How about that Tom Delay.


Jul 27, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I just love how anyone here who pokes their finger in the eye of the neo-con/Bush agenda gets called a troll. The second response, less than an hour after the original posting, drags out the old troll sign. And of course, from looking at the original posting anyway, txswinner didn't do a single one of the things that, according to the description, defines a troll. A neo-con sympathizer could throw out a post just like that one, but disparaging some democrat, and he would NEVER see the troll flag thrown out like that. EVER.<br /><br />As for Delay, same kind of hypocrisy. Any leading democrat that had piled up the ethics violations and other track record that Delay has would be hearing the neo-con hounds at his heels 24 hours a day. Rush and all his ilk would be yapping on and on about it, and every dittohead from here to Alabama would just know for certain how guilty the guy MUST be, if Rush said so. And would he get a free pass from the neocons just by saying that everyone does it? Or by calling it a partisan smear? Not hardly! Jeez, the repubs spent years and who knows how much $ trying to pin Clinton down for some crooked real estate deal and hilary's questionable cattle trading ( which probably every single wealthy American is guilty of somewhere along the way...). And in the end, they could only hang an extramarital BJ on him. Anyone here believe there was no partisan motive behind THAT mess?<br /><br />Of course there is partisanship behind it. And at least it proves that the dems might actually have the balls to play by the same partisan smear playbook that the neocons have been reading from for years. Of course, being dems, they'll probably roll over and blow it in the end anyway, since they do seem to be the Party of the Loser. Still, if a corrupt old boy fat-cat demagogue like Delay can be made to feel some heat for awhile and not just get away clean with EVERYTHING he and his pals ever thought up, then so much the better, as far as I'm concerned. Corrupt partisan hacks of any stripe are not going to be good for the country if left to have their way for long. If he was a rotten old democrat with a comparable track record, I'd feel the same way.<br /><br />Oh and lest you all forget, acquitted in court does not necessarily equal INNOCENT...<br /><br />Get out yer troll sign, guys...


Aug 8, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I think I could live with that suggestion, soon as Illinois is redistricted fairly. The state is the most blatantly gerrymandered collection of districts in the solar system---at least as far as I know.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Thats the fun part PW2, defining what is a "resonable" boundary.<br /><br />Can you define it?<br /><br />Ken


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Ken,<br />A start would be to throw out the political demography and use other criteria, like population, straight lines, area. Anything but political census.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Politicians are like babies diapers.Both need to be changed often and for the same reason.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Here are the Ronnie Earle political investigations I was able to find in the Fort Worth Star Telegram archives:<br /><br />U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R), 1994<br />State Rep. Lane Denton (D), Waco, 1993-1995<br />State Rep. Betty Denton (D), Waco, 1993-1995<br />House Speaker Gib Lewis (D), Fort Worth, 1992<br />State Rep. Chip Staniswallis (R), Amarillo, 1990<br />Attorney General Jim Mattox (D), 1985<br />Ronnie Earle (D) (himself), 1983<br />State Treasurer Warren G. Harding (D), 1982<br />State Sen. Gene Jones (D), Houston, 1980<br />State Rep. Mike Martin (R), Longview, 1981<br />State Sen. Gene Jones (D), Houston, 1980<br />Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Yarbrough (D), 1977<br /><br />Nine democrats (including himself) and 3 republicans. Of these twelve, only 2 were acquitted (Hutchinson and Mattox); the rest were either convicted, plead guilty, or plea bargained for a lesser charge.<br /><br />Earle does have an obvious political agenda, it is to get corporate contributions out of politics. The grand jury had good reasons for returning an indictment against Delay.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

an WOODRAT,, you also forgot that the post right from getgo was threatened to be ZAPPED ..


Mar 7, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Nice shooting woodrat. You shot at several targets and hit them all. ;) <br />
Nine democrats (including himself) and 3 republicans. Of these twelve, only 2 were acquitted (Hutchinson and Mattox); the rest were either convicted, plead guilty, or plea bargained for a lesser charge.<br />
Why jtexas, you ought to know better bringing up relevant facts contrary to popular opinion. :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

And the point of this thread was???<br /><br />Bush is the President. He can't be re-elected. History will record him as the man that saw his Dad's Points of Light in the heavens and took us to war to prove it.<br /><br />Tom Delay is possibly like an unfortunate quantity of politicians, they subscribe to the Richard Nixon concept; "I am not a crook".<br /><br />If he's guilty, then hopefully the courts will decide that in an unbiased opinion. <br /><br />If it's political tomfoolery to take a pot shot at the Republican party, then hopefully the voters will be provided the opportunity to decide.<br /><br />Otherwise, in the meek words of Rodney King..."Can't we all just get along?" :)


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Tom Delay was indicted again on a second charge just yesterday.<br />It is the same no matter what level politicians are on.They truly believe that they can get away with murder.They also believe that the electorate is stupid enough to let them get away with it.It is the fault of the person who votes republican or democrat no matter what the candidates are like, that allow these crooks to exist!


Jun 19, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

My definition of a troll is...the spoken or written word directed at an audience. <br /><br />Like saying hello to a passing stranger. <br />Some folks respond with the same and a smile ( confident). <br />And some cant even make eye contact( dont know about those folks ). <br /><br />Its not what you say but how you say it. Most of us are grown up. <br /><br />My opinion about the Delay deal?...I think the democratic party relish the idea of continual attacks against the Bush Presidency. The last attemp in NO is backfiring 10 FOLD.<br /><br />Lord, even I never hated Clinton or the dems (and the liberal voting Mcain) that much......but I'm working on it. I've spent/wasted alot of time debating liberals (face to face) other than this forum. One think I learned being out numbered here in the city with our diversity and all.....I could never make a point to most of them because I couldn't speak over them wheither I was out numbered or not. Then one day I says," quit trying to persuede people with facts that only you know or believe. In the eyes of hate...calm persuation or debate is a weakness to them and they go again and again to force the last word. <br /><br />I like to be soft spoken as much as possible. I wont be bullied with hate and cliches and combative words. Its easier to fight or slam back. <br /><br />That way, when the "middle of the roaders" or undecided witness the exchange they wont know who to believe so they will stay away of the voting booth or hopefully start paying attention to learn the score for themselves. <br /><br />I know some folks here have explained that there above all that while they cleverly slam the one's "myself included" that their above and calling them trolls. They are ALL trolls!..mine included...if we really want to debate...its how we say it , not what we say.<br /><br />Take care and I'll troll you later :)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

DeLay formed a political action committee (TRMPAC) that played a little fast & loose with the state election code. <br /><br />rogerwa quoted a National Register article that was basically correct - the original indictment was based on a law that hadn't been passed until after the aleged infraction. <br /><br />But yesterday's indictment for "money laundering" is a valid charge; there's a trail of documentary evidence that can't be ignored, of funds flowing from corporations to candidates for state office.<br /><br />roger's article says DeLay "formed but never managed" TRMPAC; an opinion, not without merit. It's clear DeLay was heavily involved in fundraising, but less clear he was involved in management aspects. His name is all over TRMPAC literature. Guilt by association? Well, the association is clear, the guilt will have to be determined by a jury.<br /><br />oj, naturally the dem party relishes the idea of taking down a high-ranking repub, it's in their job description (a little joke there). But this Travis County DA has held that office for 28 years, and he's gone after dems with as just as much energy as he's attacking DeLay; call him overzealous, call him misguided, call him Bubba if you want, but to call him "partisan" is a little, well, partisan. IMHO.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I will delay judgment on DeLay. Get it...delay, DeLay ;) ;) <br /><br /> :D <br /><br />Ken


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Ken,<br /><br /> You can't pass judgement then withdraw it. You said earlier that DeLay is guilty of what all other politicians do. You gave a "100% iron clad guarantee that all politicians are guilty of something." Now you want to "delay judgement of DeLay?" What exactly is the definition of "is"? Sound familiar? :p <br /><br />And you conservatives say only Dems play both sides of the fence. Now what?


Jun 16, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

I ran across this article today. It has some interesting quotes.<br /><br />"The use of the rarely invoked conspiracy law suggests that prosecutors are getting ''very inventive'' in their case against DeLay, Bass said."<br /><br />"DeLay defense attorney **** DeGuerin believes the new indictment replaces the first. But District Attorney Ronnie Earle, in a statement released Tuesday, said prosecutors would press ahead with all three charges, and the final decision would be resolved by a judge."<br /><br />It sounds like they are just throwing up whatever they can find and hoping something sticks.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 3, 2004
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

It's a vast left wing conspiracy against Tom Delay.


Aug 8, 2003
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Originally posted by Twidget:<br /> <br /><br />It sounds like they are just throwing up whatever they can find and hoping something sticks.
Whatever the verse, whatever the stanza, this is the name of the tune.<br /><br />Glub, glub.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 4, 2005
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

Looks like the Dems are finally learning how the game is played. You keep the opposition on its heels by bogging them down with legal charges and hope they get sloppy and you can get something to stick. Lets see the Republicans investigated a 20 year old real estate deal, 20 year old billing records, they investigated Bill Clinton's haircut, they even spent a million dollars investigating the White House Christmas card list. I guess they thought there was something partisian about the names on the list. The investigations the Republicans conducted on Clinton are too long to go over here. But do you notice a difference between the charges, the Dems stick with acts of official business, while the Republicans will grasp for anything personnal as well as business.<br />The only reason we don't have full blown Presidential investigations is because the Repubs have control of both houses.<br />Unfortunately we may never find out just how crooked this White House is until after they're out of office.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: How about that Tom Delay.

And lets not forget ...Clinton did alot of personal investigating also....with Arafat waiting in the next room. ;)