You need to come visit us in Nashville sometime. Good guitar shopping, plenty of hats and we can show you Alan Jackson's home. He's a big wooden boat guy.Looked concer Alan Jackson - good music. I liked his hat - we do not have in russia.
I was at a dinner a few weeks ago with a couple of Roy Acuff guitars on display, plus one of the Ryman Guitars. Very cool.Nashville is vintage guitar heaven!!!!
Thanks for inviting! I've never been in the United States. In Russia I have business. It takes a lot of time. I now can not go to rest: ( Five years later, my daughter will be able to help me to business, and I can go to visit you at 10 - 20 days. Buy guitar, buy a hat, put a tent on banks of the river and will rest.You need to come visit us in Nashville sometime. Good guitar shopping, plenty of hats and we can show you Alan Jackson's home. He's a big wooden boat guy.
I was at a dinner a few weeks ago with a couple of Roy Acuff guitars on display, plus one of the Ryman Guitars. Very cool.
Ha! I will look forward to hearing Alan Jackson songs with a Russian accent. I had a chance to spend a little time with some friends from Bryansk, and really enjoyed the music they played. I believe it was mostly Russian folk music.Thanks for inviting! I've never been in the United States. In Russia I have business. It takes a lot of time. I now can not go to rest: ( Five years later, my daughter will be able to help me to business, and I can go to visit you at 10 - 20 days. Buy guitar, buy a hat, put a tent on banks of the river and will rest.
I've got a '69 Martin 12 String, a Sigma Martin 12 and then a Peavey Electric (sorta' a Peavey version of the fat Strat). Not a huge player myself, but I do like to play. Living in Nashville, I get to see a LOT of excellent musicians.Drooooooool !!!! You may adopt and/or write me into your will at any timeGuitar is my first love/disease. I just got home form giving a lesson to a new student as a matter of fact. I also just got done rewiring my strat with a new switch and pots. Talk about and adventure :/ It looked so easy on youtube. I got it all sorted out eventually, but it was looooong afternoon of chasing weird grounds and cold solders. Thankfully, it was worth it. The ol' girl sounds better than ever! Of course, now I want new pickups. Yet another hobby that never ends........
Yeah, I'm more of a vocalist and liked the full backing of the 12 string. Have a friend who plays nothing but 4 & 8 string tenors. Crazy. I'm kinda' hankering' for a Telecaster right now. Don't really play enough to justify it though.2, 12-strings, whoa! That's cool. I was just trying to explain what it's like to play one to a student the other day. I'm a lifelong Strat guy myself, but I'd love an old Rickenbacker 12-string a la Roger McQuinn. They have such an interesting, crystalline sound.
Come visit - rest Russian! Guitar songs, sauna, vodka, barbecue!Ha! I will look forward to hearing Alan Jackson songs with a Russian accent. I had a chance to spend a little time with some friends from Bryansk, and really enjoyed the music they played. I believe it was mostly Russian folk music.
Come visit - rest Russian! Guitar songs, sauna, vodka, barbecue!
I rarely drink vodka. Vodka - evil! I love whiskey + Coke.Из того, что я понимаю, русская водка является довольно трудно на американцев!
I would love to see Russia someday, but I have to see Scotland and Sweden first (still have family over there).
Thank you very much! I am happy to be with family! :cheer2:happy birthday akyla!!! enjoy family and whiskey!!
happy birthday akyla!!!
happy birthday, my russian friend!
СПАСИБО! Я рад что вы меня поздравили!
P.s. я уже немного выпил и мне сложно писать по английски - простите пожалуйста!
THANK YOU! I'm glad you congratulated me!
P.s. I'm a little drunk and I find it difficult to write in English - please forgive me!