I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I have a lot I could say as well, but will refrain...

But I can say, I retired as an officer from the Army and am currently working at a job for $12.00 an hour and have a ball.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I could go off on a rant but suffice to say I think American business is shootign themselves in the foot by putting so much pressure on their managers to make the quarter look good and not be concerned with the future.
With a publicly traded company, if you do not make the quarter look good there may not be a future for you or the company.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Schools not much better, I'm afraid. I just pent the last several years working towards and applying to medical school, and so far I'm o'fer for interviews despite having 3.9 GPA, hundreds of hours volunteering, great letters of recommendation, and applying to some 30 different schools in and out of state, etc... Sorry not good enough! My most recent rejection email (they don't even bother to send you a letter anymore) informed me that 6,600 students applied for about 100 slots at decent, private, Southern medical school, not Harvard, or anything Ivy League mind you. I did the math and that's about a 1%-2% ACCEPTANCE rate, which is actually pretty normal for most med schools. I even got rejected from a school where my family has 100 years of legacy (3 generations) in the medical school alone. Sorry, still not good enough. Shoot even one of my former Organic Chemistry professors got rejected from med school and he already has a PhD and has been published multiple times. Sorry, still not good enough.
The problem is that not only am I competing against my fellow students and coutrymen, but you now have to compete against the WORLD (literally). Thanks to the internet, it's just as easy to apply from Hong Kong as it is from Chicago. Med schools can and will give your slot to a foreign national in a millisecond. They essentially have an unlimited pool of applicants, not unlike employers, so everything is stacked in their favor. Not to mention the fact that everyone in the world wants to go to a US med schools. So it's essentially a one way bottle neck. But hey, the good news is that if I can manage to get into a school and make it through in one piece I'll be in debt for the rest of my life, and I'll get to live with the specter of being sued at every minute of every day.
The first thing my mentor physician ever taught me is that patients are NOT people. They are first and foremost a lawsuit waiting to happen. Sad, but true. I think an iboats member's ex-wife recently benefited from suing her current husbands doctor for over $15 million dollars! Sounds great until your malpractice premiums have to cover it and/or they pass along the burden to their customers. You see, the insurance company never looses a dime, they just turn around and charge their current customers enough to make up for the judgement and financial awards. So when jurors think they're sticking it to the "Man" at the insurance company, they're really just sticking it to themselves. Gotta love that "Free" market at work. You see, they call it that because they're "free" to do whatever they want to you, whenever they want and there's nothing you can do about it. Whoopie!
who knows though, I might actually get into a school, of course, I'm not sure how I'd pay for it. Anyone got $250,000 they're not using? I guess I could always resort to the latest method for paying for medical school in England and the UK. Guess what it is...........Prostitution! That's right boys and girls, medical school is so expensive in the Western World, that even in places like the UK where it is subsidized by the government, students are having to resort to selling their bodies just to get by. Shoot, I might even give that a try, but I'm too ugly and no one is gonna buy what I'm selling. LOL. Somehow bald, broke, boney and in debt up to the eyeballs is not as in demand as you might think. Go figure?
I wish it was funny, but it's really not. Our country is getting, older, fatter and sicker by the day and no one seems to care :/ Everyone complains of their foreign doctor, but no one will put there money where their mouth is and go to med school them self, or see to it that their kids do, and when those of that do want to make a difference try, we get rejected by our own schools, so we're back where we started with having to import and outsource our own doctors, engineers, etc....... What are we thinking!?!?!? Sorry I just had to vent!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 8, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Up here is Canada that is barely above minimum wage. In heavy construction, where I work even the person on the shovel makes twice that.

Note: I haven't been out of work since '95 in construction up here in Canada. It has always been very good to me.

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Not trying to inflame anyone but whats minimum wage down there. Up here in Canada it,s (I think) around $9-$13 an hour depending in what province you live in. To be offered $12 an hour for all those qualification is out to lunch for sure.


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Minimum wage is around $7-8 USD.

This experience as described by the OP sounds more like internal management issues, as the job requirements are mid-range to senior level and the pay was entry level, if that.I don't think the situation is reflective of the economy (it is not great, but improving), nor a company's desire to 'make the quarter'. That sort of mismatch is usually due to some sort of managerial delusion or incompetence or something. It also sounded like they were not forthcoming, in that along the way, they indicated that they would pay a "competitive" salary.

It is unfortunate experience, because any applicant for that type of position would have a salary expectation in the mid-to-senior levels.

( salary.com is always a good resource for competitive rates in your geography. )

Anyway, interesting topic, very unfortunate though.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 23, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I know nothing can happen on the H1B front until Monday, but I just wanted to make sure a couple of things were clear about their H1B filing:

1) They can't file for a open req. Meaning, they already filled the position, but tha person needs the visa.

2) If they offered that person $12/hr, then they have done nothing wrong (other than the moral obligation to be up front with you and not waste your time). It is their oigation to find an American who qualifies and will take the job at the rate they would pay to their H1B person.

I was in the software developement industry for 30 years. I can definitely identify with you on being hurt by H1B people.

Goo luck...


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I know nothing can happen on the H1B front until Monday, but I just wanted to make sure a couple of things were clear about their H1B filing:

1) They can't file for a open req. Meaning, they already filled the position, but tha person needs the visa.

2) If they offered that person $12/hr, then they have done nothing wrong (other than the moral obligation to be up front with you and not waste your time). It is their oigation to find an American who qualifies and will take the job at the rate they would pay to their H1B person.

I was in the software developement industry for 30 years. I can definitely identify with you on being hurt by H1B people.

Goo luck...

Well, yes and no.
The employer must state in the application that the wage offered is at least as high as that paid by the employer for the same type of job, the number meets or exceed the prevailing wage for the same job in the same geographical area.
That's not at all saying they are not lying through their teeth on the application. It happens a lot.


Feb 29, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I have a lot I could say as well, but will refrain...

But I can say, I retired as an officer from the Army and am currently working at a job for $12.00 an hour and have a ball.

I'm still a serving officer with the Canadian air force at the dizzying heights of Captain :) I won't tell you what I make because it's NEVER a good idea to upset a guy that used a high powered rifle as a profession. Suffice it to say that the Canadian military pays far better than it used to, thank goodness!! I do remember that when I joined in the early 80s as a private, my take home pay was about $300 a month!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

2) If they offered that person $12/hr, then they have done nothing wrong (other than the moral obligation to be up front with you and not waste your time). It is their oigation to find an American who qualifies and will take the job at the rate they would pay to their H1B person.

That's the thing.

According to the site that was linked to by another poster where I searched and found that they had applied for an H1-B for this position, the foreign worker will be paid in the neighborhood of 88,000 / year. That's still, IMHO, on the low end of the scale for this type of job, but given the economic realities of today, probably falls withing the realm of "fair".

Browsing through that site is a real eye opener. Mostly fairly simple, straightforward jobs. Definitely not the type of positions where you would expect them to be "unable to find a qualified American" to do the job.

Another interesting tidbit is that the job ad listed ability to obtain a security clearance as a requirement. This job doesn't have any need for that. This company, at least its offices in this particular city, does not do any business that would even remotely require that. It is my "educated guess" that it was listed as a requirement simply to discourage people from applying for the job.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 23, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

If the $88K job listed is the one you interviewed for, then it sounds like you have a legitemate claim. Good luck...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 10, 2007
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Do I not sense an oxymoron here, last time I looked non-citizens could not acquire government security clearance.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

I'm still a serving officer with the Canadian air force at the dizzying heights of Captain :) I won't tell you what I make because it's NEVER a good idea to upset a guy that used a high powered rifle as a profession. Suffice it to say that the Canadian military pays far better than it used to, thank goodness!! I do remember that when I joined in the early 80s as a private, my take home pay was about $300 a month!

1982 $26 and change per day, and to broke to give field pay.

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

The one that really gets to me is as bad as things are and plenty of experanced people who need work , out of the counrty firms are being hired to do infrastructure work


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Come to Minnesota. Our overall unemployment rate is just over 5% and lower for college educated folks.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

May will be my 32nd year as a Personnel Recruiter and I can say it's a darn tough market out here for almost anyone. All my job search assignments are for Very Specific backgrounds, skills, educational credentials and a Nice Smile! Then you throw in the 2 income families, upside-down real estate, shool children, price of gas for a commute, and it adds up to folks just can't relocate for a better job. So the only jobs you can consider are in a maybe 25 mile radius of home! It's tough, but there's ways to make a living! Good Luck!;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 24, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

On the opposite end, we've had trouble filling positions, $25hr positions. Only qualifications required is a CDL, can travel and dosn't mind work, full paid training. We've had unemployed people come in and refuse because; I've got kids and can't be gone a week at a time, I don't want to get dirty, I'll drive but don't want to do the field work or whatever or whatever.

When i was starting out I always figured it was best to be gone and have the kids with full bellys than be at home with hungry kids.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

On the opposite end, we've had trouble filling positions, $25hr positions. Only qualifications required is a CDL, can travel and dosn't mind work, full paid training. We've had unemployed people come in and refuse because; I've got kids and can't be gone a week at a time, I don't want to get dirty, I'll drive but don't want to do the field work or whatever or whatever.

When i was starting out I always figured it was best to be gone and have the kids with full bellys than be at home with hungry kids.


Glad I read your post first. ;)

I was just going to post, how the trucking industry, is SCREAMING for new and experienced drivers. $40k the first year, $55k and up the second year on. Sign on bonuses, etc.

Unfortunately, you did leave out one qualification for driving that is often a deal killer, for Americans wanting work - you have to be able to pass regular drug testing.

A driver shortage, does mean more money for those that want to (or at least are willing to) do the work.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 16, 2011
Re: I knew the job market was bad, but WOW!!!!

Do I not sense an oxymoron here, last time I looked non-citizens could not acquire government security clearance.

The last I heard that in Canada non citizens had to have work permits unlike here.