How much carpeting do I need


Jul 31, 2003
I got a 17.5 Ft Bayliner Capri I want to redo the carpeting to cover my beautiful Plywood floor. Seems a shame but the sides are a little ugly with fiberglass and old carpet glue. Now I did sand the glue down but its not all gone. That stuff is hard to get off. I will be using 4 folding bass seats instead of the lounge seats. <br />How much you think I need.<br /><br />Also<br />Should I make the two rear seats removable?


Aug 23, 2001
Re: How much carpeting do I need

First you will need a “outdoor” glue down carpet. That type of carpet has no backing like a residential carpet (doesn't hold water when it gets wet, dries fast). Home Depot and Lowes both have it. Most come in 12 foot widths. So measure the longest area in your boat to be carpeted then add 6 inches for waste. A must is the use of a outdoor adhesive. If you don't you will have problems when it gets wet. If you are doing all the areas (in your pictures) that was carpeted it will take you a while. I am a carpet installer and it looks like a challenge to me. Just the flat areas will be easy enough but areas that transfer from a vertical to a horizontal are a little tougher. One trick is to let the glue after it has been troweled on to “set up a little”. Meaning after applied let the glue dry a little so when you apply the carpet to the surface the glue grabs the carpet and will not let it slide around. Also make sure the carpet is very warm (easier to fold and bend or mold to the surface). Also make sure to roll all the carpet ASAP so that the glue is pressed into the back of the carpet for good adhesion. A last thing is to make sure to use the proper trowel. If you apply to much glue it will bleed through the carpet and show on the face. If that happens your job will be ruined.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 16, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

When carpeting I use the water proof glue and a staple gun. I glue it and put as many staples in to hold it just right.After the glue has dried for a couple days I go back through with a needle nose pliers and pull out all the staples. This is very helpful on areas that are not flat or areas that tend to bulge.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: How much carpeting do I need

You can get a “outdoor adhesive” off the shelf at HD or Lowes. They are the cheapest by far. If necessary you can use a staple or two to hold things in place till the glue sets up but only when absolutely necessary. Most times it will leave a dimple in the carpet after pulled out so you see why. Also make sure you don't stretch the carpet out of shape. A glue down carpet is installed like wall paper, glue the surface and lay it (carpet) on top of the surface. Stretching it will cause it to pull back or shrink as it dries leaving gaps around the outside edges. If you use the proper carpet (no backing makes the carpet bend real easy) and let the glue “set up” enough you should be able to stick it in place and it will stay. We do steps all the time with the stuff. When you have the glue right you can stick it and forget about it because it aint going anywhere.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

I will not use staples at all, when doing my carpet, it would be a shame after all the sealing up we desperatly try to do only to mess it all up with a few staples to let water leak in to our new work.


Jul 31, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

No way is a staple getting near my boat monel or otherwise. However I will do the sides and some upholstry as they will not be likely to get wet or if they rot I can replace fairly easily.<br />I like the way people are skipping around the subject that I originally asked. I know how to lay carpet more or less. :) The boat is 17 feet long and about 6-7 feet wide. There is a gunnel (the sides of the boat) I want to take the carpet up this. This is about 2 feet high and 10 feet or so long.<br /><br />Should I order the 6x23 or 8x 21? Will be 20 oz in weight. Light grey in color.<br /><br /> This or<br /><br /> This.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 26, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

After seeing the damage where the nails were put through to hold the rear seat down I will never poke any type of a hole thru my new floor !!


Aug 23, 2001
Re: How much carpeting do I need

6’ material will mean you will have a seam somewhere (“The boat is 17 feet long and about 6-7 feet wide”). I you must buy in these sizes (“6x23 or 8x 21”) you will need a 8X21 for the flat areas. As for the gunnels (“This is about 2 feet high and 10 feet or so long“.) you will need another piece for these areas plus pieces for the other stuff you plan on covering so a 6X23 for that. You do not want to put any seams in this type of carpet. They will stand out like a sore thumb and will come apart over time. So that is a 8X21 (flat areas) and a 6X23 (gunnels and other stuff) to cover all the areas you want to do. <br /> After you have to buy both pieces and pay for shipping the money will add up. Like I said before. Go to Home Depot or Lowes dam it. Save yourself a fortune. They have the same stuff in 12’ material. That means you can get a 12 X 17’ and 6”. Also you can go to the store and pick it up (no shipping costs), because it is 12’ wide you will have a lot less waist and if you run short due to a miss calculation or a future project you can just go back and get more.<br /> I hope this is what you need. <br />PS “I know how to lay carpet more or less.” Please follow the guide lines I stated before. I have 20 years in floor covering (I have also done many boats) and I am a Certified Carpet inspector ( Mark Robinson M.F.I -that's me.) If you do not I don't think you will get the result you are looking for. You have done way to much work to cover it up with a crappie carpet job.

cc lancer

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

Like I said before.<br /> Go to Home Depot or Lowes dam it. Save yourself a fortune. <br />They have the same stuff in 12’ material. That means you can get a 12 X 17’ and 6”. Also you can go to the store and pick it up (no shipping costs), because it is 12’ wide you will have a lot less waist and if you run short due to a miss calculation or a future project you can just go back and get more.

cc lancer

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

Lowes in Danville, Va. had a gray and a powder blue last week, I looked at it.<br />Starting on the floor at the base of windshield, measure back, this should cover the deck area. [12X 7 +2 +2+1=12X12. Then calculate how much more carpet to cover the other areas of the boat. At the base of the windshield, use a piece of scrape carpet to cover the front area and put a brass strip down to cover the seam.<br /><br />Now calculate how much will be needed to cover the other parts, as shown in your picture.<br />DO NOT order carpet, if it is on a roll, you will pay truck shipping rate. If they fold it, you will wish you had never seen it. It is a pain in the butt to get the wrinkles out.<br />Follow Marks advice, no way in the world would I put down 6 or 8 foot wide carpet, you will have nothing but a mess in the future.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 16, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

CC thats where I got my carpet, Home depot. I ran alittle short and just went back and got 4 more feet of the same stuff. They sell it by the foot in 6 and 12 foot widths. I spent less than $80 total on nice new 20+ oz berber indoor/outdoor carpet. And they have the water proof glue on the same isle


Jul 31, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

Darren is that berber hook proof or resistant?<br />I really want a 20 oz carpet but Lowes and Depot only have 13-14 oz wt.<br />I do like the grey there.<br />So much advice and I was hoping for a miracle. I need to measure and add 2 yards to that for overage. <br /><br />Also do I lay the carpet then put my pedestals in or do I make circles where the pedistals go?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

Originally posted by f_inscreenname:<br /> <br />PS “I know how to lay carpet more or less.” Please follow the guide lines I stated before. I have 20 years in floor covering (I have also done many boats) and I am a Certified Carpet inspector ( Mark Robinson M.F.I -that's me.) If you do not I don't think you will get the result you are looking for. You have done way to much work to cover it up with a crappie carpet job.
why do all the carpet guys INSIST on putting staples in boats? I wouldn't let a staple near my boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: How much carpeting do I need

a staple or two is all there is needed to let water in and f__K up the whole job.

jim dozier

Lieutenant Commander
Jan 8, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

I have a 17 bowrider I just redid the carpet in. I figured I would need 20 ft of 6 ft wide roll. Found a sale at for 25 feet of 6 foot roll. I ended up using every last piece of it. It takes more than you figure. Use outdoor carpet glue (the solvent based, not water based). NO STAPLES. Remove old glue with acetone and sanding. The finished product looked real professional.<br /><br />Marine carpeting is also available here at iboats.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: How much carpeting do I need

If you let the glue set up like I said you will not need any staples. Sometimes when you upholster something you will need staples like they use for seats (galvanized). The floor and gunnels should never see a staple. Like said before you don't want to let water in where it shouldn't be. <br /> [/quote]why do all the carpet guys INSIST on putting staples in boats? I wouldn't let a staple near my boat. [/QB][/quote]<br />Probably because most carpet installers are not boat re-builders and do not understand that a staple could mean bad news down the road. Next they have to make it look good so you will sign there ticket. What happens in a year (when most installers warrantee's run out) is not on them. If it came from the factory like that then it is just poor design and construction. <br />REALGUN <br /> A thought or two. First a lighter weight carpet will hold less water Period. And a “V” lock carpet will be as “hook proof” or better then you can get on-line. Also if you must you can order a 20oz of the same stuff or a 30oz and maybe a 36oz (depends on the manufactures line) and if you pick it up it should be there in a day or two. For not much more $$. Second is about sanding or removing the old glue. One thing is any glue remover is a solvent and you may have to worry about it reaction with (fresh) fiberglass. Just scrape down any trowel ridges with the flat side of a trowel and do not sand it off unless you have lung protection. You never know what is in that glue. With the boat industry it may even have asbestos. If it were me I like to knock off the edges with a flat trowel then wash out with a scrub brush.


Jul 31, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

OK I bought the 25x6 ft of the darker than I really wanted gray at the Home Depot. My little girl likes it better than the gray i wanted go figure she can draw and i cannot.<br />
Second is about sanding or removing the old glue. One thing is any glue remover is a solvent and you may have to worry about it reaction with (fresh) fiberglass. Just scrape down any trowel ridges with the flat side of a trowel and do not sand it off unless you have lung protection. You never know what is in that glue. With the boat industry it may even have asbestos. If it were me I like to knock off the edges with a flat trowel then wash out with a scrub brush.<br />
When I removed the Floor and was grinding all the stuff I took a 40 grit flap sander to the glue and sides of hull. If there is any glue left its going to hold up pretty well! I was in my hat, long sleeve shirt, long pants, shoes, socks and goggles. It was 90+ degrees and the best thing a mask like for painting/sanding. Let me tell you it gets hot with that on but I can still breathe. :)


Jul 31, 2003
Re: How much carpeting do I need

If you click my signature you will see the hatch cover that I redid with the new carpet. More will follow shortly.