Hurricane Irma

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
latest has Irma walking up the gulf. strongest hurricane in the warmest gulf waters.


will be loaded up and truckin'


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
sent the old man an email, with invite, my sis and I both have large houses in WI with plenty of room for him and his dog to stay as long as needed. (and no worries of hurricanes LOL)
stubborn %$#%# won't leave. it wasn't bad the years before, as he was in a condo with storm glass and good shutters, now since retiring he lives in a mobile home 5 miles off the gulf.
tells me he has water and a life jacket in case it hits. :embarassed:


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I heard someone saying if she stays on that gulf track up the west side of Florida, she could make it into Georgia as a category 3!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Updated tracks keep pushing to the East ... that's good news! Might be a good party, Scott!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Hope it works out but still think your rolling the dice. These are nothing but predictions


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Election polls were more predictable.

Where are Jim Cantore and Mike Seidel? Stay away from them!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
My SIL just moved to Florida (Palm Beach Area) . . . this must be the welcome wagon :facepalm:

Florida may end up looking like Texas in a week or so. :eek:

Wouldn't be surprised if we see a major insurance co. or two go belly up. I have State Farm and things went up from last year's problems. In their annual report they said that they were afloat for the year only because of wise investing. The insurance part was a looser.

Glad folks are getting out and getting prepared beforehand. Hope those who need to get to higher ground get while they still can. Friends in Houston thought they'd stay but changed their minds.......after it was too late. Never again they said. Seems like they'll have the same type of support we (as was) had here. Surely are/were a lot of dedicated, unselfish folks banning together to fight the common enemy and it's not over yet....still flooding. I was born and raised down there. Had enough and moved to the Dallas area back in '68 after Sam got through with me....or I got through with him......The latter.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
It can't head east fast enough as far as I'm concerned ... Supposed to be off my coast on Monday ... This is the time you wish you didn't have pets ...
Got 9 dogs to deal with ...


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Irma is a generational storm.Im watching tv right now and NOAA is saying at the present cat of 5 she is still increasing in power.Jose is forming up behind her.Thinking of everybody in her way,hope everybody is safe .


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 17, 2016
I've been watching this storm as my cousin is in Jacksonville.

​I know so many of you are much lower in FL than she is, but I just wanted to send my best wishes for all of you..

​Please stay safe, and my best to you and yours!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 21, 2010
Lakeland (center of the state)area is short of gas and like other areas of the state very short on bottled water. I think this is the first time in 30 years I have seen people really paying attention to a hurricane. Irma is a monster storm right now and forecasts are getting much better!! Hope everyone is safe and hunkered down for this one!!

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
the news footage of Harvey is still fresh, hence the enhanced panic. don't really understand the water issue or the fights over water. most of us have a pool (toilet flushing supply) and we simply filled a bunch of jugs from the water faucet for the dogs/cooking and a bunch from the filter for drinking

most gas stations within 30 miles of 75 are without fuel. That is Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee, Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco counties that I know of. many co-workers took an hour or two to get gas this morning. however by this evening, most of the stations should be re-fueled along the highway. the stations further inland wont get fuel for a few days as the trucks are diverted to the I-75 corridor

the odd thing, Tampa bay was glass smooth last night and today as I crossed . usually there is a mild chop. guessing it truly is the calm before the storm


Jan 23, 2009
We're still watching the storm very carefully. I'm really glad to see the projected track sliding a bit eastward. If it stays off shore, it makes a tremendous difference in the amount of damage. Farther away means less damage. And over here, it could mean no damage at all. Keeping my fingers crossed, but prepping anyway.

My strong young buddy offered to give me a hand here today. That'll be much appreciated! :)

There's still plenty of gas available around here. Filled up my wife's car 3 days ago and filled my truck and a couple of cans the day before yesterday. Prices are up due to Harvey related shortages, but it's been that way for a week. One of my wife's coworkers actually got ripped off, paying $3.12 per gallon. That's 40 cents/gal. more than other places around here.

We stocked up on some canned and dry goods the other day, plus soda. Went to Walmart this morning and got a med I needed and picked up a few more canned goods and additional soda. The store was no busier than any normal Thursday but there was no water and the dried and canned goods were hit hard. Not much left.

Here's the Ramen noodles aisle this morning. ;) :lol:



Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
the news footage of Harvey is still fresh, hence the enhanced panic. don't really understand the water issue or the fights over water. most of us have a pool (toilet flushing supply) and we simply filled a bunch of jugs from the water faucet for the dogs/cooking and a bunch from the filter for drinking

most gas stations within 30 miles of 75 are without fuel. That is Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee, Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco counties that I know of. many co-workers took an hour or two to get gas this morning. however by this evening, most of the stations should be re-fueled along the highway. the stations further inland wont get fuel for a few days as the trucks are diverted to the I-75 corridor

the odd thing, Tampa bay was glass smooth last night and today as I crossed . usually there is a mild chop. guessing it truly is the calm before the storm

I lived in Tampa when Andrew went through Homestead. That one was forecast to go all over as well. Tampa was glass smooth than as well. Only thing we wound up with was a bit of storm surge. the water was almost to my doorstep when I got home from work.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Based on the current conditions of the hurricane I find it difficult that anyone who is going to be impacted by this storm wants to stay in place. Maybe I am a big chicken but I would he headed for the hills. If I had a boat in the predicted area to be affected I would be onboard headed west out of harms way.

friend on my forum just bought a new 65 footer a few weeks ago and double tied it and just landed back in CT.... Might be a short romance between those two. He ports in Del Ray

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
the news footage of Harvey is still fresh, hence the enhanced panic. don't really understand the water issue or the fights over water. most of us have a pool (toilet flushing supply) and we simply filled a bunch of jugs from the water faucet for the dogs/cooking and a bunch from the filter for drinking

most gas stations within 30 miles of 75 are without fuel. That is Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee, Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco counties that I know of. many co-workers took an hour or two to get gas this morning. however by this evening, most of the stations should be re-fueled along the highway. the stations further inland wont get fuel for a few days as the trucks are diverted to the I-75 corridor

the odd thing, Tampa bay was glass smooth last night and today as I crossed . usually there is a mild chop. guessing it truly is the calm before the storm

guess I didn't realize you were from the Tampa area. Next time i'm down visiting my buddy I'll have to let you buy me a beer. We go to Beer Can Island

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Beer Can has been iffy last few years. they dont allow open intoxicants, dogs, etc. so we now simply anchor outside of Jew Fish Key, just about 300 yards from Beer Can, stop at the Cortez Kitchen or the Swordfish Grill and burn fuel.