to extrapolate that they prove anything is equally ridiculous.

And what any of it has to do with what is, or isn't "Bush's Fault" is a complete mystery to me.

There are lots of things that are demonstrably Bush's responsibility--Plenty enough that those of us who generally disagree with his policies and approaches surely don't need to make new ones up--there are plenty of real ones to wear out several keyboards keeping track of and documenting.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

PW, did you even read the articles? Or did you just totally dismiss them because Rush was brought into the conversation?

If you did read them, what is ridiculous about New Zealand, or the UN?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

PW2 said:
. . . so that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, as does this thread.

. . . . has no basis in anything scientific.

. . . approach it with scientific methods, and not by ridiculing patently ridiculous notions.

Ahem . . . are you suggesting that cow farts and Global Warming are not related from a scientific perspective?

Are you aware that Methane has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 21? Which means that each gram of methane is worth 21 grams of CO2 in GWP.

Are you aware that methane from farm animals accounts for around 14% of global methane emissions (yes I have sources)? And this doesn't count the CO2 emitted by their breathing . . .

Maybe GW science is worthless, but you can't chuck part of it simply because you don't like the smell of the data . . . :%


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Unfortunately, burning petroleum isn't the only source for greenhouse gasses. So is burning Ethanol. So is burning Methane. Neither are a solution. All three produce carbon dioxide when burned. The only real solutions to global warming are hydrogen/oxygen fuels which just produce water, wind generators, photovoltaics, hydroelectric, fuel cells, and dare I say it...nuclear. Hopefully Nuclear fission gets replaced by nuclear fusion once we get the process nailed. Global warming isn't a political process. It's an economic one, and until somebody with vision puts these clean sources on the fast track, Global Warming isn't going away any time soon. With Junior's Texas Oil background and Saudi Arabian ties, it sure as heck ain't gonna be him. Now somebody hand me a hamburger on a plate of beans. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

"Solution" and improvement are two different things. Each one of those carbon based fuels you note has different Global Warming implications if counted from what they call "well to wheel"; they are not equal offenders. Side note: the previous sentence assumes that these emissions play a role in the warming of the planet and I am not convinced that they do. I am definitely not convinced of their specific contributions if in fact they are contributing. . .

I agree these are economic discussions. How do you "fast track" Hydrogen without making it economic as well? And how the hell do you make it economic? Your list, "wind generators, photovoltaics, hydroelectric, fuel cells ...nuclear" are not "clean sources" either, although I believe nuclear is the best option.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

QC said:
Are you aware that methane from farm animals accounts for around 14% of global methane emissions (yes I have sources)? And this doesn't count the CO2 emitted by their breathing . . . about the CO2 emitted by the breathing of 6.6 billion humans? Takes a lot of trees to suck all that up - and there's less & less of those every day.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

Yup stevieray, I am totally with you. I mentioned humans breathing on the last GW thread and got no response. It is obvious the only solution is population reduction (extermination) which is why you never hear about it and it is the ultimate result of this stupid latest fear anyway, just ask Al "the greatest threat to mankind is global warming" Gore, but the solution is an even bigger threat . . .

Annnnnnd, to carry this out to where I believe it needs to be carried, the greatest threat to mankind that we can actually do something about is human evil. So I put my eggs in that basket. Sorry all for using the evil word, evil, again. I know I have been rather loose with the use of evil recently, as offensive as it is and all. Sorry . . .


Apr 21, 2004
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

QC said:
PW2 said:
. . . so that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, as does this thread.

. . . . has no basis in anything scientific.

. . . approach it with scientific methods, and not by ridiculing patently ridiculous notions.

Ahem . . . are you suggesting that cow farts and Global Warming are not related from a scientific perspective?

Are you aware that Methane has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 21? Which means that each gram of methane is worth 21 grams of CO2 in GWP.

Are you aware that methane from farm animals accounts for around 14% of global methane emissions (yes I have sources)? And this doesn't count the CO2 emitted by their breathing . . .

Maybe GW science is worthless, but you can't chuck part of it simply because you don't like the smell of the data . . . :%

Of course I am. There are lots of "greenhouse gasses" and they should all be studied. It is complex science, and should not be trivialized, as Rush, on his program at least, clearly did.
Not all greenhouse gasses are bad, of course, and all are needed in quantities that are ecologically balanced as much as possible.

It is a serious issue worthy of a serious scientific, fact based debate. Ridicule should not be a part of that debate, simply because it might be economically inconvenient.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: It's The Cows Fault......Not W's

I've been on the "zero population growth" bandwagon since back when there were only 3 billion of us. Extermination has never been brought up as a solution - just keep reproduction at replacement levels. But then you get the religious nuts saying they were instructed to "go forth and populate the earth" and all. Don't think anybody had a handle on exponential functions when that was written.