I took one off and held it to see if there was any voltage coming through, are you saying to pull them from the plug and hold it to the motor to see if there is spark?Often the Neutral Interlocks are in the Control Box. Remove the Plug wires and ground them,
If you are testing for spark, hold the Wire, with a bolt in it, about 5/16" away from a paint free part of the BlockI took one off and held it to see if there was any voltage coming through, are you saying to pull them from the plug and hold it to the motor to see if there is spark?
Your right, I got them mixed up I'm about to order one from oldmercs.com for $39.99. I'm going to try and find a coupon for it first.There is a belt between the Distributor and the Flywheel. Looking at the top pic, I don't see a belt
The distributor should not be moving when the Shift Linkage is moved, except on the Dockbusters, but they are 6s. IT does however move when the Throttle Linkage is moved
So the evenrude serial number starts with 25829 I can't find it on the list you gave me, any idea what it might be?Your right, I got them mixed up I'm about to order one from oldmercs.com for $39.99. I'm going to try and find a coupon for it first.
I was afraid of that, when they say boat they really do mean bout o' another thousandyou're sure that 8 isn't a 0?
Either that, or it is a 1954 25hp, looking at the Pattern for the Numbers
As for the Merc Controls on an Evinrude or Johnson? I don't know, Mercury back in the Day, anchored the Inner cable and used the Outer Casing to move the Linkage, opposite of what OMC did. Also I don't know if the Cables move the correct Distances for proper movement at the Motor
I'm going to have to agree with you on that sadly. I was looking at it yesterday in detail and the rats got to it alot more than I thought. On the bright side though I get to tare down a motor I have never seen before, and that means making it look beautiful in the process. Any idea what one of these would be worth in running condition all cleaned up with a new paint job?Judging by the pictures that Mercury needs a complete teardown / inspection / evaluation.-------Not going to run like new with just a fresh tank of gas and a new battery.