Re: Does Gas Vent Prevent Water?
I'd double check that fact. Adding fuel will dilute the amount of water, by reducing the ratio of water to fuel. This can improve things, however gas and water do not mix. Water won't simply 'dissolve' into the fuel.
If we are talking E10 gasoline, It Absolutely will!
Easily demonstrated.
Take a quart jar, Add 8 ounces of E10 gasoline.
Add 10 drops of water, notice that it pools on the bottom.
Seal and shake the jar.
The water dissolves. Gone! Clear gas!

Repeat his 3 to 5 more times.
Eventually the water and alcohol in the fuel will drop out of solution. (Phase Separation!)
The fuel will now be very cloudy with a layer of water on the bottom.
Now, Add another 8 ounces of fuel.
Seal and shake again. The Phase Separated Water and Alcohol Re-dissolves. Clear fuel again!
This is one of the fuel myths that keeps getting repeated, nobody questions, But is NOT True!