I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!


Jun 13, 2007
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

The last I heard that in Canada non citizens had to have work permits unlike here.

Yep, thats exactly right....and right now hiring immigrants is one of the only ways to fill the job openings....at least in Canada right now.

Backstory: we have a huge labour shortage to fill in the next 10 years....both skilled and unskilled. They said that in the next 10 years BC and Alberta will need well over 50,000 more workers to fill the jobs and this jobs are very good paying positions. ;)
Most of these relate to all the (rich) resource industries we have up here....oil and gas, Potash, mining (uranium, diamonds, etc) and there is more.
Canada only has a population of approx. 35 million people so we don't have anywhere near the group people needed to draw upon to fill this work.:eek:
Interestingly the whole issue of trying to fill these positions....usually unsuccessfully is fodder for a lot of (local) talk radio around here.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 10, 2007
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

At least in the U.S. H1B is a form of a work permit, if you don't have provable employment you are sent back. You still cannot get government security clearance here.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Come to Minnesota. Our overall unemployment rate is just over 5% and lower for college educated folks.

Amen to this! Plus we have the twins, vikings, timberwolves, wild, gophers, not 1 but 2 downtowns, an uptown a dinkytown, and of course 10,000 lakes ehem. Oh, one negative, snow. ;)

From what I can see we have a lot of tech, insurance, health and personal care assistance jobs around here. I would think road construction jobs as well as year after year MN Department of Transprtation is exceeding the previous years number of road construction projects.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!


Glad I read your post first. ;)

I was just going to post, how the trucking industry, is SCREAMING for new and experienced drivers. $40k the first year, $55k and up the second year on. Sign on bonuses, etc.

Unfortunately, you did leave out one qualification for driving that is often a deal killer, for Americans wanting work - you have to be able to pass regular drug testing.

A driver shortage, does mean more money for those that want to (or at least are willing to) do the work.

Any ideas as to why the trucking industry is booming for new recruits? Whats the driving factor causing traction?

It took me a year to find a new job, I was picky but not as picky as some might be, nor was I willing to sacrifice a few things and I had the luxery of looking while still employed. I had maybe 5 in-person interviews in a year, maybe a dozen phone interviews, 3 2nd interviews and finally the job I knew was right for me and I was right for it. Put in my notice before I even had an offer written which in hindsight is a bit crazy, but confidence sells yourself!

I also used all the tools available to me an really RAMPED up the job search more than some of my unemployed friends have been doing.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Any ideas as to why the trucking industry is booming for new recruits? Whats the driving factor causing traction?

The U.S. economy is recovering nicely, they are just not doing much hiring.

When things started to recover, several years ago, industries invested the money they were making, into automation, verses rehiring.

Many labor segments, like IT and finanacial services, were often way overstaffed and lay offs happened. Now they just make the survivors, pick up the slack, verses rehiring. Some Companies were profitable, but fired many workers anyway.

Regarding trucking. After the economy crash, I could drive by large truck stops at 3am and see maybe 8 trucks, in the parking lot. Now you are lucky if you can find a parking space, at all, after 5pm, at some stops.

I am constantly amazed, what I see being transported now days. I also see many new small trucking companies, I have never seen before,


Apr 29, 2008
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I don't know what is going on in IL, but here in GA tech is hot. I was laid off last year when my then-employer decided to offshore all IT operations. Layoffs were announced in May, and we were given the choice of leaving immediately or staying on until the "transition" was done. If we stayed on, we would be paid through the end of the year, but would be released some time in late August. I put my information out to recruiters and potential employers in June and had interviews every week. For the first time in my IT career (graduated from university in 2001), I had two offers on the table at the same time. Even though I pulled my information off the job sites and recruiting sites, I still get a couple of unsolicited offers every week. Salaries were all $70K+. Even in the depths of the recession in 2009 (company I was working for went under, so I was unemployed then, too) with employers in the drivers seat, the salaries in GA were still reasonable.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I don't know what is going on in IL, but here in GA tech is hot. I was laid off last year when my then-employer decided to offshore all IT operations. Layoffs were announced in May, and we were given the choice of leaving immediately or staying on until the "transition" was done. If we stayed on, we would be paid through the end of the year, but would be released some time in late August. I put my information out to recruiters and potential employers in June and had interviews every week. For the first time in my IT career (graduated from university in 2001), I had two offers on the table at the same time. Even though I pulled my information off the job sites and recruiting sites, I still get a couple of unsolicited offers every week. Salaries were all $70K+. Even in the depths of the recession in 2009 (company I was working for went under, so I was unemployed then, too) with employers in the drivers seat, the salaries in GA were still reasonable.


Sounds like I need to take a closer look at GA.

I do realize that I could probably have an easier time of things if I relocated. I'm definitely NOT in a great area for IT right now. But we just moved last August so the wife could take a better job, and are really trying hard not to uproot the kids again so soon. They REALLY like their new schools here.

It may still come to that, though. I need to get back in the game at my level before I've been out of it so long that there's no longer a chance.

Plus you folks down there have much more agreeable weather during the winter months. :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Do I not sense an oxymoron here, last time I looked non-citizens could not acquire government security clearance.

The job doesn't actually require it.

In order to hire a worker on an H1-B the employer must first make an attempt to find an American to fill the position. It's very, very common practice to meet this requirement by posting ads for the job that are designed to discourage people from applying. Getting a security clearance is a giant hassle and lots of people just don't want to mess with it. So they list it as a requirement simply to discourage people from applying.

The other thing I see all the time is a list of skills a mile long that don't go together. Skills from different specialties that nobody would realistically have. IE: In order to be good enough at one specialty, you wouldn't have had time to get the experience in the other.

It's all just a game so that they can turn around and say "We've been trying to find and American for this job, but just aren't getting any applicants."


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 26, 2009
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Minimum wage in San Francisco is around $10, lol. $12 for a real job is crazy. We're fighting our admin to pay us on our pay scale for trainings instead of their current $40 per hour offer. I'm cool with the $40 per hour, but our union wants to fight it.They want us to skip the meetings, but I can't afford to be out 40 hours at $40 per....to sit at home and make a point?? What would you do? Stick with the union?? Problem is, the people at the top of our bargaining team are older and better situated...so they can afford to do it. Newer folks are taking a hit.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!


Glad I read your post first. ;)

I was just going to post, how the trucking industry, is SCREAMING for new and experienced drivers. $40k the first year, $55k and up the second year on. Sign on bonuses, etc.

Unfortunately, you did leave out one qualification for driving that is often a deal killer, for Americans wanting work - you have to be able to pass regular drug testing.

A driver shortage, does mean more money for those that want to (or at least are willing to) do the work.

True, it's suprising how many people fail the pre-employment drug test. It's the "willing" to do the work part we have trouble with, you can find guys to hold a stearing wheel pretty easy it's finding guys that can drive AND willing to get out of the truck to work.

IMHO there is a huge shortage of labor in the US right now, and by that I mean citizens willing to do manual labor for ANY wage.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Minimum wage in San Francisco is around $10, lol. $12 for a real job is crazy. We're fighting our admin to pay us on our pay scale for trainings instead of their current $40 per hour offer. I'm cool with the $40 per hour, but our union wants to fight it.They want us to skip the meetings, but I can't afford to be out 40 hours at $40 per....to sit at home and make a point?? What would you do? Stick with the union?? Problem is, the people at the top of our bargaining team are older and better situated...so they can afford to do it. Newer folks are taking a hit.
That's a tight spot. Guess it depends on how strong the union is and the repercussions for not staying home with everyone else. I assume it was put to a vote and agreed on, or is the union just saying this is what we're doing? usually out west here the unions aren't like they are back east but if it's going to make life rough for you it might be easier than swimming up stream.
I'd certainly ask the union if they intend to help the young guys financially.


Feb 29, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

On the opposite end, we've had trouble filling positions, $25hr positions. Only qualifications required is a CDL, can travel and dosn't mind work, full paid training. We've had unemployed people come in and refuse because; I've got kids and can't be gone a week at a time, I don't want to get dirty, I'll drive but don't want to do the field work or whatever or whatever.

When i was starting out I always figured it was best to be gone and have the kids with full bellys than be at home with hungry kids.

Agree 100%! You do what you have to do to make sure the kids have what they need. As an aside, you say the only qualification required is an CDL...sorry...CDL??


Feb 29, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Getting a security clearance is a giant hassle and lots of people just don't want to mess with it. So they list it as a requirement simply to discourage people from applying.

So...as a Canadian with a NATO top secret security clearance, what you're saying is that I should be able to find employent in the US when I retire from the Canadian military, making it possible to stay in the States more than 6 months out of 12?...woohoo! ..Motorcycling and boating year round baby! ..*grin*

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I can understand wanting to be employed where you reside for the sake of the kids and wife.

I listen to my youngest, and friends out of Uni are 'off' overseas (SF, NY, England) and i am amazed at how freely and easily they talk of moving overseas. One (hight school teacher) says it was quicker (matter of days) to get a job in London than here, and it was better paid.

A doco last night was on your plight but in Spain, and there were educated people seeking employment in S. America.
Our world has certainly changed since 2008, but I am not sure I could move.



Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 26, 2009
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

That's a tight spot. Guess it depends on how strong the union is and the repercussions for not staying home with everyone else. I assume it was put to a vote and agreed on, or is the union just saying this is what we're doing? usually out west here the unions aren't like they are back east but if it's going to make life rough for you it might be easier than swimming up stream.
I'd certainly ask the union if they intend to help the young guys financially.

The Union is weak, but trying to finally stand up for themselves. IMO, just picking the wrong battle. They had a vote, and didn't get what they wanted, so they had a re-vote and worded the choices differently so people would pick what the bargaining team is leaning towards. I thought that was shady in itself. Sucks when the people doing this stuff are friends in and out of work.


Jun 24, 2006
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Getting a security clearance is a giant hassle and lots of people just don't want to mess with it. So they list it as a requirement simply to discourage people from applying.

So...as a Canadian with a NATO top secret security clearance, what you're saying is that I should be able to find employent in the US when I retire from the Canadian military, making it possible to stay in the States more than 6 months out of 12?...woohoo! ..Motorcycling and boating year round baby! ..*grin*

Well, yeah, for 12 bucks an hour. Oh, CDL is Commercial Drivers License.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

The Union is weak, but trying to finally stand up for themselves. IMO, just picking the wrong battle. They had a vote, and didn't get what they wanted, so they had a re-vote and worded the choices differently so people would pick what the bargaining team is leaning towards. I thought that was shady in itself. Sucks when the people doing this stuff are friends in and out of work.

I know what you mean. Problem is how they'll react when you're the odd man out at the meetings, my guess is not well.
Unions always pick the wrong battles it seems, or they're like an angry in a cage just waiting for someone to open the door so they can fight with something, even if unnecessary. I'm generally not a fan of them, now that I'm in one I guess it's just more bureaucracy to deal with.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Getting a security clearance is a giant hassle and lots of people just don't want to mess with it.

Not sure how it works in the private sector but most jobs I see that require one want you to have one coming in the door so I always figure it's more hassle for the employer.. But with the gvt it's a pretty simple process.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Amen to this! Plus we have the twins, vikings, timberwolves, wild, gophers, not 1 but 2 downtowns, an uptown a dinkytown, and of course 10,000 lakes ehem. Oh, one negative, snow. ;)

From what I can see we have a lot of tech, insurance, health and personal care assistance jobs around here. I would think road construction jobs as well as year after year MN Department of Transprtation is exceeding the previous years number of road construction projects.

Traveling the country for business, people have no clue the quality of life that is happening in MN. Imagine a place where a person has seen no effect from the recession and without national news you would never have an inkling it existed. It's right here in MN. Jobs are everywhere for both college educated and non-college educated and it's not from an oil boom or some single industry. And since we are all boaters on this forum, lakes are literally everywhere. I used to complain in my younger days about living here until I traveled and realized how good we have it and it shows when the country experiences hard times and the state is unaffected. The county by county unemployment rate show many of the counties where the people actually live and work in the 3% and 4% range and the outstate areas drag the rate way up to over 5%.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Traveling the country for business, people have no clue the quality of life that is happening in MN. Imagine a place where a person has seen no effect from the recession and without national news you would never have an inkling it existed. It's right here in MN. Jobs are everywhere for both college educated and non-college educated and it's not from an oil boom or some single industry. And since we are all boaters on this forum, lakes are literally everywhere. I used to complain in my younger days about living here until I traveled and realized how good we have it and it shows when the country experiences hard times and the state is unaffected. The county by county unemployment rate show many of the counties where the people actually live and work in the 3% and 4% range and the outstate areas drag the rate way up to over 5%.

MSP is a nice town, I lived in ND for awhile and we'd go down to MSP now and then to get away, I'd live there in a heartbeat. The winter doesn't bother me.