Do you think you will change after this Corona thing has been defeated?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
My commute time has increased. I keep stumbling over rolls of toilet paper on the way to the head.

I've only gone out a few times over the last couple of weeks and each time there is less and less traffic. With Atlanta in lock down, morning and evening rush hours are nonexistent out here in the 'burbs. I yearn for the good old days when traffic reporters were squeezed for time telling us where the freeway choke points were.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 12, 2008
Wow....just wow. It is amazing that some are still in denial. .Putting pandemic in quotation marks is unnecessary and actually shows ignorance of the word. The situation in which we all find ourselves is described perfectly in one word ... pandemic. Look it up in any dictionary, it actually seems tailor-made. :)

2) Been through similar viruses? Exactly when? There has never been anything like this on a global scale. The speed and range that this has been spread speaks to the travel levels worldwide and how easily these pathogens migrate.
# you ain't seen nothing yet. # in a war # invisible enemy

[h=2]Just how bad is the 2018 flu season?[/h]
Excluding the swine flu pandemic of 2009, the worst flu outbreak on record occurred in 2015, during which 710,000 U.S. citizens were hospitalized and 56,000 U.S. citizens died. The current flu season is on track to easily equal or surpass those numbers.

Did the World get LOCKED DOWN? Nope, people hardly knew of the Virus.

I had it in 2018, knocked the crap out of me for 5-6 Days. Worst one in my 50 some years.

I never get the Flu Shot,

I believe that "It" causes the Most Problems.

#1, They never seem to "Hit" the right Bug.

#2, My body has been through a Very Similar Virus, sure Covid 19 is different, but not entirely. It is a Adapted/Morphed version of a Virus from 25 years ago.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I was a firm believer in not taking a flu shot until a couple years ago . I got it really bad for around 2 weeks.. A month really...
Took it the following season .. Haven’t had the flu since ...


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Just talked to someone who came back from FLORIDA.-------He did say there were numerous cars with NEW YORK plates on the road and heading south.-------So if you are in a state that is " clean " now, then watch out.----The Yankees are coming.------Is this how the virus spreads ?----Are authorities in control of this behavior ?------Myself I left town once in the last 2 months for 1 day only.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
the only good thing...... the East Coasters tend to favor the eastern shores of FL along the I95 corridor. the west side of the sunshine state gets canadians and mid-westerners.. about 900 Million of the states winter population are snowbirds. However to date there is nothing to curb these folks from coming from New York to Florida.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Just talked to someone who came back from FLORIDA.-------He did say there were numerous cars with NEW YORK plates on the road and heading south.-------So if you are in a state that is " clean " now, then watch out.----The Yankees are coming.------Is this how the virus spreads ?----Are authorities in control of this behavior ?------Myself I left town once in the last 2 months for 1 day only.

There is NY and then there is NY. My part of NY STATE is about as far away from NY CITY as anyone can get. We all have the same licence plates.

I have neighbors that own second homes in FL. We used to have relatives in FL. Not every Yankee is going to FL to get away from the virus.

In NY City the population is probably closer together than any place in the world, except for maybe India. In my part of the state, we have some urban, but it is mostly rural. By today's count, the positive tests for Covid-19 was about 1 person in 5000. The county I live in ha now reported its 4th case.

I'm not worried personally. And I'm not going to FL either. Based on the numbers I'd be more likely to get it in FL than in my part of NY.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
nearly every job I have had I had a long commute. When I worked for Omniquip-Textron (Lull and Skytrack), my commute was 60 miles in Wisconsin (about 62 minutes door to door normally). I often made it to work after driving for 3 hours in a snow storm only to find out as I am pulling into work that they are announcing a plant closing.

those are the reasons I moved to where you can not shovel anything but pollen.....right now, shoveling pollen.

After we had a blizzard in 77' there was no way I could drive to the plant the day after the storm. I went to the closest bus stop and saw guys walking in the middle of the road, no busses today kid. I walked the 6 miles to the plant from our home only to find the plant was shut down. The plant VP was in my office and he asked me what I was doing there? I was a lowly receiving clerk. I spent the next 24 hours clearing snow from railway switches. I was able to take the bus home that next day. When I came back they asked me to join the graduate trainee program. My 1st year my salary went from $12,000.00 a year to 25K a year.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
People heading anywhere should look at C19 maps of every state they'll drive through and the destination state.

Some states are putting traveling New Yorker staters into 14 day quarantines. I don't think it's right and overreaction, but that's the way it is. Only parts of the upper west coast of Florida have no cases and some lower central counties where gator testing is lagging.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
I know how big New York state is !-----All I am saying is , that there is little control on how the virus is spreading and allowed to spread !----People who have the virus do not wave red flags to indicate that they are a carrier.-----One infected person coming into your town / restaurant / pub / rest area is all it takes.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
After we had a blizzard in 77' there was no way I could drive to the plant the day after the storm. I went to the closest bus stop and saw guys walking in the middle of the road, no busses today kid. I walked the 6 miles to the plant from our home only to find the plant was shut down. The plant VP was in my office and he asked me what I was doing there? I was a lowly receiving clerk. I spent the next 24 hours clearing snow from railway switches. I was able to take the bus home that next day. When I came back they asked me to join the graduate trainee program. My 1st year my salary went from $12,000.00 a year to 25K a year.

Oh how I LOVED the blizzard of 1977. My car was broken into the day before and my window was shattered. That morning it was at the glass shop being repaired. My boss lived near me and agreed to take me home at 5:00PM.

At noon the shop called and said the car was finished. The boss said BS, I'm taking you now and then going home. But, I said, the wife is a block away and I need to take her home too. He said call her she's coming too. We all got home by 1:00 PM.

I had a blacktop driveway and the wind blew right down the middle. In 4 days of storm I literally never picked up a shovel.

In contrast the old lady next door had a drift up to her second floor window. We had to dig her out and give some of our food.

My first son was born 9 months later.

As I said, I just love blizzards...

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
Oh how I LOVED the blizzard of 1977. My car was broken into the day before and my window was shattered. That morning it was at the glass shop being repaired. My boss lived near me and agreed to take me home at 5:00PM.

At noon the shop called and said the car was finished. The boss said BS, I'm taking you now and then going home. But, I said, the wife is a block away and I need to take her home too. He said call her she's coming too. We all got home by 1:00 PM.

I had a blacktop driveway and the wind blew right down the middle. In 4 days of storm I literally never picked up a shovel.

In contrast the old lady next door had a drift up to her second floor window. We had to dig her out and give some of our food.

My first son was born 9 months later.

As I said, I just love blizzards...

Wasn't that a time we will never forget. I had a link to a site that was a compilation of news reports from WGR and WBEN the day of and afterwards. I just went to open it to give you as I know it would be interesting and unfortunately is no longer up. Just the day before my girlfriend and I played hooky and we went skiing at Holiday Valley. We left for home around 4PM and stopped into see my aunt and uncle that live on Bryant St. We left just in the nik of time. We were oblivious about the storm until we got to NT. The blizzard chased us all the way to Hamilton. I always wonder if we stayed overnight and got stuck in Ellicottville what would have happened. Free skiing and starvation? We didn't get it anywhere close to you guys and it was bad here but we dug out in 24 hours, you were stuck for days. My Noni was in her 80's and stuck on Payne Ave and I remember my great uncle who was your Fire Chief then arranged a snow mobile to bring her meds and food. It was heart warming to see the entire Western NY stick together. Now it seems like NY is getting bad press over this thing today. When in doubt blame Buffalo.

As for a baby boom 9 months from now that is gonna be tricky if you must stay 6 feet away from another person.
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Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Actually, it only snowed a few inches during the time period. It was the high winds that was the problem. Lake Erie had several feet of the white stuff on the ice and the wind blew it all onto land. With prevailing southwesterlies it all went to Buffalo and Canada was spared the brunt of it.

I was born in Buffalo but but moved to the northern suburbs at a very young age,. My wife is from Niagara Falls and they hardly ever get any snow.

I slid the cover back a bit today and was sitting at the helm making boat engine mouth sounds. Only a couple more weeks now. The docks at the launch ramp should go in my the 15th. Not long now and we won't be talking trivia any more.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I ran the 115 on muffs today so I could hear and smell a 2 stroke. I know a few guys that are fishing Ontario for Browns now. I'm going for Browns as soon as my fishing buddy and I finish this quarantine. I sharpened hooks all day. I can't respool until the bait shop is open. Can not wait.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Western Australia in complete regional lockdown. Police authoritised to fine (up to $50,000) and turn back anyone trying to cross regional boundaries.

And interstate travel has been ban for about a week now. If the spread rate doesn't start dropping soon, they'll be imposing suburban restrictions.

I find it completely irrational that in this time people are still trying to defy these limits.

I also find it completely insane that people here are trying to compare this to previous pandemics, like the 1918 American caused 'Spanish' flu, or the latest flus and things like. The difference with this virus is it's transmission rates, it is HIGHLY contagious....3 times more than the 'flu'/common cold...



More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Chris - One thing too many people never have enough of isn't toilet paper, it's common sense.

That may be the case, but at the moment, the one thing lacking is any sort of sense, common or otherwise.

I am also finding it 'interesting' that countries like S.Korea and Japan, who've had a high number of cases are now on top of it and the number of cases per day is dropping off, quite rpaidly. Having traveled and worked in those countries I can also tell you that the citizens are far less disrepectful of government orders. Those people were told 'stay at home', and they did, now they reap the benefit of that obedience. Yet the citizens of countries like yours and mine, whose attitude is 'the government's not going to tell ME what to do!' are in a shed-load of pain. And while citizens of western countries continue to defy, it's only going to get worse. When are people going to either wake up, or pull their heads out of the sand (or somewhere else!) and LISTEN AND OBEY! Your/our government is saying 'stay at home' because it's good for you, and the economy and your fellow citizens. Are people really this selfish and self-centred as to not care what they inflict on others? I saw the violence and gang mentality after Katrina, and it horrified/scared/depressed me... Don't let that happen again!

STAY AT HOME! (and that means AT HOME! No friends over for a BBQ, no parties, no family gatherings)

It won't be long before there's a new hashtag, #isolateordie

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Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Do virus's like this just appear out of nowhere or are they caused by mishandling or man made mishaps ?
If it's the latter then how about we stop that first ....Just thinking ...


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Do virus's like this just appear out of nowhere or are they caused by mishandling or man made mishaps ?
If it's the latter then how about we stop that first ....Just thinking ...

This particular virus, from my latest readings, came from bats. A lot of our illnesses have come from bats. As far as their biology is concerned, they are similar enough to ours to make a bat-borne virus close enough to be able to use human body cells for their reproduction. It's called 'cross-species transmission', 'host-jumping', spillover' or 'inter-species transmission'. We have seen this before, in swine-flu and avian influenza, just to name a couple. Once in a human host a small genetic mutation is all that's required for them to flourish in us. From there, a bit of quick and diverse air travel and you have a pandemic.

Most man-made viruses (virusi?) aren't robust enough to survive for very long. There are exceptions, but they are usually derivatives of a naturally occurring virus anyway. And they are more often used in gene splicing and to fight disease, not create it.

Jump onto some of the better medical journal sites. The 'mass media' isn't covering this aspect of it very well. Also, the search for a treatments and vaccine is interesting in how they are searching for existing drugs to help... The techniques and tricks they use are straight out of science -fiction, but it's working. Apparently some old anti-malarials and existing TB vaccines, even HIV treatments are looking promising. But we are still a LONG way off a vaccine. At the moment, all we can do is treat symptoms to give the body's immune system a chance to develop antibodies.



Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Last time i was around a lot of other folks was a superbowl gathering at local pub---Feb 2.----- since then I have stayed home away from public places.-----Grocery store a few times.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I use Weather Underground for my weather. A recent change is the addition of C19 data for your county. It's only for US locations. This part of the info for my location.


Plug your Zip Code in the Search Locations box to get your local weather and C19 stats. Clicking on View WunderMap under your county stats brings up a large map and moving the cursor over a county shows the stats for the county.

Y'all be careful! and watch for the early signs. Losing your sense of taste or smell are some of the earliest signs, before you start showing feeling bad.