Re: Honda Nightmare
I need to clarify something and the mechanic concurs with me. Oil is very honey like in consistancy and it will get almost watery as the temperature builds and the 1000th gap probably held pressure under the hose test but not after running for fifteen minutes with the weight of gear and two adults etc..the pressure is lower and the temp is lower and the oil viscosity when the prop is hanging in the air..the prop in the water and the resistance,hence higher oil pressure created is way way higher than a hose test....very simple...<br />Ever added a heavier grade to stop a leak, or used STP oil treatment...ever had 30w in your old toyota in California and drive in 110* weather and seen a new leak etc etc ..Oil changes viscosity under temperature...this is auto repair 101<br />i missed nothing here....I need to clarify something really important that bears me out...there was no slick initially when we heading out You motor slow in the harbor and then throttle out after the breakwater....AFTER the motor seized and as it got light we were sitting in a huge slick of oil in the water off Moss the time someone threw us a rope and we were tied up it was about 30' circle like slick and unbeleiveably embarrassing...we were towed in the the harbor leaving a plume all the way in. This is the Monterery Bay Sanctuary and I am was humiliated to be leaving oil in the water and being towed with a Honda on the back...I immediately took it to MBM the service manager and I initially thought it was gear oil ther was so much all over the this day its still all over the shaft with dust hi liting it...<br />The service mgr found the FILTER TIGHT BUT LEAKING OIL out the bottom, his jr tech found the nipple unuusally high...and the story goes from there<br />guy..reread my posting again...we tested this on the hose for ten minutes and in gear with witness...This also refutes the first guy at the CR dept that I dealt with telling me over and over in a smug and patronizing way "sir , you didnt add oil to your motor" Its right on my initial repair order from MBM, " possible gear oil leaking, filter tight" its right on the notes. I missed nothing...if anything I think Im seeing a lot more than is meeting the 'professionals' eyes.<br />The notes " filter tight" and the leaking oil PROVES I did not screw up a no brainer oil change that I have done dozens of times...If it said filter loose....on my repair order then yes ther is a point but it doesnt....the oil warmed up under pressure and under load it slipped out and leaked ...very plain very , simple...the service managers observations bear this out out..<br />I keep hearing indirect comments that the Honda field tech has made that the motor can run for hours on a thimbles worth oil ....if so why did my motor seize and why wont Honda honor my warranty?<br />The bottom line here all I did was to change my oil as outlined in the service manual, and catastrophically lost that oil at sea, into the sea and everywhere else...the first words out the mouth of the Service Mgr is this is nothing you did sir..we found the nipple too high.."<br />I did everything right, tested more than diligently and fortunately there were four people standing thier and I had the direct attention and assistnace from very credible witnesss'<br />You cant say I didnt screw the filter tight beacuse the repair notes back me up. You cannot say I didnt add oil because there again is noted the leak on the service order and witness to the slick the residue etc. You cannot say I didnt test it for I did in front of witness and can prove it.<br />So where does Honda stand? They cant even give me a reason why they are denying me. They wont put it in writing..which is another documented peculiar lack of professional due process and fairplay that is aggravating but legally ,really in my favor in the long run . This venue is about technical issues and boating and problems with motors and service issues and invariably there will be some issues over service problems and the way it is being handled..this would have been blasphemy to me a year or two ago for I thought Honda was the greatest...unfortunenately thier own CR and service people think so too to the point they are turing a blind ear and eye to the reality and enormity of this problem I have.<br />This is the exact and proper venue to discuss and air evry bit of the problem....this is that I did not create...this is the farthest thing in the world from SPAM ...and I know in my heart skinny water et al that if you were in my shoes and being honest to a fault, you would be infuriated over what you would have gone throught to date. <br />Again I had the entire staff of the MBM crew around me oneday shaking thier heads over this they were very frustrated on my behalf for they felt this was a simple oil change and there was nothing I could have screwed up on this.They were frustrated that after a month of having my boat they were not taken seriously by the CR group at Honda and could not get me a new motor like they felt I deserved. I will present this as part of the overall story in court. If Honda Marine makes me go to court, win or lose, I will plaster the fishing community with my story and photos at shows and the internet...I did evrything right and can prove it. I went throught the system with the reps and factory and have not been treated fairly and can prove it too.