How about that Tom Delay.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

It only took three grand jurys to get this indictment. the evidence must be real compelling.<br /><br />Frankly it doesn't matter what anyone here on these posts say. You judge your response based on your political leaning. <br /><br />Its easy to discredit sources such as powerline by saying that they are right wing wackos. Thats easy. Lets hear your 'argument' other than they are right wing wackos or Bush lied people died BS. these guys are very smart and provide incredibly good analysis on the issues, not emotion.<br /><br />As it pertains to Tom Delay, I have not heard anything on this post that would influence me to beleive this is nothing but a smear job.


Re: How about that Tom Delay.

TWO words: WITCH HUNT.<br /><br />They better be careful. The witch they find may be different than the witch they were witching for.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

My understanding is each grand jury is limited to a 3 month term. I'm surprised it only took 3 grand jurys with stalling tactics Delay has invoked. <br />For example Delay's proof that the indictment is political was because the indictment wasn't issued until the last day before this grand jury expired. Then we here from Ronnie Earl the reason why they waited until the last day was because they were hoping Delay would take them up on their offer to appear and take questions. When was apparent that he wasn't going to show, they inturn issued the indictment.<br />Now with the old grand jury having their term expired, the new grand jury took over and indicted Delay on the money laundering issue.<br /><br />By the way rogerwa who called the people at powerline "wackos"? I sure didn't. Just be these guys sit around in front of their computer dressed in their underwear all day and tell each other right wing lies doesn't mean their wackos!