Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!
Haut said:
I'm sorry, I thought this discussion was about whether florescent bulbs consumed less energy than incandescent.....My bad!.....:$
No, actually this discussion is about an australian ban on incandsecent bulbs. Nobody is saying they don't save energy, but no, they don't save much.
JB said:
Your math is skewed, ZmOz.
Not at all.
JB said:
First of all, the flourescent replacement for a 60 watt IC is 10 watts, not 20, so they use half of the energy you state.
False. The fluorescent equivalent of a 60 watt incandescent is 15-20 watts. 10 watts is
NOT a comparable replacement. A typical 60w bulb is 900 lumens. A typical 20w CFL is around 1000-1200 lumens. A 10 watt CFL is around 500 lumens. All the compact fluorescents you find at the store labeled "60 watt replacement" are either 14, 15, or 20 watts.
JB said:
Second, you state that the FL life is shorter than an IC. Not in my house, it isn't. My original reason for switching was that ICs were lasting about 6 months. The FLs have lasted 8 years, and the last time I bought some they were $3.69.
So your house is representative of all fluorescent bulbs in the world? I believe you live alone, do you not? That will have a huge effect on how often the bulbs are turned on and off, thus increasing thier life. Premature failure is a very common complaint with CFL bulbs. As I said, I have a huge box of them, all different brands, at least 20, that have failed LONG before the 5-10 years/5-10,000 hours printed on the packaging. If they lasted as long as they claim I would have never had one burn out, ever.