Do you think you will change after this Corona thing has been defeated?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
I’m looking forward to the roaring twenty twenties !!
Scott ,if you make popcorn , make enough for all of us ..
‘Just wash your hands first ... :joyous:

I use acetone to clean my hands.........

This is not the first global pandemic, this wont be the last.

I will add this year so far:
the current Influenza A has killed over 111 thousand people globally....... not considered a pandemic.
Malaria has killed over 224 thousand people globally........ not considered a pandemic.
3 million have died of general communicable diseases (big general category by the WHO)....... not considered a pandemic

for some reason, 400k people infected and 17.8k deaths is a global pandemic and mass panic ensues.

is it scary...... yes, however only because we allow it to be. is it 10x more deadly than the flu..... no* (except for a minority of demographics with underlying medical conditions AND in certain age brackets)

so.....turn off CNN, turn off social media, fire up the popcorn......

im on my 3rd run to the liquor store for 2 weeks supply.


Jul 10, 2012
Yes. I have a growing respect for our state govenor - Cuomo. For all his warts he seems to be shooting straight and has a handle on the severity of the issue. Come November, if he's up for election, he's got my vote.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the Federal Govt as living in NY it seems there is still an inexplicable ignorance of how bad this really is on the Federal level. I will remember this as well and will be voting.

As for personal stuff...I rarely shake hands as well, I have a poor attitude (it's on my annual review). I'll probably be more prone to keep more on hand - food, snacks, etc - as I have (3) young boys and they can eat. Also spend a bit more time with my parents once its safe - my boys want to see Grandma/Poppa and it's killing me to say NO. On that front we thankfully got my parents and ipad a while back so we've been Facetiming with them to keep everyone safe.

I will take a moment to thank all of those on the front lines. My cousin is a MD in Watertown NY on the front lines - yes they have cases there too. Take a minute to thank your local grocery store clerk, nurse, doctor, police, fire, etc - they don't get to say no and stay home.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
* Piddlydink threads like oil, whale tails and bearing buddies warrant popcorn because those topics can get humorous. Nothing funny about out state of the world today and threads should be conducted with sincerity.

* Acetone is a serious health threat if used on the skin and will cause a violation if an OSHA inspector observes its use. Its better to use benzine because it cleans the skin faster.
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Guys - We can talk about COVID19 all we want. But political opinions must be kept to yourself. Please remember.

The front line deserves all the respect. They are sacrificing their own safety and some have paid the ultimate price. Just reported today here in Georgia, two health care givers passed last week One single mother nurse was found during a police welfare check. She was gone 12 - 16 hours when police found with her 4 or 5 year old son.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
I'm not a social person (Like many) I prefer time alone or with the better half. That said I tried to go to sam's club last Friday and what I saw going on there ( by the mostly 55+ crowd) scared me, the hoarding, the lack of respect for personal space and the just plan irrational behavior was horrid. When someone said some TP paper products where being brought in people acutely ran with there carts to that area and put as much in there carts as they could despite the signs and the fact that there fellow humans might need some(by the way this was all those rolls of the large commercial TP you know those big rolls that they use in rest areas and such) The display was that of a near riot. Very scary, I'll bet a lot of those people call them selves Christians


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
I'm not a social person (Like many) I prefer time alone or with the better half. That said I tried to go to sam's club last Friday and what I saw going on there ( by the mostly 55+ crowd) scared me, the hoarding, the lack of respect for personal space and the just plan irrational behavior was horrid. When someone said some TP paper products where being brought in people acutely ran with there carts to that area and put as much in there carts as they could despite the signs and the fact that there fellow humans might need some(by the way this was all those rolls of the large commercial TP you know those big rolls that they use in rest areas and such) The display was that of a near riot. Very scary, I'll bet a lot of those people call them selves Christians
Out here where we are, it has been very orderly at the Costcos and the Sams clubs. That being said, not going near any of the big box stores for awhile. Our local grocery stores are fine.

Florida is likely behind the curve quite a bit from the other big states dealing with this. Reality is just now hitting home. I spoke to my brother who is an RV full timer right now and in Florida. Just a week and a half ago he was still thinking about flying out to CA to visit his kids! Thankfully, we were able to talk him out of it


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Dealing with a new strain of this virus is always a scary and frantic exercise. I have seen many more devastating viruses in my time in the Military. Flying into a country with aid supplies can be very intimidating, I did that for some time in my Military years, the one that scared me the most was Ebola.

I got to see a lot of world wide hot spots from not only the ground, but while I was at my last duty base in the DC area and national leaders are not responding any worse to this one than has been done in the past, our prominent medical persons know what they know, but until they actually have to deal with it, they don't know as much as the public would like to believe they know..

As with the many before this one, we will get through it and we will again learn what the right thing and most of all what the wrongs things were and then they will start planning for the next event with little knowledge but a lot of heart and desire to keep it under control.

I salute those on the front lines, you have my respect, people are scared right now, which leads to irrational behavior.

Hunker down and make sure you are doing your best in this fight.


May 26, 2018
When someone said some TP paper products where being brought in people acutely ran with there carts to that area and put as much in there carts as they could despite the signs

I ordered a bundle using our store's online app, just to avoid that part of the store, and get one bundle set aside during off hrs stock up time.

I only wanted one 12 roll bundle, but the min dollar amount on the app made me order three. I pick up tomorrow. I'll see if they will restock the two I don't need. I'm no hoarder, I just don't want the fight in aisle 12.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
What does your doctor say about using acetone to clean your hands ??

I was interested in making home made hand sanitizer. I Googled it and found all sorts of home made hand sanitizer recipes. I found that not done 100% correctly it will cause other health problems. As alcohol is 98% of the solution children may get alcohol poisoning. The scientists in the loop recommend not making it at home.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
I was interested in making home made hand sanitizer. I Googled it and found all sorts of home made hand sanitizer recipes. I found that not done 100% correctly it will cause other health problems. As alcohol is 98% of the solution children may get alcohol poisoning. The scientists in the loop recommend not making it at home.
Depends on the type of alcohol. If you use wood (methyl) alcohol, you will get poisoned. You won't with ethyl alcohol.


Sep 14, 2008
Depends on the type of alcohol. If you use wood (methyl) alcohol, you will get poisoned. You won't with ethyl alcohol.
About 30 years ago I was at an auction where the local school district was selling surplus items. In a moment of weakness when no one bid on a half a pallet of cases of mimeograph fluid I bought the whole lot for a couple of bucks. Over the years I used it for parts cleaning, burning brush piles, removing shellac and so on. I just remembered yesterday that I still had a few gallons stowed away at my other shop. Next trip up I will bring a gallon or two home and soak paper shop rags or even paper towels and may use it for disinfectant wipes. 50/50 mix of isopropanol and methanol, looked up the MSDS.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Ah, the smell of mimeograph fluid while spending time in detention making copies. Crank, crank, crank over and over again. After all these years I can still recall the smell.

Wearing gloves might be a good idea when wiping stuff or your hands will dry up.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 6, 2012
I always have at lest a quart of Acetone, MEK, and paint thinner none of which has caused anything to happen yet when I use it to clean my hands, legs, arms. Though I wouldn't recommend bathing in it


May 26, 2018
I was interested in making home made hand sanitizer. I Googled it and found all sorts of home made hand sanitizer recipes. I found that not done 100% correctly it will cause other health problems. As alcohol is 98% of the solution children may get alcohol poisoning. The scientists in the loop recommend not making it at home.

I bought a bottle of cheapo Ever Clear. 95% Ethanol. No health hazards...other than over indulging. I used it to top off partial bottles of sanitizer. The ratio is fine, but the fumes give me a buzz.