Hey mates, Ya better stock up!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

JB said:
The fact is, however, that I have probably saved over a GRAND, using 10 watt (not 20 watt) bulbs instead of 40-60 watt ICs and changing several a month.
Ahhh. but a true analysis would include what you lost by not investing that initial installation price differential into the market or something similar . . . The only way to honestly evaluate the economics is by Net Present Value (NPV). I am guessing that the real economics benefit is very small, if any, when NPV is taken into account.

I am on the fence in this discussion. Very complicated to really get to the bottom of it as you also need to compare the benefits to landfills (less bulbs) and also the environmental differences of production of each bulb. Also, I tend to resist any governmental mandates that force me to buy one technology over another. I kind of poked around on the net before I made this post and there is lots of conflicting stuff like anything else.

I guess if the cost is a push (NPV) and there is any net benefit, without any cancelling negatives, I could be in favor of a mandatory switch. Also, if there is an initial hit to anybody on a fixed income of any significance (I mean this in regards to any legislation) then there needs to be a finance package available to those who need it to lower the initial hit.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

I mean this in regards to any legislation) then there needs to be a finance package available to those who need it to lower the initial hit.
HMMMMMM.....Light bulb medicare........:)


Aug 13, 2003
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Haut said:
I'm sorry, I thought this discussion was about whether florescent bulbs consumed less energy than incandescent.....My bad!.....:$

No, actually this discussion is about an australian ban on incandsecent bulbs. Nobody is saying they don't save energy, but no, they don't save much.

JB said:
Your math is skewed, ZmOz.

Not at all.

JB said:
First of all, the flourescent replacement for a 60 watt IC is 10 watts, not 20, so they use half of the energy you state.

False. The fluorescent equivalent of a 60 watt incandescent is 15-20 watts. 10 watts is NOT a comparable replacement. A typical 60w bulb is 900 lumens. A typical 20w CFL is around 1000-1200 lumens. A 10 watt CFL is around 500 lumens. All the compact fluorescents you find at the store labeled "60 watt replacement" are either 14, 15, or 20 watts.

JB said:
Second, you state that the FL life is shorter than an IC. Not in my house, it isn't. My original reason for switching was that ICs were lasting about 6 months. The FLs have lasted 8 years, and the last time I bought some they were $3.69.

So your house is representative of all fluorescent bulbs in the world? I believe you live alone, do you not? That will have a huge effect on how often the bulbs are turned on and off, thus increasing thier life. Premature failure is a very common complaint with CFL bulbs. As I said, I have a huge box of them, all different brands, at least 20, that have failed LONG before the 5-10 years/5-10,000 hours printed on the packaging. If they lasted as long as they claim I would have never had one burn out, ever.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Haut said:
HMMMMMM.....Light bulb medicare........:)
Nice try, but no. Again, if the government forces you to buy something that previously was less expensive, especially if it is fair to consider it a necessary thing (low-emission pleasure-craft would not necessarily be included) then they need to come up with some sort of package to lessen the hit. Imagine if you were required to switch to a more efficient air conditioning system for your home tomorrow. It is easy to understand how that might hurt somebody, hell it would hurt most of us. To me the thought that "well hey, it's only $10" is dangerous . . . I also don't want some knucklehead, on his 75th Birthday, in an ivory tower, deciding what I can or can't afford . . . ;)

P.S. Yes, I know that "knucklehead" contradicts my position on calling elected officials traitors . . . 8)


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

to late, the gubment' has had a program for chicken farmers here for about 10 years, if the farmer will change the bulbs they (the gubment) will pay for the floresent replacements

Do the floresent keep the chickens as warm?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

QC, 8)
Yeah but he voted against it before he voted against it.....d:)


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Coors said:
50 light bulbs? You live in an Al Gore size house?:%

No but each fixture in my house is either a 3 or 5 light fixture, so that adds up fast.

I added it up and its about 30 total.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2002
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

We have a lot of track lighting in one room. I noticed since I have been using the new style lamps in them the room stay A LOT cooler in the summer. The A/C doesn't have to fight all the filament bulbs heat.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

technostingray said:
"Politics makes strange bedfellows."(The Best Man, 1964)

Ray, where do you get all this stuff? Rumor has it that you have an encyclopedia for a brain. Is that true? 8)8)JR


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Better look out OMR, Ray thinks you and I are one and the same. :p


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

I hate changing bulbs, so when one goes, a fluorescent goes in its place. My porch light has lasted about 7 years now. Have a year or so on the other ones in the house. I might save a little oney on the power bill, but just not having to screw with changing bulbs as often is fine with me. I have noticed no difference in light quality, just had to get used to the slight delay when turning them on.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Haut said:
Yes, but did you conserve electricity?
I believe that is the point......:)

Oh, with that comment, I'm sure Algore will renew your membership in the party for another year.:=

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

Sorry, I still fail to see how conserving electricity is a bad thing.....
Al is lurking for the 2008 nod, btw......;)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

I do believe that moist environments (please excuse my use of that word) drastically shorten the life of compact flourescent bulbs.

I have tried every variety, in a number of locations and find them to be considerably less reliable than incandescents. I have been in my house for 18 years and still have IC floods that are original. Granted, they are not in places that we let burn for hours on end, but they work when we flip the switch.

In areas that we use constantly, floureescents have been abysmal, both in quality of light and in durability.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

crunch said:
Better look out OMR, Ray thinks you and I are one and the same. :p

Hmmm Bro Haut thought I was Boom n' Ray thinks I'm you? Hmmmmm. 8)8)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Hey mates, Ya better stock up!

A rather dubious distinction...
If you will.....;) :)