Tarpon's wife.... this is Dangers wife.... My husband made the mistake of reading the post in front of me so I thought I would respond... funny thing is you will most likley never see it if your husband is like mine.. hiding his umpteen million lures, spoons, flashers, hootchies, downrigger balls, nets, tackel boxes, reels, and on and on and on.... my husband must have at least 30 rods.. Oh those are just the ones he keeps on the boat....the rods don't bug me near as much as the TONS of other things that only cost $5 (yeah right)! I have been to Lunkers and seen the Cabelas web site heaven forbid the man ever get let loose in that place it's also the fish finder (oh and btw next year he will want another one because geeeee the one he has is 2 years old and dosen't have the new graphics or some weird excuse like that) then there is the new VHF raido, the GPS, the line the fish can't see ( hmmm ya think it really matters)? and who took a poll to see if these fish can see this line or not? Oh and the led core because the other rods may not be what he needs at that particular moment...Then you have down riggers that, well it would take to much effort to crank maually so he gets the electric ones.. Then theres the planer boards, and if thats not enough he needs inline plainer boards because the big boards dont act right in waves. a new down rigger board for his electric downriggers, and then a fishing arch with a bunch of do-dads attached... by the way that takes more ROD HOLDERS which he has a ton of already so this means more rods, reels since he has more places to put them, more line, tackel... He keeps these spoons for his salmon dangling around like it was some kind of Christmas tree. Then theres the extra outboard motor because I guess one engine isn't enough....The main reason I wanted to post was to let you know I'm right in this with ya 100%... <br /><br />Holy Cow!! she does go on doesn't she? <br /> Guys, I only have 27 total NOT 30! 8 rods for riggers, 5 for ledcore, 6 for dipsies and 4 med action spinning rods for Steel & Salmon on piers & rivers. I also have four deepsea rods w/senators and jigmasters for down south and 4 ultra lights for perch and blue gill fishing. I have about 6 rods hanging on racks that don't have reels at the moment.. ok 37 rods! Taking into consideration I DON"T ICE FISH thats not too bad. It's not like I'm buying evry blinkin fishing rod I see.