How about that Tom Delay.


Nov 29, 2000
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Excerpti from Pwoerline and NRO:<br /><br />"Targeting DeLay"<br /><br />The editors of National Review weigh in on Ronnie Earle's indictment of Tom DeLay:<br /><br />Following the indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, conservatives are left wondering what to make of the charges. The answer is simple. The charges are absurd and should be thrown out of court. <br />Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle has charged DeLay with conspiracy to make a contribution to a political party in violation of the Texas Election Code. The alleged violation involved a money swap between the now-defunct Texans for a Republican Majority PAC (TRMPAC), which DeLay helped found but never managed, and the Republican National State Elections Committee (RNSEC). TRMPAC sent a check for $190,000 to RNSEC, and RNSEC then sent checks totaling approximately the same amount to Texas House candidates in October of 2002. Earle, a Democrat, calls this money laundering, because the money that TRMPAC sent to RNSEC came from corporations, which are barred from contributing to campaigns in Texas.<br /><br />Earle is wrong. Before campaign-finance reform, this kind of soft-money for hard-money swap was perfectly legal and happened all the time. In October of 2002, the Texas Democratic party did the same thing when it sent $75,000 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and received $75,000 back from the DNC.<br /><br />Also, as former Department of Justice official Barbara Comstock noted yesterday, “Had corporations sent money directly to the RNC or RNSEC, the transaction would be legal. How could anyone conspire to do indirectly what could legally have been done directly?” Earle considers these transactions illegal because he thinks they should be, and he’s convinced a grand jury to play along with him.<br /><br /><br />In addition, DeLay denies that he had anything to do with the (legal) transaction at issue. It strains credulity to think, as Earle apparently alleges, that the House Majority Leader was involved in the day-to-day mailing of checks by this PAC.<br /><br />Here is the full link to the attributed article. <br /><br />There is a ton of analysis on this subject that points to this as simply a partisan show. What I have not seen is where he indeed violated the law and any shred of evidence other than scare tactics to prove it.<br /><br />Maybe it will all be clear when the movie comes out.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Sure glad to get that Unbiased report from the National review :rolleyes:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

You can bet Ronnie Earl has a pretty iron clad case against Delay. Not only is Delay one of the most powerful politicians in Texas but the whole Country. Earl has been gathering evidence for at least a couple three years and he wouldn't have gone this far if he didn't have the goods on him. By the way it was the Grand Jury that issued the indictment, not Earl.<br />All I know is I'm going to have a blast the next 3 years watching some of the top Republicans try squirm out of their legal improprieties and if the Democrats can get the House and or Senate back after the mid term elections and in the process having won subpoena power, maybe we can have us a good ol fashioned Presidential impeachment! Not a symbolic impeachment like lying for getting oral sex. I mean some real meat and potatos style of impeachment, like treason, sending our troops to war based on a whole string of lies. <br />For all you political junkies out there these next few years should be very interesting.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Never let the truth or facts stand in the way of your agenda, eh jimonica? Desperate people resort to desperate measures is more than just a trite expression...ain't it?<br /><br />Sinking ships make odd noises.<br /><br />Glub, glub.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

The finding of guilty or not guilty is irrelevant. Delay is now damaged goods, but rest easy. There will be another mouth-breather to replace him. <br /><br />Hopefully the replacement will not be so self-righteous as to make one gag.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

What truth, what facts, dogsdad? If your getting info from the right wing online chat rooms such as Powerline or the National Review Online like rogerwa,I'm afraid your facts and truth is going to be just a little skewed. <br />I would hope if your conservative you would at least quote some more legitimate conservative news source, such as The Wall Street Journal, Ruppurt Murdoch's New York Post or even the Reverend Sung Yung Moon's Washington Times and to make our info even more legitimate perhaps you could name the reporter that is willing to put his or her name behind your accusations. The only right winger I've seen willing to defend Delay is a conservative bomb thrower named Ann Coulter.<br />You see my only agenda is what is good for my Country, and yes, you are right, I'am desperate. We need to change the directions this Country is going. Every since Bush took over things have gone to hell. In fact I can't think of one thing that has gotten better since this regime has been in office.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

What facts? Well, those facts are scewed and biased, so they don't count.<br /><br />C'mon, Jimonica. This is an attempt at political lynching and you know it.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I will make you all a 100% iron clad guarantee.<br /><br />EVERY POLITICIAN COULD BE INDICTED FOR SOMETHING.<br /><br />DeLay will be found not guilty cause he is smart enough to keep his name out of the dealings.<br /><br />He did nothing more than every other politician has done.<br /><br />Ken


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Originally posted by JB:<br /> What facts? Well, those facts are scewed and biased, so they don't count.<br /><br />C'mon, Jimonica. This is an attempt at political lynching and you know it.
That's a screwed and biased opinion.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 15, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Well there you are TX. I was wondering where you was. Thought maybe you were out selling more water to the hurricane victims or on the road with Cindy Sheehan.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Why don't you explain the "facts" to all us not so informed as you..........But maybe all my facts are wrong and you can supply me with the right set of facts.
<br />Still waiting.. :rolleyes:


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Originally posted by dogsdad:<br /> Never let the truth or facts stand in the way of your agenda
Truer words have never been written,<br />About the red party's tactics during their reign of terror, er power during the last democratic presidency.<br /><br />
Desperate people resort to desperate measures is more than just a trite expression...ain't it?
And so the republican party is resorting to any measure possible to try and turn this trainwreck around.<br /><br />
Sinking ships make odd noises.<br /><br />Glub, glub.
Shows just how terrified the republican power trip is becoming. Resorting to babble, since it can't stand on solid ground to defend itself.<br /><br />I would hope DeLay is innocent, but I would suspect he is not. At the very least he is obviously guilty of not eliminating the appearance of impropriety, shame on him. And I suspect that even if he is truly guilty, and is convicted, that he will either be given a slap on the wrist and a "Just don't do it again." Or if he really does receive a legitimate punishment, baby bush will exonerate him, or have one of his cronies pull a favor.<br /><br />Pitiful, just pitiful that this is what our government has come to.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Undoubtedly another attemp to get to Bush. They haven't been able to get to him so they continue trying to whittle away at the edges.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Boomyal, I can't say that I disagree.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

And some of you did not think you would miss me. Look over 36 strikes in only one day. Gotta run now maybe next weekend I will bring you more news, and troll and rant a bit. Don't you all feel better now.<br /><br />EDIT: Deleted personal insult.<br /><br /><br />But then again he lied and how many died. Oh yeah no one. Over 2000 dead Americans now and counting.<br /><br />I was too late on the water deal no one was home, and Sheehan is not my type. I supported her right to protest but now time to move on. And if I had been one of the Presidents advisers I would have advised he would have sent someone out to bring her into the house, give her 15 minutes with no press and send her on her way. <br /><br />You guys all have a great week. I have 4 evacuees at my house still so think I will go to Dallas for a week of lecturing.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Originally posted by txswinner:<br /> Where is JB, Ken, Oddjob and all you hard right wingers when I want to argue. Did you guys move to the left. Your brain activate or something.
Well Hello TXSWinner,<br /><br />All I know about Delay is the dems been after him for quite some time. Now he's indited for criminal conspiracy....whatever that means. Tell me some facts and maybe I will argue some. I'm disconnected from the net at home. So I like to keep my responces short. <br /><br />Yeah I noticed dock side rather flat last week. I'm only gonna continue to send at least one troll a week but I still may respond to others threads. You know I cant resist responding to insults and such against the American life. I'm gonna try to lower the tone some and leave the blood pressure to someone else. I'm even trying not to use that dirty word ( l#b#r#l) in my posts anymore also. Peace Brother.. :)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

If DC has seemed flat without trolls, flaming and outrageous accusations, then good, that's the way we intend it.<br /><br />Civil debate is always welcome. This thread has sounded too much like a barroom brawl.<br /><br />As for "facts", they will be presented in court and either contribute to the decision or be disallowed as irrelevant.<br /><br />If what you seek is a screaming fight, TXS, go somewhere else to find it.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I have no idea whether he will be convicted or not. It's a tough case to prove.<br /><br />What is ironic and even comical is Delay's protest that he is the victim of some partisan smear...The very thing that is the stock and trade of how Delay works.<br /><br />And the underlining issue is truly troubling, in that redistricting to guarantee a particular party wins is not what the founding fathers envisioned--I know both sides have done it in the past, and it is wrong, no matter which side is responsible.<br /><br />Use reasonable geographic boundaries, and live with the result.