Re: pic of work so far
Re: pic of work so far
OHh on the transom , splash well there you will never guess what i used to sand it ??? My brand new blet sander i go for christmas !! hahaha yea i know , but i had to , with me shoving all the glass behind there it was all uneven , and just put the sander on low and took most of it off , then saved the last for the sander !!
the transom splash well was on of the worst spots , the dash was another spot, where i filled the holes with the wood , and i still have to fill , On the lower left side i have some more plugs ready to get cemented in there !!
then the bow was another spot that was really bad !! not so much now still got some more sanding to do here , in fact when i was cleaning up there are a few spots all over that i need to hit again , nothing major just touch up !!
and then the spot over on the starboard side where the window mounts on the side here i need to hit a little more , but the top is smooth , really smooth !!!
Re: pic of work so far
OHh on the transom , splash well there you will never guess what i used to sand it ??? My brand new blet sander i go for christmas !! hahaha yea i know , but i had to , with me shoving all the glass behind there it was all uneven , and just put the sander on low and took most of it off , then saved the last for the sander !!
the transom splash well was on of the worst spots , the dash was another spot, where i filled the holes with the wood , and i still have to fill , On the lower left side i have some more plugs ready to get cemented in there !!
then the bow was another spot that was really bad !! not so much now still got some more sanding to do here , in fact when i was cleaning up there are a few spots all over that i need to hit again , nothing major just touch up !!
and then the spot over on the starboard side where the window mounts on the side here i need to hit a little more , but the top is smooth , really smooth !!!